How To Reduce Your Workload As A Business Owner

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Reduce your Workload|How To Reduce Your Workload As A Business OwnerBusiness owners are, necessarily, very busy people. This is even more true if they are the only ones working in their business (and therefore are doing everything), or if their team is a small one. Although you might think this is simply par for the course, the truth is that working non-stop, starting early and finishing late, is both unproductive and bad for your health since it can quickly lead to burnout.

It might seem impossible to reduce your workload if you want to continue to grow your business and get everything done even if you know it’s the right thing to do. However, there are ways it can be done; read on to find out more.

Make A Plan

If you know what needs to be done (and if you don’t know, it’s wise to look into exactly what tasks you do each day and find out) then you can plan it all out and become much more productive and, ideally, free up some of your time as well.

The best way to start with this plan is to look at prioritizing your tasks and determining which are the ones that have to be done first, and which can wait until later. In other words, anything that is urgent and important goes to the top of the list, anything that is not important and not urgent goes to the bottom, and those that are urgent but not important and important but not urgent can go in the middle.

As well as this, it’s a good idea to start each day with a goal in mind. When you are working towards something, whether it’s completing your to-do list or finishing work at a certain time, for example, you’ll be much more focused. It’s easy to waste time when you don’t have something to work towards.


The idea of delegating any of your work might be a concerning one; after all, if someone else is taking on the task, how will you be able to maintain control? How will you know it’s done in the way you want it to be done?

The answer is simple; before you delegate, you train. If you carry out training with your staff members, they will understand exactly what it is you want from them. They will like the fact that you’re trusting them with more responsibility, so they’re going to be more productive. Although this training might take a little time, once it’s done you can cross another task off your life forever. Just check on the end result once in a while to ensure the quality is there and that’s it.

If you don’t have any staff members to delegate to, you can look into how to hire personal assistants. This can be done virtually, and these highly trained helpers will be able to do many different admin tasks from making phone calls to answering emails that would otherwise have taken up a lot of your time.

Take A Lot Of Breaks

It probably sounds completely counter-intuitive, but stepping away from your work and doing something else, whether that something is having a nap, going for a walk, watching TV, exercising, making some art, or anything else that is non-work related, will actually make you more productive when you return.

This break will give your brain a chance to relax and refocus. If you continue to work without taking a break, you’ll just become more and more tired and the work you do will be of a lower quality, plus it will take you longer to do overall. Take plenty of breaks and the work will be done to a higher standard in a shorter space of time.

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