
Is It Worth Paying a Business Coach? A Comprehensive Analysis

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article |Is it Worth Paying a Business Coach? A Comprehensive Analysis

Running a business can be an exhilarating journey, filled with triumphs and challenges alike. As an entrepreneur, you’re responsible for making crucial decisions that can impact the success of your venture. In such a dynamic landscape, the idea of hiring a business coach might have crossed your mind. But is it really worth the investment? Let’s delve into the pros, cons, and considerations surrounding hiring a business coach to determine whether it’s a decision that can truly benefit you and your business.

Understanding the Role of a Business Coach

A business coach is a professional who offers guidance, mentorship, and advice to entrepreneurs and business owners. Their expertise can span various domains, including strategic planning, leadership development, marketing strategies, and overall business growth. Business coaches bring an external perspective that can be invaluable for tackling challenges and seizing opportunities

The Pros of Hiring a Business Coach

Hiring a business coach can be a transformative decision for entrepreneurs and business owners. In the dynamic landscape of business, where challenges and opportunities are constantly evolving, the guidance and expertise of a seasoned professional can provide invaluable advantages.

Tailored Guidance

One of the most significant advantages of working with a business coach is the personalized guidance you receive. Unlike generic advice found online, a business coach tailors their recommendations to your specific situation, considering your business’s unique strengths and weaknesses.

Expert Insights

Business coaches often come with a wealth of experience and knowledge. Their insights can help you navigate complex situations more effectively, enabling you to make informed decisions backed by expertise.

Accountability and Goal Setting

A business coach can help you set clear goals and hold you accountable for achieving them. This level of accountability can boost your motivation and keep you on track toward your business objectives.

The Cons of Hiring a Business Coach

While hiring a business coach can offer a wealth of advantages, it’s essential to consider both sides of the coin. Just as there are pros to enlisting their guidance, there are also potential drawbacks that entrepreneurs and business owners should be mindful of. Financial investment and compatibility concerns are among the factors that might lead one to question the decision to hire a business coach

Financial Investment

While the benefits are evident, hiring a business coach comes with a cost. It’s essential to evaluate whether the potential gains outweigh the financial investment, especially for startups and small businesses with limited budgets.


Not all business coaches will be the right fit for you and your business. Compatibility in terms of communication style, values, and approach is crucial for a productive coaching relationship.

Key Considerations Before Hiring a Business Coach

Before embarking on the journey of hiring a business coach, it’s crucial to approach the decision with thoughtful consideration. While the idea of having a skilled mentor by your side is enticing, it’s essential to lay the groundwork for a successful coaching relationship.

Clear Objectives

Before seeking a business coach, define your objectives. Are you aiming to enhance leadership skills, develop a marketing strategy, or improve overall business operations? Having clarity will help you find a coach with expertise in the areas you need most.

Research and Background

Take the time to research potential business coaches. Look into their experience, client testimonials, and track record. This research will give you a better understanding of their capabilities and whether they align with your goals.

The Verdict: Is it Worth it?

After weighing the pros, cons, and considerations, the question remains: Is paying a business coach worth it? The answer depends on your individual needs, resources, and goals. If you’re willing to invest in your growth, value personalized guidance, and are open to learning from an experienced mentor, a business coach can be a game-changer.


In the rapidly evolving business landscape, seeking guidance and mentorship is a sign of wisdom rather than weakness. While the decision to hire a business coach should be made thoughtfully, the potential for accelerated growth, improved decision-making, and enhanced leadership skills make it a venture that holds substantial promise.

How to Choose a Business Consultant

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Choose a business consultant|How to Choose a Business ConsultantSelecting a business consultant who meets your needs as a company can be challenging. It’s critical to know where to start and to go step by step until you find the perfect fit. Whether you’re seeking assistance with high-level strategy requirements or a specialized, problem-solving expert to enhance your SEO or product-sourcing operation, here are a few tips to guide you.

