Marketing Advice for Your Business

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, Marketing Advice for Your Business

You may have the best product or service in the world, but if you do not know how you market it, you will not be able to sell it. What this means is that your competitor with an inferior product can potentially make far more sales than you if they have the marketing wherewithal you lack. It may seem easy, post a few adverts on social media, the product will sell itself. You need to understand now that this is not going to work. You need a fully thought out marketing strategy and the ability to maintain it into the future. So here are some ideas to get you started.

Your website

You need to invest in your website. It has to be fully functioning, quick loading, and work in all browsers and devices, as a prerequisite. There is no point in having a beautiful marketing campaign that points to a rundown old website that doesn’t even work properly. There will be a huge disconnect, and people will think they are in the wrong place. Your website needs to be discoverable, so you need to invest time in working out keywords from your target market, and what they are likely to input into a search engine. Once you have done this, you can fully SEO (search engine optimization) every page of your website. Content on the site needs to be updated regularly, so having a blog is essential these days.

Brand awareness

You need a good brand for the business. So think logos and taglines. These must be used on all your content. The idea is to get the brand into people’s minds. In addition, think about your personal brand. You should create your own site where you can authentically promote your business. As a person, you can connect with people more easily, so developing your personal brand is essential. This means that if you have any accolades which make you the perfect person to listen to, such as having gone through a master of occupational therapy program for your clinic, tell your story on a vlog.

Social media

Any business that wants to succeed in the modern world has to have a presence on social media. It is a free way to advertise, and it gives you an unprecedented way to learn about your target audience and connect with them. You need to create a separate method of marketing for each social media platform. However, the onus is on quality posts over quantity. You need to have some glossy images, a good story to tell, think about social responsibility, and what you are doing to help the plant, for example. Have a look at your competitors and members of your target audience to get an idea about what they share. This will give you some ideas about how best to proceed. In terms of frequency of posts, about two to three times a day, every day. You need to be there, but not whitewash people’s feeds as this will have the opposite effect to the one you want, they will switch off.

Content Marketing Success Through Audience Targeting

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, Content Marketing Success Through Audience Targeting

It seems to happen to the best of us. You devote hours and hours of time to writing a great piece of content that you just know is going to drive hordes of people to your website. Of those hordes of people, hopefully, a few will become customers. For some reason, however, it doesn’t work. Very few people read it and those who do aren’t engaging with you or your business. You’re left wondering what happened and what you could have done better.

Often the problem lies in a disconnect between the content creator and their audience. If a piece of content fails to pick up traction, it’s usually because it doesn’t fit what the audience was searching for. Content marketing towards your target audience is an essential piece of the puzzle. Before you can effectively deliver your message, you need to understand who you are marketing it to and why.

Understanding your target audience is complicated and involves more than one step. Here are some ways to achieve content marketing success by targeting the right audience.

Conduct Market Research

The fact of the matter is if you want to know who your target audience is, you’ve got to do the research. Both SEO and content marketing demand research to be successful. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking up keyword strategies or choosing topics for long-form content, you have to begin by researching what topics people want to know about.

Thankfully, you don’t have to just guess. There are several tools available that can help you find out what topics are trending and how to rank long tail keywords. Audience Key, for example, allows you to optimize content, quantify search audience, map your keyword strategy, and much more. You can find data and analytics that will help you know what’s working and get to know your audience.

Sometimes the research may take just as long as it does to produce your content – and that’s ok. It’s better to take the time to produce content for your intended audience and see results instead of spending all that time to effectively have the content flop.

Engage Your Readers Using Emotion

In any case, you’re looking for your readers to have an emotional response to what you’re saying. Of course, you want clicks, shares, and conversions. It’s your business after all. None of that follows if you can’t reach your audience on an emotional level, however.

One of the easiest ways to drive engagement on your site and connect with your audience is to ask them questions. You want your audience to share their own feelings and opinions to connect with you. Ask your readers what they want to hear about. You can also end your content with direct questions to get the conversation going in the comments. Additionally, ask their opinions on your recommended products and services. Encourage conversation, questions, and healthy debates.

