
The Importance of UX Design in E-Commerce Websites

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, The Importance of UX Design in E-Commerce WebsitesIf you’re thinking about making your e-commerce website’s user experience better, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll be exploring the importance of UX design and how you can leverage it to boost your online sales.

A good UI and UX design can increase visitors’ time on your site, increase their trust, and convert them into customers. To help you understand the value of this service, we’ve asked a few reputable UX design agencies for their insights.

User-Friendly Design

A well-designed e-commerce website makes it easy for visitors to find their desired products. This is essential to boosting conversions and building trust and credibility with customers.

If your website is hard to navigate or needs to meet users’ expectations, they’ll leave quickly. This could be a massive loss to your business.

User-friendly design also makes it easier for you to attract new customers and increase your search engine optimization (SEO) ranking. This helps to build brand loyalty and keep your online store competitive.

Another reason you should consider a user-friendly design is that it will make your website more accessible to people with disabilities. An estimated one billion people worldwide have some disability, and they deserve a website that is easy to use.


Convenience is a critical factor in customer satisfaction and loyalty. As a result, all brands must ensure their services are convenient and easy to use.

Customers value convenience because it saves them time and effort. With this being said it is we can see why most shoppers will admit convenience influences their purchasing decisions.

The recent growth of online shopping has been fueled by the convenience that allows buyers to shop whenever they want, from wherever they want, and pay however they choose.

While it may seem difficult for retailers to compete with the ease of Internet shopping, it’s essential to understand that convenience is changing how consumers perceive specific buying alternatives. This means e-commerce companies must put consumer convenience at the forefront of their marketing strategies and objectives.


UX design is a crucial part of a company’s strategy, and it’s not just about creating an aesthetically pleasing experience. It’s also about ensuring that the user can efficiently accomplish their goals.

In the digital age, UX design is more critical than ever before. It’s a discipline that affects everything from the design of an ATM to the pages of your favorite shopping website.

To improve a website’s UX, a UX agency starts with user research and testing. Often, they will interview users to determine their motivations and frustrations. They will then conduct wireframes and skeletal layouts indicating what content each screen will contain as a user navigates through the site.

Convenience for Mobile Users

One of the most critical factors that e-commerce websites must consider is convenience. Whether shopping for groceries or personal care items, consumers are willing to pay more for the convenience of online purchases.

UX design agencies understand the importance of convenience for their client’s brands and products. They help design websites and mobile apps that are both user-friendly and attractive.

A well-designed e-commerce website attracts visitors and converts them into customers. It also provides a good experience for all devices, ensuring users are happy with the overall user experience.

Convenience for All Devices

Consumers expect a seamless experience that transfers between devices as they move further into their shopping journeys. This is important when it comes to e-commerce websites.

Consumers are also willing to pay more for convenience in some product categories, including groceries and clothing. These services could include shipping options, online sizing, and free returns.

As a result, businesses that offer convenience are poised for growth in the e-commerce market. These businesses must have a comprehensive understanding of the customer shopping flow, which involves all of the elements of the user experience that contribute to conversion and sales.

What do you need DAM for?

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, What do you need DAM for

This abbreviation stands for Digital Asset Management. DAM platforms are used as centralised solutions for digital content management, storage and distribution. If you’re looking for a DAM platform for your business, you’re spoiled for choice – there are quite a few of them. So, how do you make a choice? In this post, we want to show you what you need to pay attention to in order to pick a DAM platform that’s useful and tailored to your business.

Storing and managing online content is more than just putting it on a virtual cloud drive (like Google Drive or Dropbox). There are other questions to consider, five of them actually. Let’s take a closer look at them.