1. Use the Networks You Already Have

Using your current networks can speed up the search for a business or management consultant. Generic evaluations or reviews are less trustworthy than a referral from a coworker, partner, or another business owner who was in a comparable situation. Inquire with your contacts to find out if they know of any specialists in the area who can help with your particular issue.

2. Look Into Specialized Markets

Check out specialized online marketplaces that can help you find consultants by area, topic, and budget. There are plenty of helpful websites. Use social media sites like LinkedIn to expand your search. Usually, a consultant’s expertise can be determined by how many referrals they have received. Look closely at the top results after searching for terms associated with your problem.

3. Ask Questions

Do not be afraid to ask questions about your consultant’s experience, methodology, and—most importantly—the results of their consulting work. Your consultant may give you a unique perspective on the long-term effects of adopting their recommendations. They help you look beyond the immediate benefits.

4. Ask About Their Background and Credentials

Examine the consultant’s résumé, education history, and industry-specific credentials. If they are eager to research new learning opportunities and update their skills, that’s a positive indicator. Ask about their practical experience. Do they know anything more than you if they are a consultant who just graduated from college? Consider seeking advisors who have effectively owned or managed small firms, large corporations, or relevant departments.

Make sure their background relates to your industry. Even though a former bank CEO may seem impressive, do they have the skills and background necessary to make your cupcake shop a successful small business? They might, but this consultant might be a better fit if your company is also looking at a former restaurant owner who now earns a living helping small eateries grow. Look for experts who have experience with firms and your industry.

5. Check Out Their Track Record

You want a consultant who has succeeded with businesses similar to yours, not just one with the necessary experience. Request references and ask for the consultant’s portfolio or list of the companies they have worked with. Find a consultant with experience in growing businesses that are very similar to yours or helping businesses overcome the types of issues you are facing. You can then get in touch with those firms to find out if they were happy with the consultant’s services.

6. Create a Contract

Once you have the right person for the job, you must ensure that you have a defensive contract. A good contract must entail the following:

    • The start and end dates
    • Work and payment milestones
    • The consultant’s activities in detail
    • The level of support after the end of your engagement
    • Reasons to void the contract
    • Options to extend your contract

If you’re looking for a business consultant, take advantage of the above tips to find the right one. While there are many options in the industry, they aren’t always suitable for you. You must research before signing a contract.

5 Transformational Benefits of Consultancy Services to Your Business

StrategyDriven Business Performance Assessment Article | 5 Transformational Benefits of Consultancy Services to Your BusinessAccording to recent studies, incorporating professional services into business management is one way to achieve your objectives fast. This is possible by choosing the right business consultancy services in your area. Besides understanding the ways to improve your operations and motivating your workforce, companies such as FTI Consulting can serve your business interests in other ways. This guide explains the transformational benefits.

Designing a Plan With Realistic Goals

Every entrepreneur has specific goals to achieve in a specific time frame. A plan is crucial in achieving these goals. By working with a consultancy service, you get an avenue to create a plan that will help in meeting your immediate and future goals. They work with you and ensure you understand how designing a plan is crucial in achieving realistic goals.

Focus on Core Business Capacities

It can be a challenge for a business to analyze and focus on its core operations and service delivery capacities. Working with a consultancy firm helps you know your capabilities as a business and how you can focus on getting the best from your efforts. Consultancy services allow you to work with specialists, instructors, and other professionals that ensure you focus on core business capacities to positively transform your venture.

Increases Cost Effectiveness

It might take you months of investing in your workforce to determine their capacities and ensure productivity. This, in the long run, means spending more than planned. The case is different for working with agencies like the professionals at FTI Consulting as they use their expertise to train your workforce and get the best from them within weeks. You also pay for the services rendered and avoid the extra costs of educating and training your employees.