Reconnect With Your Audience

If you are having trouble engaging your audience, try starting over again. You’ll need to get a good understanding of your audience. This includes:

  • Find out what your audience is passionate about, and write content for them.
  • Connect with your readers on an emotional level to build a community. Encourage conversation and questions.
  • Research the market demographics of your audience thoroughly.
  • Remember to include a call to action when you want your audience to do something. Often, people simply need to be told what you’d like them to do.

It’s easy to see how these guidelines can help increase the amount of engagement your content receives, as well as sales and conversions. When it comes to content marketing, it doesn’t have to be a mystery.

10 Ways To Increase Your Visibility As A Local Business

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Increase Your Visibility|10 Ways To Increase Your Visibility As A Local BusinessIf you’re looking for ways to increase your visibility as a local business and you’re unsure where to start then don’t worry, you have definitely come to the right place. Whether you’ve been in business for 10 years or you’re just getting started, it’s incredibly important to always be thinking about how you can reach new customers and as a local business, often this can be a little more difficult. Luckily, there are lots of ways in which you can grow locally. With that in mind, here are 10 ways to increase your visibility as a local business:

– Start Using A Social Media Strategy

One of the best ways to increase your visibility as a local business is to start putting together a social media strategy that you can easily follow. Although you may feel as though you need to be on every single app in order to succeed, the truth is that it only takes a couple of platforms in order for you to reach your audience. You need to think about which social media platforms your audience are likely to be using, then start working on your strategy from there. Whether it’s posting content they relate to or sharing the latest offers you have, it’s important you know what you’re going to be using each channel for. For a guide to creating your social media strategy, you can visit this site here.

– Work With A Local Marketing Agency

If you’re unsure whether or not you’re going to be able to create a social media strategy on your own, you may want to consider working with a local marketing agency instead. Not only will they be able to help when it comes to your social media channels, but they will also be able to help in various other ways. From creating an email list to using video to attract new customers, local marketing agencies will know exactly how to reach those around you.

– Consider Pay Per Click Advertising That Is Targeted Locally

Another great way to increase your visibility as a local business is to consider using pay per click advertising, as this will allow you to target people based on their location. If you’re looking for just local customers, this is absolutely ideal! You can set location, age, gender and a whole host of other demographics that will ensure your advertisements are only seen by people that would be interested in them. For a guide to using pay per click advertising as a small business, you can visit this site here.

– Pay For Advertisements In Local Papers And Publications

If pay per click advertisements is something you don’t think will work for your business model, why not consider paying for advertisements in local papers and publications? If you know your target audience is going to be reading them, it’s definitely a great way to get your business in front of the right people. In some cases, however, it can be expensive.

– Attend Local Events And Fairs

Local events and fairs are amazing for local businesses and depending on the type of business you run, you may seriously want to consider whether or not they are something you should be attending. Whether you’re attending to network with local business owners or you’re attending to sell your products to attendees, once you start showing your face at three or four events a year, local people will start to become more and more familiar with who you are.

– Failing That, Sponsor Local Events And Fairs

If you can’t always attend a local event or you want to go that one step further, why not consider sponsoring local events too? Having your name on all of the marketing and branding is a great way to get your name out there when it comes to local customers, as soon they’ll start to see you as someone who is everywhere at all times. Whilst it can be expensive at times, the promotion you will receive is invaluable. For the benefits of sponsoring an event, you can visit this site here.

– Consider Investing In A Virtual Office

If you’re working from home and you want to make your business seem more professional, investing in a local virtual office is a great idea. For those that don’t know, renting a virtual office means that you rent an address to use within your business. Whether it’s using it to send your mail or using it to allow you to operate in a certain area, they’re a great solution to using your home address as a business address. If you are looking for a virtual office service, you can visit this site here.

