
The Vital Importance of Cybersecurity for Your Business

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article | The Vital Importance of Cybersecurity for Your Business

In the digital age, businesses thrive on connectivity and data, and cybersecurity is the guardian of prosperity. As technology continues to advance, so do the risks associated with cyber threats. From small startups to multinational corporations, the significance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated. It serves as a shield against a myriad of potential dangers that could jeopardize sensitive information and the very existence of a business. Let’s delve into why cybersecurity is indispensable for any modern enterprise.

Protecting Sensitive Data

Businesses accumulate vast amounts of data, ranging from customer information to proprietary research and financial records. Without adequate protection, this data becomes vulnerable to theft, manipulation, or exploitation by malicious actors. A single breach could lead to disastrous consequences, including financial losses, legal ramifications, and irreparable damage to the company’s reputation. By implementing robust cybersecurity measures, businesses can safeguard their valuable assets and retain the trust of their stakeholders. Moreover, with businesses increasingly embracing digital transformation, cybersecurity becomes an indispensable component of innovation and expansion, requiring exact IT support services.

Mitigating Diverse Threats

In today’s interconnected world, cyber threats can come from anywhere and target anyone. Hackers, cybercriminals, and even disgruntled employees constantly threaten business operations. They exploit network, software, and infrastructure vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access or disrupt services. Without adequate cybersecurity measures in place, businesses are essentially leaving their doors wide open to potential attacks. Investing in cybersecurity is akin to installing locks on doors and windows—it deters intruders and provides a sense of security for both the business and its clients.

Ensuring Regulatory Compliance

Additionally, adherence to regulatory requirements imposes rigorous cybersecurity standards across diverse industries. Failure to comply can lead to considerable fines, legal repercussions, and tarnished reputations for companies. Prioritizing cybersecurity ensures legal compliance and showcases a dedication to safeguarding sensitive data and adhering to ethical principles. In an era of prioritizing data privacy, meeting regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is imperative, leaving no room for negotiation.

Maintaining Business Continuity

Cybersecurity is essential for maintaining business continuity. Cyberattacks such as ransomware, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, or phishing scams can disrupt operations, leading to downtime and financial losses. The aftermath of such instances can be devastating, resulting in diminished productivity, damaged infrastructure, and prolonged recovery efforts. A comprehensive cybersecurity strategy, including regular backups, incident response plans, and employee training, is crucial for mitigating cyber threats’ impact and ensuring seamless business operations continuity.

Fostering Innovation and Growth

Moreover, with businesses increasingly embracing digital transformation, cybersecurity becomes an indispensable component of innovation and expansion. Emergent technologies like cloud computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence offer promising avenues for enhancing efficiency and competitiveness. They also introduce novel vulnerabilities and potential attack vectors that necessitate robust cybersecurity measures. By seamlessly integrating security into digital initiatives, businesses can harness technology to drive innovation while simultaneously mitigating risks.


Cybersecurity transcends being merely an option; it stands as a fundamental necessity for businesses navigating the digital landscape. It serves as a bulwark protecting sensitive data, mitigating risks, ensuring regulatory compliance, preserving business continuity, and fostering innovation. As cyber threats evolve in sophistication and complexity, investing in cybersecurity becomes synonymous with investing in the enduring success and viability of the business. Through prioritizing cybersecurity, businesses fortify their defenses, inspire confidence among stakeholders, and lay the groundwork for a secure and prosperous future.

6 Malware Removal Tips for Mac

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article | 6 Malware Removal Tips for Mac

As secure as Apple devices are, unfortunately, there’s no guaranteed way to ensure that they won’t fall foul of malware sneaking its way onto your devices from time to time. For those with Macs, it can be especially important to thwart unwanted attention and you’ll likely want to ensure that your device stays clean and free from harmful malware, so let’s take a look at what you can do.

What is malware and what can it do?