Fills In Knowledge Gaps

While you expect your workforce to give out their best, the knowledge gap present can make it hard. Their strengths and weaknesses can conflict and create a knowledge and skills gap that needs filling. Working with a consultancy service helps you identify these gaps and provide guidance on ways to fill them. They also help identify experts you can hire to fill the knowledge gap and achieve your business objectives.

Catalyst for Change

A business can struggle to identify the changes it needs to make to achieve its objectives. A business consultant sees things from a different perspective. You need a different insight into the problems to come up with solutions. By hiring and working with a business consultant, you get a catalyst for change. They help you embrace the changes and ensure you transform your business for the better.

The decision to look for and work with a business consultancy firm is a step toward transforming your venture positively. By understanding the related benefits, choosing the right consultant is easy. The explained benefits should encourage you to look for and work with one today.

New Career Changes Often Need Assistance

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article |Career Change|New Career Changes Often Need AssistanceMany people work at a job they do not like, to say the least, which makes them want to get up for another day of work and feel real sadness and frustration at the beginning of the week. Now, we are working from home, but this may not always be the case. Soon the 9-5 will return…possibly. In some form.

The reasons for this are many and varied, from the precarious political situation, through the fear of going out into the world of job interviews again to the fear that they will not be able to find a new job at all, and especially not one that will offer the same conditions as the current job. However, whatever the reasons may be, the very fact that a person chooses to stay in a job he does not like may cause more harm than its monetary value. Plenty of people have been laid off during this pandemic and unemployment is rising everywhere. With you can see how.

Self-realization and love of the profession are necessary for every person and are not interchangeable. Therefore, over the years, a selection of types of personal training have been developed, designed to help create career changes. What is the same career training for change and how can it be used?

What is personal training and do I need it for a new career?

Before examining personal coaching focused on the career field, it is better to first examine what personal coaching is all about. Over the years, it has evolved into other areas as well, relying on different methods, whether psychological and cognitive or spiritual. However, this is not a psychological treatment, as personal training is not meant to understand the trainee’s past and motives or change their personality. Personal training helps a person set certain goals and objectives, and with the help of the coach strive to achieve them. Therefore, personal coaching can help in many areas, from relationships and family to profession and career.

It’s time for a change!

Personal coaching in the field of career is usually divided into two main types – career retraining or professional advancement. When the current job is restrictive and does not match the employee’s dreams or goals, then it needs to be changed. If you have your own business, then other goals and objectives must be set than if he wants to continue to be an employee but engage in another field. When changing careers, coaching can focus on the smallest details, including upgrading and changing resumes, conducting job interviews, registering for studies required for the new profession, business guidance, contacting business start-ups and more.

If you want to advance in the company in which you work but are not successful or know how to do it on your own, then it may be time to troubleshoot. What skills do you have? What skills do you need? Listen to your intuition and heart, as it is better to change your mind at first, than to walk the path you are unsure of in the guide. If you are unsure, you can ask for recommendations, whether from previous customers or friends or acquaintances from your family. It’s time for a change.

Checklist for Influencers: questions for sellers, coaches, leaders, change agents

Most of you are really good at what you do: as influencers, sellers, coaches, change agents, or leaders, your intuition, excellent skills, and history of success guide your ability to facilitate change for your clients. And yet… Using conventional models and questions – both designed to drive the predisposition of the facilitator – it’s inevitable that your interactions will have bias, and will unwittingly restrict possible outcomes accordingly. Here’s a checklist of questions to help you determine the extent of your bias:

When attempting to influence someone (as sellers, leaders, etc.) can you be certain that your natural assumptions, unconscious expectations, and goals play no/little role in biasing or restricting the outcome?

Are you aware of, and make allowances for, your full range of biases? Can you think of the role your biases play that might predispose outcomes?

Can you think of any of your Communication Partner’s (CP) biases that were overlooked but ended up determining the outcome? How do you manage your CP’s biases, triggers, filters, and assumptions to expand choice and possibility, and avoid unconscious resistance, fallout, and restricted results? (Not to mention lost sales and difficult implementations.)