– Aim For Local Coverage On TV

Although it can be difficult, local coverage on TV is a great way to get your name out there. Whether you’re helping a local charity or you’re doing incredible things for your community each and every day, it’s important you’re doing all that you can to get your name out there. If you’re looking for assistance when it comes to local TV coverage, you may want to consider speaking to a PR agency.

– Set Up A Local Loyalty Scheme

If you want your existing customers to come back time and time again, you need to be sure you’re offering a loyalty scheme that will encourage them. Whether this means offering a discount or giving away free products after a certain number of purchases, you need to love the customers you already have.

– Rely On Reviews And Word Of Mouth

Finally, you may want to consider relying on reviews and word of mouth. Although it can be hard to get everyone talking about you, your happy customers will be the best marketing you can possibly have.

Are you struggling to increase your visibility as a local business? What can you do to ensure your name is getting out there? Did we miss anything?

Why SEO Is The Driving Force For Your Business

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |SEO|Why SEO Is The Driving Force For Your BusinessIf you have to ask if your business should be investing in SEO, then you haven’t been paying attention. SEO is just one of many digital marketing strategies that you should have implemented into everything you do. Not every company will have the know-how or the time to fully integrate an SEO strategy, which is why working with an SEO agency is one of the most important things you can do for your business.

Ideally, you should choose a marketing agency that is well versed in your sector. Like digital marketing only for dental offices or an agency that specializes in the beauty industry. Their insight is unparalleled.
So if you are looking to increase your conversions, reach more customers, and boost your brand awareness, then SEO is the way to go. And, here are just a few reasons why.

Driving Traffic

Good SEO will help you gain high-quality traffic to your website. While traditional marketing can be fairly slow, digital marketing is lightning fast with incredible targeting tools. You can, of course, use things like billboards and newspaper articles to gain attention SEO delivers the content to them in the form of search results.

When people search online, they are looking for something specific already, which means your website is shown to people who already need your services or are ready to buy your product. People are looking for you and what you do. And, as they are already interested, they are more likely to click your call-to-action.


You work hard, but your SEO works harder. There is no off button, it doesn’t take breaks, SEO will be your 24/7 golden ticket. 60,000+ searches a second is what Google alone processes. The right SEO agency will help you capitalize on your slice of the search traffic pie.

You can reach commuters who are using their mobile, or CEO’s who are kicking back after work – your information is delivered to their device no matter the time.

Lead Gen

A huge benefit of having the right SEO strategy will be having continuous lead generation and increased sales. You’ll notice this improvement in your day-to-day running of the business.

This increase happens due to the strategy implemented by your SEO services provider, they will improve your search ranking, and put you in competition with market leaders. Once you are appearing on the front page of searches, due to the use of high-ticket keywords, you’ll see a higher amount of clicks and visits from the people who want your services or goods.

If you are someone who still underestimates the value of ranking on the first pages, then you might like to know that according to it has been reported that the first position search appearance receives 31% of the search traffic (taking only organic search into the equation).

Local Marketing

According to HubSpot, 34% of ‘near me’ searches will result in in-store visits. Which means that SEO isn’t just about your global reach. It can be incredibly powerful when it comes to your local area. So if you have a brick and mortar store, you can still see a marked increase in both sales and brand awareness by doubling down on your local SEO efforts.

Put plainly, if you leave local SEO out of your strategy, you are taking yourself out of the running for keen shoppers who are ready to buy.

Digital Marketing Strategy Strength

SEO will strengthen your overall digital marketing strategy, which should already include content marketing, social media marketing, and video marketing. All of these components will give you a bigger online presence, which will increase your competitiveness in the online marketplace.

Always consider that a strong digital marketing strategy is the key to a bigger ROI.

And that bigger ROI can then be reinvested into your company, and drive you forward in other areas, or increase your SEO efforts.

Decreasing Costs

This one might seem like an impossible dream, but when you have an SEO expert on board, you are going to see a decreased spend on your advertising costs. Why? Well, because with a well thought out SEO strategy, you are going to be ranking higher for those high-value keywords.

