
6 Tips to Optimize Your Website for Conversions

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Optimize your website conversions|6 Tips to Optimize Your Website for ConversionsWebsite traffic as a metric is overrated…

Web conversions are where the big boys play!

It doesn’t matter if you have thousands of website visitors. If you can’t convert them into paying customers, your business won’t see the light of day.

The only thing you’ll see on your sales dashboard is “0.” As in, ZERO sales. Ouch!

So your business doesn’t meet its untimely demise, allow me to share with you six tried and tested conversion optimization tips that can skyrocket your web conversions.

Let’s hop right in.

1. Declutter

Remember that your goal is to generate sales, not win the Met Gala award for websites.

While aesthetics is crucial, it’s never the point.

You should always think about conversions with every single element you add to your web design.

Before you add anything, ask yourself this, “Will adding this element influence my web visitors to take action on my offer? Or will it distract them?

If adding an element to your website aids in influencing your web visitors to make a purchase, then go for it.

If not, don’t hesitate to scrap the idea and anything that contributes to why your content isn’t converting (among others).

2. Talk about pain points

“People buy on emotions. They later justify their purchase based on logic.” – Anonymous

You can bet your family jewels that the line above is true.

It’s an established train of thought that most, if not all, conversion optimization specialists subscribe to.

Because emotions lead to sales, you need to evoke emotions out of your web visitors. The more emotional they become, the higher the likelihood they’ll make the purchase.

Talking about their pain points or previous frustrations can do the trick.

When you paint a vivid picture of how frustrating their experience was, they tend to get emotional and make it their life’s ultimate goal not to experience the same frustration ever again.

This compels your visitors to buy your product immediately since you’ve positioned it as the solution to their problems.

Best practices when talking about your customer’s pain points:

  • Use the exact words they’re using to describe their frustrations. Doing this makes your web copy more relatable.
  • Use surveys or talk to your customer service team to learn how exactly your customers are wording their challenges and wins.
  • If you’re a SaaS company, you can visit review platforms, such as Capterra, G2 Crowd, etc., then note the words used by those who left their feedback.

3. Speed up your videos

A slow-loading video is a massive turnoff to web visitors.

Whether they’re looking to buy from you or consume your content, the moment your video buffers, it can easily frustrate your web visitors.

That’s why you need to learn how to speed up your videos.

With a fast-loading video, you give your visitors a pleasant experience while on your website.

They can watch your videos and concentrate on their content without being distracted or frustrated.


If your product videos are wonderfully made and are compelling, can you imagine how much sales you’d get if your videos loaded smoothly?

On the other hand, can you imagine how much sales you’d lose if your videos loaded slowly and a good portion of your web traffic clicked away whenever your videos buffer?

4. Make your website easily navigable

Don’t make it hard for your web visitors to find the products they want to buy by making your website navigation confusing.

Ideally, you’d want them to reach the page they’re looking for within 1 – 3 clicks. The fewer the clicks, the better.

Also, be mindful of where you place your navigation menus, filters, categories, etc.

Your placement needs to be logical and intuitive.

The good news is, some of the best content management software has highly customizable website navigation menus and widgets.

By customizing where and how you place your navigation options to a section of your website that makes sense to your website visitors, it becomes easier for them to navigate your site and find the products or pages they’re looking for.

5. Make your chat support icon highly visible

You need to immediately address whatever barriers will prevent your web visitors from making the purchase.

Whether it’s a question about pricing, product features, or your guarantees, etc., you need to answer within 24 hours. (The sooner, the better.)

When you don’t address your web visitors’ inquiries right away, you allow them to click away, check out your competitor’s website, and potentially buy from your competitors.

What a waste.

After all, they were already on your site, ready to make the purchase.

To address your customers’ inquiries immediately, add a 24/7 chat support feature on your site and make your chat support icon highly visible.

That way, when your customers have questions, they can click your customer support icon, be connected with your customer service representative, and have their inquiries answered.

You can also use robust customer service software with AI chatbots. That way, you can keep the workforce hours for your customer service team from ballooning.

An AI chatbot also gives your customer service team a better work experience since they don’t need to deal with basic, menial, and boring questions.

6. Add one type of call-to-action (CTA) only

Analysis paralysis is real.

There are countless studies made about it, and it proves itself to be true.

That’s why when you design your website; you need to remove whatever elements that will cause your web visitors to experience analysis paralysis.

What’s an example, you might ask?

Adding several types of CTAs is a great example.