Do you know what you’d need to do differently to enter a conversation without bias or assumptions to facilitate your client in determining their own systemic parameters?
Are you aware how your curiosity and questions are subjectively biased toward the goal you think you need to reach – and 1. potentially lose a more congruent outcome, 2. alienate many who might need your solutions?

How can you be certain you’re speaking to all the right people, or using the best questions for them, specifically, to gather the most appropriate information given their idiosyncratic knowledge and culture?

Do your current methods of avoiding resistance work?

Are you aware of how much your brain filters what you hear and how much more is being said than what you’re hearing? Are you aware of the cost of misunderstanding what’s going on outside of your goals and expectations?

How much of the early data you gather turns out to be accurate? How do you know when/if you ever get to the accurate data? How do your expectations and the bias in your questions interfere with the Other’s recognition of the full fact pattern (largely unconscious at the start)?

What would you need to believe differently to consider that your current skill set, biased mind set, and habitual set of expectations is creating a diminished ability to influence the full extent of real change and avoid resistance?

How often do you assume something is ‘working’ or was successful – a coaching client was changing, or a buyer was going to buy – and you were wrong? Do you know for certain what happened behind-the-scenes that caused the failure and you could have circumvented?

Are you aware of how your own biases, assumptions, triggers, and filters, have gotten in the way of success – or do you believe you’re right and the other person wrong/stupid?

What would you need to believe differently to be willing to add some new skills to use less bias? To enable your CPs to recognize and manage their unconscious systems elements that have informed all choices and need to be shifted for change (a purchase, an implementation) to occur so they can easily buy, change or adopt your terrific material?

Facilitating Choice

We’re all in the business of influencing, or attempting to get what we want. Yet we fail a very high percentage of the time; sellers loses 94% of their prospects; coaches lose 70% of follow on clients; implementations fail 97% of the time. It’s not our fault: we fail because our conventional skills are focused on:

  • content push
  • premature goal setting
  • the facilitator’s expectations
  • listening for pre-determined details

and miss the unspoken metamessages, values, history, rules, and consensus issues that make up our CPs status quo. It’s possible to enable our CP partners to do the change work from within, without us biasing and limiting possibility to our own subjective view.

I have developed a generic change management model with a unique skill set that facilitates decision making and change at the core unconscious, systemic level and avoids bias and resistance. I developed it over many decades by coding my own Asperger’s systemizing brain and designing a new form of listening, a new type of question, and coding the steps that happen unconsciously during all change. I’ve trained it to 100,000 sales people, coaches, leaders, and negotiators globally. It’s a model that must be learned and added to your current skill set; it takes some time to learn and practice because it’s so different from conventional models. But it’s scalable. DuPont, for example, trained 8,000 sales people and KPMG trained 6,000 consultants.

Using this new decision facilitation model, you’ll be able to help others determine how to quickly and congruently buy, change, implement, etc. themselves in the area you are facilitating. No more delayed sales cycles or lost prospects; no more failed implementations; no more resistance to change. You can close 40% of all qualified prospects from first call, in half the time; you can help coaching clients discover their unconscious incongruences on the first call; you can implement large change events with no resistance.

I can teach you how to unhook from your personal biases and enter conversations in a way that leads/ discovers/ creates all that’s possible through win/win, servant leadership and congruent change. Imagine being able to enter every conversation and have it reach its most ethical, financial, and creative possibility. Imagine.

About the Author

Sharon Drew Morgen is founder of Morgen Facilitations, Inc. ( She is the visionary behind Buying Facilitation®, the decision facilitation model that enables people to change with integrity. A pioneer who has spoken about, written about, and taught the skills to help buyers buy, she is the author of the acclaimed New York Times Business Bestseller Selling with Integrity and Dirty Little Secrets: Why buyers can’t buy and sellers can’t sell and what you can do about it.

To contact Sharon Drew at [email protected] or go to to choose your favorite digital site to download your free book.