The term malware can be applied to specific types of viruses that hackers use to gain access to your Mac and perform functions to get to specific information to meet their needs. This could be stealing your personal information for dodgy dealings (or to sell on to third parties), reaching and exploiting secure financial data, or even holding your device for ransom for instant monetary gain.

The bad news is that malware can be picked up simply by using your Mac for everyday functions – and its effects won’t always be immediately apparent. According to Apple, one of the easiest ways for spyware, trojans and malware in general to make their way onto devices is via Ads. Although these adverts are harmless by nature, they do use tracking cookies, which can open you up to attacks as hackers collect information on who you are and what you look at. There are even times when doing nothing more than clicking an ad that leads to an infected site can cause issues, but the good news is that there are steps you can take to minimise malware taking hold or stop it before it has the ability to get too far.

2 common signs of malware and how to remove it

Here are 2 ways that you can spot malware and remove it safely:

1. Browser extensions  

The majority of malware will be installed via the internet and can come in the form of extensions. As these can be fairly obvious (you should know what you have and haven’t installed yourself), you should be able to spot them and either delete them or use third-party malware removal software to remove them safely for you.

2. Log-in-based malware

Certain types of malware will kick in when specific apps launch on your operating system upon startup. Malware can infect both necessary and leisure applications and even present themselves as apps that actually have no substance outside of performing negative functions. To determine if malware is using login protocols, check login items, how often they are triggered and if these launches are necessary, then disable any that you can’t account for or aren’t relevant. Again, anti-virus software can help to make this process simpler.

Preventing attacks

While manual scans and tasks can help to keep malware at bay, it’s no secret that dedicated anti-virus software can run in the background and prevent these items from making their way onto your Mac device before they have a chance to do any real damage. They also make finding and deleting unwanted items faster and easier. As there are plenty of these types of tools out there, simply do some research and select the one that suits your needs best.

How Businesses Should Handle Sensitive Data in 2022

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article |Handle Sensitive Data|How Businesses Should Handle Sensitive Data in 2022Mishandling sensitive data can be fatal for your business. Not only is this data usually given to you in trust by your customers, but it’s something that you’re legally required to protect, keeping safe and secure. In this article, we’ll look at ways in which you should be handling all sensitive data internally. The tips below will ensure that you’re able to keep handling sensitive data – whether that’s credit card details or personally identifiable information – without being at risk of data breaches or leaks that could damage your business.


All good data handling begins with training. All your staff should be trained in how to keep data secure and how to keep their logins and passwords safe. This might take a training day, with you bringing in external facilitators to show your staff how to best handle data. Alternatively, you could appoint a data manager who is ultimately in charge of how your data is handled internally. They’ll have the master key for your sensitive data, and they’ll be an employee that you can trust to know how to handle data without leaving it at risk of being stolen or exposed.


Sometimes, you’ll need to transfer sensitive data from place to place. That might be from one physical server to another, from your business to another business, or from a physical server into the cloud. During these moments of transit, your data is more likely to be intercepted and exposed, which means that you should concentrate on finding ways to secure your data when it’s in transit. Use Globalscape secure file transfer technology to ensure that your data is moved from place to place without the risk of being intercepted by bad actors or leaked accidentally when you need to move data to a new location.


Even when your data is simply sitting in a database without being moved, it could be exposed by bad actors who hack into your systems. This has happened several times in the past year, often via ransomware attacks that steal company data and demand a ransom payment to have it returned to them. The best way to protect from these threats is to install a reliable cybersecurity system. These are sold to businesses in many shapes and sizes, so it’s well worth doing a little research before deciding on which package you should purchase. Many are tailored to businesses just like yours.

Data Hygiene

The final tip in this guide is to keep your data clean and readable at all times. If your data is scattered across different platforms, is difficult to read, and will take a lot of manual editing in order to understand and leverage, it’s more likely that your workers will have to access sensitive data on their laptops and work devices, instead of leaving that data protected within files and databases. If you practice good data hygiene and keep your data machine-readable, you’ll never have to expose your data in the first place – it’ll be read and processed automatically, which means you’ll rarely have to access it in the first place.