Five areas where DAMs are incredibly useful

DAMs come with many options and features. Some of them are universal, and some are just for selected companies. What’s common, though, is that the majority of DAM tools help companies with five content-related issues:

  • Ineffective asset management: You need a platform that provides access to a centralised repository for all of your digital assets. As a result, your team, no matter how big or dispersed, can work with digital content easily and seamlessly.
  • Lack of control: Storing files is one thing. Managing them effectively is the other. As a company owner or marketing manager, you need full control over your files, including different versions of the same file, efficient copyrights management and metadata management (e.g., for SEO purposes). That’s what DAMs are for.
  • Team collaboration: If you have a large team, effective collaboration can be challenging. With a decent DAM platform, you don’t need to worry about that – everything is accessible and readily available for every team member.
  • Content performance and analytics: Do you know what happens with your content? How popular it gets? Where is it published? Advanced DAM platforms come with analytics and reporting features so that you can measure the performance of your content. It can be a vital help when it comes to tweaking your SEO or content marketing strategy.
  • Dealing with large projects: Some digital projects require working with hundreds and thousands of files and pieces of content. A good DAM platform is up for the challenge! These tools are ready to work even with large-scale projects involving many assets and teams.

As you can see, a good DAM platform can help you with your projects and everyday work. How do these tools differ from typical cloud-hosted file storages, though? The short answer is they are more flexible and advanced. With DAMs, you have access to more features and functions (e.g., advanced editing or creative software) so that you can work with diverse types of content (text, audio, video and images) frequently without using other tools. However, this doesn’t mean that every company need a DAM tool. If you feel like cloud storage is sufficient for your work, that’s totally fine.

If you’re looking for a DAM platform for your business, make sure it will help you solve your common work-related problems. Plus, you should pay attention to available features, as they make the use of such a tool truly hassle-free. There are also five essential features to consider.

Other DAM features

As you already know, DAMs are not only about storing and distributing files. These are AIO (all-in-one) platforms for everything content-related. Therefore, ensure your DAM comes with these features that will make your work easier:

  • Metadata management
  • Different file version management
  • Integrations with other tools
  • Content management and editing features
  • Workflow and collaboration features

Do you want to know more about DAMs? You can start by comparing available solutions! That’s what you will find in the full version of this article:

Social Media Metrics to Monitor to Improve Your Content Strategy

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, Social Media Metrics to Monitor to Improve Your Content Strategy

Social media has become an integral part of many businesses’ marketing strategies. It provides a platform to connect with customers, build brand awareness, and promote products and services. However, simply having a social media presence is not enough. To get the most out of your social media marketing, it’s important to monitor key metrics that can help you understand what’s working and what’s not. In this post, we’ll explore some social media metrics that you should be monitoring to improve your content strategy.

Engagement Rate

Engagement rate is one of the most important metrics to monitor on social media. It measures how many people are interacting with your content, such as liking, commenting, and sharing. High engagement rates indicate that your content is resonating with your audience and driving conversations.

To calculate engagement rate, divide the number of engagements (likes, comments, shares, etc.) by the number of followers or impressions. A higher engagement rate is better, as it indicates that your content is creating a strong connection with your audience.


Reach measures the number of people who see your content. It’s important to monitor reach to understand how far your content is spreading and how many people it’s reaching. A high reach means that your content is being shared and seen by a large number of people.

To increase reach, consider using paid advertising, such as promoted posts or ads, to target specific audiences. You can also optimize your content for shareability, such as using eye-catching visuals or incorporating trending topics and hashtags.

Click-Through Rate

Click-through rate (CTR) measures the number of clicks your content receives. It’s an important metric to monitor because it indicates how effective your content is at driving traffic to your website or other desired destination.

To calculate CTR, divide the number of clicks by the number of impressions. A higher CTR is better, as it means that your content is compelling and driving action from your audience.

Conversion Rate

Conversion rate measures the number of people who take a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. It’s an important metric to monitor because it helps you understand how effective your social media marketing is at driving business results.

To calculate conversion rate, divide the number of conversions by the number of clicks. A higher conversion rate is better, as it means that your social media marketing is effectively driving business outcomes.

Follower Growth

Follower growth measures how many new followers you’re gaining over time. It’s important to monitor follower growth to understand how well your content is resonating with your target audience and how effectively you’re building your social media presence.