If you ask your web visitor to sign up, click your “Buy Now” button, and share your offer on Facebook, there’s a real chance they’ll experience analysis paralysis.

That’s why a rule of thumb that competent conversion rate optimization specialists use is one page, one CTA.

For instance, if you’re offering services to help your clients get content with links, create a landing page with a single CTA.

Doing this keeps your visitors from analyzing anything because there’s only one option.

When the only CTA button on your site is to click your “Buy Now” buttons, your web traffic will have no other choice but to do that.

Get better site conversions now.

Why continue getting abysmal conversion rates when you can apply tried and tested adjustments to get better results?

The strategies shared in this guide might be far from being complete, but integrating these into your web design or marketing campaigns will help you get meaningful and better results.

Local SEO on Steroids: What Is Schema and How Will It Help You Get More Traffic?

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Schema|Local SEO on Steroids: What Is Schema and How Will It Help You Get More Traffic?If a business or website owner is searching for a way to improve organic rankings and SEO, something to look into is schema markup. While it may sound like some type of jargon that only industry pros use, what many people do not realize is schema markup is not that hard to understand or take advantage of.

Schema markup is an important part of Local SEO efforts. It is also easier than it may sound to implement. With a free online tool, it is possible to mark up all website pages without having to learn any new code. Also, schema markup can provide an immediate boost to organic traffic coming to a website. Keep reading to learn more about schema markup and how to use it to benefit any business and grow traffic.

Schema Markup Defined

Put simply, schema is a type of microdata that provides search engines with a better understanding of what a website is about. Remember, search engines such as Bing, Yahoo, and Google cannot actually read and understand the content on a web page. While it recognizes phrases and words, the web browsers do not know what the words mean.

This is why markup is used. For example, if a website contains the word “apple,” it is possible to use schema markup to tell the search engines if the word refers to the technology company Apple, or the fruit. This has a significant impact on what results are shown.

When search engines have more information about a page, it makes it easier to display content that is relevant to the user’s search. It also allows a website to display additional information on SERPs, which will help the site stand out from the others.

How Schema Markup Works

When used properly, schema markup allows individuals to add more information and new functionality to organic results in the top search engines. It is possible to use schema markup for all types of topics and items. Some of the most common ways that schema markup is used include reviews, organizations, recipes, events, creative works, events, videos, articles, videos, people, products, places, and people. There are full lists related to schema markup online.

By adding schema to the HTML on a web page, web crawlers have a much easier time finding it. This is something to keep in mind when trying to decide if schema markup should be used.

Creating Schema Markup

To begin the process in Google, open the Structured Data Markup Helper. The second step is to select the type of data to be marked up from the given list. Enter the URL of the page where the information should be added and then highlight an element on the left side of the page. Next, it is necessary to select the type of the highlighted item and repeat the steps until everything has the proper schema markup on the page.

Getting Help with Schema Markup

Schema markup is going to help ensure people who are interested in what you offer find your page. While it can seem confusing at first, there are professional services that can help ensure the desired results are achieved. For some busy business owners, allowing the pros to handle this process is best.

Can You Do SEO on Your Website Without an SEO Audit?

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |SEO Audit|Can You Do SEO on Your Website Without an SEO Audit?What Is an SEO Audit?

It does not matter if you want to SEO your own website, or if you want to use the services of an SEO agency. In both cases, you will need a thorough SEO audit. But what is that? Well, it is a method used to get as much SEO information about a website as possible. The more information you get from the SEO audit report, the higher the quality of results you will get in the future from the SEO methods. There are several types of information that you should expect to get from this method.

  • Technical audit. On the internet, you will find agencies that provide different types of audits. But most of them are incomplete, and they provide you with information about only one part of your website’s SEO. The technical audit checks the technical parameters of your website. The main parts that need to be checked are the links on your website, its loading speed, and the device compatibility with other websites.
  • On-site audit. The on-site part of the SEO audit must offer you information about the content used on the website. Several factors must be verified. The first one is the originality of the content. Every piece of duplicate or plagiarized content will be penalized by search engines. The second factor is the relevancy of the content. It must be relevant to your industry. And the last factor that must be verified is the engagement level. The more engaging the content is, the better the results that it will produce.
  • Off-site audit. The last part of SEO is for off-site. A reliable audit must check the authority of your website in the industry as well as the renown that it has. To have high authority, you need to have backlinks placed on other websites in the industry. If your articles and links can be found on high-authority websites, then your authority will rise as well. As for your website’s renown is based on the number of backlinks and websites where they can be found.
  • Business assessment. The last part that needs to be found in the SEO audit report is the business assessment part. Nowadays, SEO strategies must be personalized. So, the agency must learn as much information about your business as possible. And it must also research your competition and the best keywords that you should use. All the information obtained from the audit can be used to create an SEO plan that will take care of every SEO related task for your website.

