3 Ways To Tackle A High Bounce Rate On Your Website
Bounce rate is one of the most important analytics that your marketing team needs to consider. It shows you how many visitors to your website are leaving before they explore further. If you have a high bounce rate, that means that people are taking one look at your site and then deciding that they’re not interested, and that’s not good news. A lot of marketing teams focus on conversion rate, which is important, but customers aren’t even getting that far if you have a high bounce rate. The good news is, there is usually a fairly simple fix to a low bounce rate. If you’re experiencing issues, these are some of the best ways to deal with a low bounce rate.
Landing Page Design
When customers click on an ad or a link that takes them through to your website, they’re going to spend a few seconds looking at the landing page before they decide to either leave or explore further and start looking at your products. Often, they choose to leave because the design of the landing page is bad. It might be that it just looks dated or the branding doesn’t really speak to them but more often than not, it’s that the layout is confusing and cluttered and they can’t easily find what they’re looking for. This is a common symptom of websites that have been built without professional help. You can make a half decent website on your own using a free web builder but if you really want quality, you need to outsource to the best web design agency you can find. They will have a better understanding of successful website layouts and they’ll be able to tell you if you’re making mistakes that are likely to cause a high bounce rate.
Targeting The Wrong People
Even if your website is absolutely perfect, you’re going to have a high bounce rate if the people visiting it have no interest in your products. For example, if you’re running a womens clothes company and your marketing efforts are reaching mainly men, you’re going to get traffic from people that assume you cater to men as well, but they’ll soon leave when they realize that isn’t the case. Of course, you’re not going to do this on purpose, it just means that you’re sending the wrong message and attracting the wrong type of customer. It’s important that you identify your target demographic and make sure that your marketing strategy connects with them.
People really hate pop-ups, you probably do too, so why would you fill your website with them? If a user goes onto a site and they’re immediately bombarded with loads of pop-ups, it disrupts the user experience and frustrates them, and they’re likely to leave the site immediately. Pop-ups can be good for things like building an email list but you need to use them sparingly and don’t include them on the landing page, give people a bit of time to browse the site before you start asking for email addresses.
These are some of the more common reasons for a high bounce rate and these problems are easily fixed, so you should see a decrease in no time.