To increase follower growth, consider running contests or promotions, optimizing your profile and content for search engines, making your content sharable with tools like share button from ShareThis, and engaging with your audience through comments and messages.

Mentions and Hashtags

Mentions and hashtags are important metrics to monitor because they help you understand how your brand is being talked about on social media. By monitoring mentions and hashtags, you can identify brand advocates, respond to customer feedback, and identify trends and topics that are relevant to your audience.

To monitor mentions and hashtags, use social media listening tools or simply search for your brand name or relevant keywords on social media platforms.

Time of Day

Monitoring the time of day that your content is being shared can help you understand when your audience is most active on social media. This can help you optimize your posting schedule to ensure that your content is being seen by the largest possible audience.

To monitor the best times to post, use social media analytics tools or simply track engagement rates at different times of the day. You can also experiment with posting at different times to see what works best for your audience.

Content Type

Monitoring the type of content that is generating the most engagement can help you identify what your audience is interested in and what types of content are most effective at driving engagement.

To monitor content type, look at the engagement rates for different types of content, such as photos, videos, and text posts. You can also experiment with different types of content to see what works best for your audience.

Audience Demographics

Understanding your audience demographics can help you create more targeted and effective content. By monitoring metrics such as age, gender, and location, you can tailor your content to the preferences and interests of your target audience.

To monitor audience demographics, use social media analytics tools or simply track engagement rates and other metrics by age, gender, and location. You can also survey your audience to gain a deeper understanding of their preferences and interests.

Share of Voice

Share of voice measures the percentage of social media conversations about your brand compared to your competitors. It’s an important metric to monitor because it helps you understand your brand’s position in the market and how well you’re competing with other brands.

To monitor share of voice, use social media listening tools or simply track the number of mentions and conversations about your brand compared to your competitors. You can also analyze the sentiment of these conversations to gain insights into how your brand is perceived compared to your competitors.

In conclusion, monitoring social media metrics is a critical component of any effective social media marketing strategy. By tracking engagement rate, reach, click-through rate, conversion rate, follower growth, mentions and hashtags, time of day, content type, audience demographics, and share of voice, you can gain valuable insights into your audience and improve your content strategy.

What are Responsive Search Ads?

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, What are Responsive Search Ads?

In the ever-evolving Google Ads world, online marketers are used to different ads coming and going. Since the introduction of ads, there have been text ads, expanded ads, and responsive search ads. Google introduced responsive search ads in 2018 to match effortlessly with its push for automation and machine learning.

With responsive search ads, marketers have better chances of advancing from one base to another while at the same time scoring a run. That’s because the latest default ad type for Google search campaigns provides more room for faster and easier optimisation.

In the world of responsive search ads, marketers need to ensure their message speaks directly to their potential customers and be unique than ever before. In this article, I’ll explain what responsive search ads are and provide useful information to help you get started with this pay-per-click ad type.

Responsive search ads (RSAs) are the most flexible and largest Google search ad format. They’re different from traditional search ads, where marketers write their headlines and explanations together to create a static text ad. A responsive search ad allows marketers to write a maximum of four different descriptions and fifteen different headlines.

These headlines and descriptions can be arranged in more than 40,000 different permutations, meaning the testing possibilities are almost endless. Google shows these ads randomly depending on their relevance to the searchers’ questions.

How Do Responsive Search Ads Work?

Your responsive search ad may appear a little different based on where the results display and the search terms. Responsive search ads consist of various components, including:

  • Headlines: These are short, hyperlinked descriptions designed to attract potential customers.
  • URLs: These are actual or display URLs for landing pages.
  • Descriptions: These are lengthier explanations that form the ads’ main bodies.
  • Extensions: These are extra hyperlinks below the ad descriptions that provide additional options to click.

Additional components include images, a business name and a logo. After including all these components in your responsive search ad and submitting it, Google will automatically test multiple headline combinations and descriptions and know which ones perform excellently.

Responsive Search Ads Best Practices

Here are four proven practices for creating top-notch responsive search ads.