This means you can take a portion of your advertising budget and reinvest it somewhere else. When you have an SEO expert, they will be able to trim the fat on what you are currently spending, and streamline your strategies so that you are ranking where it really matters.

Investing in SEO is more cost-effective than traditional advertising and marketing, so it is no wonder that businesses will (and should) reduce spending in those areas and invest more in the right SEO strategy.

Brand Awareness

Shoppers can’t be aware of what they aren’t seeing. So when looking at how you can increase your brand awareness, SEO makes the most sense. Consumers will move through a buying funnel when they are looking for a specific item. What you should be looking to do is appear in those searches repeatedly, and over time they will begin to recognize your brand. Once that recognition is in full effect, they will switch from random searches to direct – and when this happens, they are more likely to make a purchase.

PPC Boost

It is highly likely you are already investing in PCC, or have at least toyed with the idea of multiple times. SEO is the key to great PPC. PPC is, of course, a paid strategy, and SEO is non-paid (the cost will be in the company you hire to manage this for you), they work together incredibly.

Which both SEO and PPC, you are going to be reinforcing your search appearance, you will be showing up in both paid and organic searches. This provides more opportunities for consumers to visit your website. Again this helps with brand recognition.

And, we all know that data matters. You can apply your SEO data to the PPC campaigns that you are running. Say you have a web page that leads on conversions; when incorporated into your PPC campaign, it will likely rise in value.

The bottom line is that when you work with the right SEO consultant, you are going to see an increase in both traffic and conversions. And the speed in which online shopping and research grow years-on-years means you need a robust strategy in place to capitalize on the potential traffic.

Going Digital in Real Estate: How to Do It Right

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, Going Digital in Real Estate: How to Do It Right

The real estate industry is experiencing massive changes in the digital era. With new online technologies, businesses are improving the overall customer experience while also being more competitive. This means that it is increasingly important to stay up to date and find out things like what a title company does in Florida. In this article, we’ll talk about some of the ways real estate businesses can go digital and reap large rewards!

1. A New Education Landscape

Anyone interested in venturing into the real estate industry needs to be educated. This does not mean that you have to go to school and take a series of courses and get a degree. In this digital era, education is more affordable and accessible. For instance, you can take a commercial real estate course online to become more knowledgeable. Through online modules, you can learn at your pace while completing assignments on deadline.

2. Build a Website

Being digital in real estate is also possible by creating a website, which will help establish your online presence. This is an opportunity to promote the properties that you are selling and to build brand awareness. To build a great business website, start by having a simple, catchy, and easy-to-remember domain name. Make the website intuitive, user-friendly, and relevant. Offer something valuable to the visitors.

3. Use Search Engine Optimization Techniques

It is not enough that your business has a website. Many real estate agents probably have their websites as well. To stand out, pay attention to your search engine optimization strategies. For instance, you need to conduct keyword research to know the search queries your target market is using. This will make it easier to conquer the top Google search results.

4. Start an Email Campaign

Your online marketing strategies will not be complete without tapping the power of email. It is a valuable tool to connect with new leads and to nurture a relationship with your existing client pool. The open rate can be low, which is one of the biggest challenges for real estate companies. Find a way to make emails more interesting and engaging. One of the best ways to do this is through personalization.

5. Tap Social Media

Social media marketing is another good way to use digital trends to promote your real estate business. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are some of the best platforms that you can use. Consider the target audience to decide which channel is most effective in getting your message across. It is also crucial to ensure that you have engaging content for your social media strategies to be effective.

6. Host a Virtual Tour

Gone are the days when giving prospects a tour of the property you are selling could be done personally. Nowadays, you can do it virtually. By using digital technologies, it is easier to give your clients an idea of the property that you are selling. Using 360-degree cameras and 3D rendering are some of the best things that can help.

Digital technologies are changing the real estate industry. As mentioned above, from training and education to hosting a virtual tour, there are plenty of ways you can use the power of digital platforms to succeed in the real estate world.