What Benefits Can You Expect from an SEO Audit?

Now that you have a general idea about what an SEO audit is, you need to know the benefits that you can expect from it. It provides a large number of benefits. But only a few of them are notable and easily seen.

  • Solve the problems. The first benefit that you can expect from an SEO audit report are solutions for every problem that was detected. Without it, even if you use a top SEO strategy, the results will be mediocre. Why? Because all the problems will drag your website down, and it will not be able to rise even with the best strategy.
  • Optimized strategy. The second benefit is an optimized and personalized strategy for your website. As mentioned above, every business is unique. And a reliable SEO agency must be able to detect al the unique parts that can be used in the strategy to increase the results that it produces.
  • Increased traffic. The third benefit will come after the problems are solved, and the strategy is being implemented. Your website ranks in search engine page results will start to rise, and you will get more and more traffic for your website. And the more people are visiting, the higher your chances of getting new clients are.
  • Increased conversion rate. And lastly, a good SEO strategy combined with high-quality content will also increase the conversion rate of your website. This means that a higher percentage of your visitors will become leads or customers. This is the final goal of SEO. And only an audit can be used to ensure that all the content on your website is optimized. And it produces these types of results.

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |SEO Audit|Can You Do SEO on Your Website Without an SEO Audit? How to Choose a Reliable Agency Based on the SEO Audit!

Probably the most important use of an SEO audit is to find a reliable SEO agency. Keep in mind that SEO is a long-term process. So, you must find a reliable partner that can take care of it for you. So, you can use the audit of an agency and deduce its skill levels from the SEO audit report. But before you do that, you should follow 3 steps to narrow down the options that you have.

  • Find all the options. The first thing that you must do is to find all the options that you have. So, you can use a search engine like Google to look for all the SEO agencies that you can find on the market. The more options you have, the higher your chance to find a reliable partner at a reasonable price.
  • Check the results. Next, you need to verify the results produced by the agencies. Most of the time, you can find them on the agency’s website. And you can use the search engine to check the credibility of the results. Also, you should only verify the newer ones. If they are older than 6 months, then they are not relevant anymore. And you can keep in mind only the agencies that produced the best results.
  • Get some first-hand reviews. The last step is to find the contact information of the agency’s clients. You need to communicate with them and get some first-hand reviews about the agency. This is the best method that you can use to find out how the collaboration with the agency will end. If the clients of an agency are happy, then you will most likely be the same.

7 Metrics to Help you Measure Success and ROI in Business

StrategyDriven Organizational Performance Measures (OPM) Article |Business Metrics|7 Metrics to Help you Measure Success and ROI in BusinessA Business metric is a useful way to understand and analyse the tracking of a business process. A business analyst should focus on metrics to measure Return on Investment (ROI) to make the business operation’s success.

You will get to know whether your company is getting the intended results or getting back to the drawing board. Measuring business success is quite challenging for many. You have to evaluate your business, define your goals, set key performance indicators (KPIs) for the objectives set, and then measure and track these KPIs. Let us cover some useful metrics that you can employ when measuring success.

Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is an essential tool in measuring your business success and marketing campaigns. It is possible to get feedback from your customers directly by adding consumer surveys to your site. This helps you in knowing your customer’s needs meaning you can tell your customers’ satisfaction rate.

You can learn what they don’t like about different facets of your business. For example, you can tell the reasons they visit your site, and if it leads to conversions. This significantly helps you in strategizing more effective marketing campaigns. Also, paying more attention to them will go a long way since your visitors are your target audience.

Customer follow-up can also be done by sending them things like an email asking the customer to rate your services. This is important as it helps in keeping your customers more satisfied.

Website Traffic

This is simply the number of visitors landing on your web pages. More users translate to more traffic to your site. Remember, your website serves as the face of your brand and your home base. The primary traffic sources are search, direct campaign, and referral. Your site may have traffic from campaigns such as banner ads as well.

To increase traffic to your website, optimize all pages on your site with relevant keywords, and boost your website security. Besides all, security plays a vital role in drawing traffic to the site, and for that, you should buy a cheap SSL certificate to help secure your web users. This will encourage more transactions because users are becoming wary of online web security. More users will only transact on safe business sites.