Create Distinctive and Concise Headlines

Responsive search ads allow you to add up to fifteen headlines, each with a maximum of 30 characters. Google’s algorithm optimises different headline-description combinations in order to provide new information in each ad.

Remember, distinctive, concise and easy-to-digest headlines work excellently. Ensure each headline highlights a fresh point and says something unique. Each headline should include important elements like benefits offered, relevant keywords, product and brand names.

Use at Least Three Popular Keywords in Your Headlines

An ad headline that includes terms searchers use increases ad visibility. The chances of searchers clicking on your ads are also higher. Headlines built on popular terms are likely to attract potential customers.

Be Descriptive with Your Descriptions

Your description needs to have a maximum of four lines of text. With this number of text lines, your responsive search ad will have the power to deliver the information you want to your potential customers.

RSAs only display two descriptions simultaneously, and each line features a maximum of 90 characters. Utilise these description fields to illustrate the information you didn’t cover in your headlines.

Use Top-Rated Google Ads Reporting Tools

A Google ads reporting tool allows you to gain access to accurate information, including click-through rates, impressions, quality scores, and more. It helps you capture your marketing data on a single control panel for actionable information at a glance.

A Google ads reporting tool also helps reduce time-consuming tasks, improve accuracy, cut costs and increase productivity. With the best Google ads reporting tool, you can track how your campaign is doing, allowing you to take action to achieve your goals.

4 Tips on Creating a Brand-Centric Website Design

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, 4 Tips on Creating a Brand-Centric Website DesignCreating a brand-centric website design is essential for any business looking to establish a strong online presence. A well-designed website can help attract and retain customers while also communicating a company’s values and mission.

We reached out and got tips from a top-rated website design firm in Portland on how to maximize your website design that showcases your brand in a top-tier way. But before we jump into those tips, let’s discuss what a web design service actually is.

What is a Website Design Service, and How Does it Work?

A website design service is a service that helps businesses create and maintain a website. A team like Cyphon and their professional website design has a process that typically begins with a consultation to understand the client’s needs and goals for their website.

From there, a website design firm will work with the client to create a design that aligns with their brand and meets the needs of their target audience. Once the design is finalized, the website design firm will build the website and provide ongoing maintenance and support.

Tip #1: Identifying the Target Audience and Goals

The first step in creating a brand-centric website design is to identify the target audience and goals for the website. Understanding who the website is being designed for will help inform the design choices, such as the layout, colors, and messaging.

It’s also important to consider the website’s goals, such as increasing sales, attracting new customers, or promoting a new product or service. By identifying the target audience and goals, businesses can ensure that the website is tailored to meet the specific needs of their audience and achieve their desired outcomes.

Tip #2: Researching the Brand and Competition

It’s also essential to research the competition to see what other businesses in the industry are doing and identify any market gaps. By researching the brand and competition, businesses can ensure that their website stands out and effectively communicates their unique value proposition.

Tip #3: Designing a Visually Compelling and Consistent Website

A visually compelling and consistent website is crucial for creating a strong brand identity and building customer trust. This includes choosing colors, fonts, and images that align with the brand and creating a layout that is easy to navigate. In order to advance in your industry, you can hire web design firms and designers with both technical and creative skills. For example, businesses based in Liverpool can hire website designers working with Liverpool businesses and can create consistency across the page. The professionalism shown on the website must convey the level of trust a visitor might have in the brand.

Additionally, businesses should ensure that the website is mobile-friendly and responsive, as more and more people are using mobile devices to access the internet.

Tip #4: Implementing the Brand Voice and Messaging Throughout the Website

Finally, it’s important to implement the brand voice and messaging throughout the website. This includes using the same tone of voice and messaging on all pages of the website and incorporating the brand’s values and mission into the content.

By implementing a consistent brand voice and message, businesses can ensure that their website effectively communicates their brand and resonates with their target audience.


Creating a brand-centric website design is essential for any business looking to establish a strong online presence.

By following these tips, you can ensure your website effectively communicates your brand and that it resonates with your target audience.