Cash Flow Levels

This is the measure of the difference between cash inflow and outflow. Cash inflow levels are dependent mainly on the nature of your business. For instance, you will need more cash in hand if you run a convenience store. Cash flow accounts for all the money that comes in the form of investment and goods returned, and sales revenue.

StrategyDriven Organizational Performance Measures eBook

Employee Satisfaction

Your employee’s satisfaction is as important as your customers’ satisfaction. Yes, your employee’s morale is correlated directly to business success. A much satisfied and motivated employee could turn into a more productive and effective employee. Keeping your employee’s satisfaction levels high leads to a long commitment to the company and the team.

It is essential to check whether your employees feel rewarded and are satisfied with their work. To determine your employee satisfaction, conduct team surveys to collect feedback on the teamwork and HR to collect personal satisfaction levels. You can improve your employee satisfaction by introducing some perks such as free office coffee, creating an atmosphere for work and growth, etc.

Net Profit Margin

The main aim of any business is to earn a profit. This metric shows how your pricing and total sales volume impact your business in terms of the costs contracted: the lower your profit margin, the lower or higher your cost. Your profit margin calculations should include variable expenses paid regularly, such as utilities, insurance, taxes, and salaries.

It would help if you diminished the cost in case of losing profit ratio. If you happen to make more profit than you were previously, this means that your customer base is expanding, and your sales have increased. Understanding your revenue will give you crucial insights into your business.

Customer Retention

The essence of customer retention is to keep as many customers as possible. Having loyal customers is beneficial as it helps to grow your sales and create awareness more about your services.

The retention rate shows the number of clients who make repeat purchases and use your product over an extended period. Retaining customers is achievable by having things like special rewards or customer loyalty programs for old customers.

Number of Sales

Sales indicate whether people are interested in buying your product or service. They also tell us whether your marketing efforts are paying up. However, the number of sales can be affected by other factors like recent market changes.

Sales metrics can be measured in the number of purchases made directly from the site. To increase your sales, one can hire new talent, expand your marketing goals, or introduce irresistible discount offers.

Wrap Up

This guide has provided you with a few metrics that can help in kick-starting your growth journey. You can pick some of the essential metrics based on your needs for better and effective operations.

How to Boost Web Traffic to Your Company Site

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, How to Boost Web Traffic to Your Company SiteWhen you’re trading online, you need customers to visit your website. When they do, they browse your pages, get to know your brand, understand your products, and begin doing business with you. It stands to reason, therefore, that when you have fewer individuals visiting your website, you end up with lower profits and fewer sales. In this article, you’ll learn how to boost traffic to your website. Using the tricks of the trade, you’ll bring in more consumers to your website, where you’ll be able to convert them into paying customers.

Digital Advertisements

One of the first solutions you’ll consider when you’re trying to drive traffic to your website is to simply create some marketing material for use online. This can feel like a simple solution, but it can actually take a lot of time to draw up an advert – whether a still image or a video – and make sure that your content is linking back to your site and giving off the right impression. It can also be costly to advertise online. As such, you should only use this option when you can be sure of the return you’ll get on your investment.

SEO Strategy

Meanwhile, you can also employ the strategy of improving your position in search through search engine optimization. This strategy is a long-term one and requires you to identify which search terms people might use to find your business. By identifying these terms and using them in your site copy, you’ll boost your visibility and climb up Google’s rankings on these specific search terms. If you feel you need a helping hand with this strategy, you should contact local business SEO experts at to build your strategy alongside you.

Social Media

As always, social media remains one of the greatest assets to small businesses everywhere. With its grassroots feel and free interface, social media is one of the most important assets that you can leverage in order to bring new individuals to your website. It’s absolutely imperative that you set up pages on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter – as well as new apps like TikTok – in order to find the right audiences to advertise your products and services to. It helps to hire a social media-savvy individual to help you guide your content to the right people over time.

Linking to Other Sites

Finally, if the above tips seem a little adventurous, and you’re looking for instant results without all that much effort, you may find that linking your website to other websites – and their reciprocating – can help share customer bases between allied businesses. This strategy works best when you know the business owners you’re going to cross-pollinate with – so for local businesses in a town, city, or district, this is a great option to share your customer base and your web traffic with companies that you would like to partner with.

There you have it: four important tips for anyone looking to boost their web traffic over the course of 2020, bringing more customers and profits to your business.