Use these tips to secure your sensitive data in the future.

Taking Your Business Security to Another Level

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article |Business Security|Taking Your Business Security to Another LevelBusiness security is vital for protecting assets, employees, and intellectual property. And your company is under constant threat from hackers. So here are some practical protection tips.

Exercise Access Controls

Access control is an excellent tool for restricting specific people from areas of a physical site or server. You can control physical access controls using simple yet powerful key card entry systems. Key cards are programmable, meaning a user without the correct credentials imprinted on a key card cannot access a mismatched lock. Kind of like the security levels you see in the movies. For your business network, you can also implement something similar. Your network administrators can restrict access to specific drives and folders with OS policies and user levels.

Install Facial Recognition

CCTV cameras have come a long way since the choppy, low-resolution, inter-frame devices of the 1990s. Today, you can install Wi-Fi enabled, 24 fps, 4K, smart cameras for relatively little. These are supremely clear and have advanced features like high-detail zooming. However, you can go one step further and install high-tech cameras with facial recognition software. Suppose you manage a store and have banned someone for stealing. Facial recognition cameras can spot them and alert you. Or warn you to a face entering your site that isn’t in the staff database.

Boost Business Security with Non-Lethal Arms

Most countries don’t allow security to carry firearms. Yet, in some places, the killing of private security staff is double that of police. But there are non-lethal options you can use. These are much cheaper, have less chance of severe injury, and are mostly legal. Additionally, they hurt enough that they will stop a violent criminal in their tracks. Examples include pepper spray, tasers, and rubber bullets or bean bags. Many of these non-lethal alternatives also look a lot like real guns. And in most cases, just the presence of these weapons is enough to deter a criminal.

Invest in the Latest Technology

Like most things, security technology is constantly evolving. Modern advancements include facial recognition and key card access. However, there are more technologically advanced controls than these that you can invest in. Some aren’t as new, and others are in their infancy. Examples include biometrics for scanning the eyes, fingerprints, and palms. However, you can take your cameras mobile with security drones. Models like the Easy Aerial SAMS are designed for remote control and perimeter scanning with a high-quality camera and advanced recognition.

Implement Strict Cybersecurity

There is a genuine threat of a cyberattack on your business. And your business size doesn’t mitigate risk. Almost 60% of attempted hacks each year target small to medium businesses. These include data theft, ransomware, and DDoS attacks. Any of these is disastrous for a company of any size. Therefore, you must spend some money on cybersecurity. The best cybersecurity plans for businesses include physical and software firewalls, regular data backups, and employee education. You could use an IT service or hire an expert security team.


It pays to invest in business security to protect your company and employees. User access control, non-lethal deterrents, and cybersecurity protocols are all excellent methods.

What Can You Do to Benefit Your Business in the Long Run?

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Benefit Your Business |What Can You Do to Benefit Your Business in the Long Run?After the last couple of years, running a business might have all seemed like survival, but as some things at least return to normal, your thoughts might turn to more long-term plans. With so many things to do at once, it might seem an impossible task to even get started, but to make things easier, here are some of the main things you should consider looking at.

#1 You Are Going to Need to Invest in PPSR

PPSR, otherwise known as the Personal Property Securities Register, is an essential part of running a business. The Personal Property Securities Register is a powerful tool that can help you get the compensation that you deserve if people who haven’t paid you to go out of business.

It means that you can repossess what you lost, or at least the value of what you lost. This is important to get right, and you might need some templates to make sure that it is perfect for use. This might mean that you are going to want to look at templates for Personal Property Securities Register used in Australia to make sure you don’t lose out

#2 You Are Going to Need to Invest in Cybersecurity

Investing in Cybersecurity is important to ensure the longevity of your business. It can help you work in a more secure environment and help your employees trust you. You would be wise to start by investing in anti-virus software and a decent firewall. It should also be beneficial to invest in end-user education to help yourself and your employees work safely on the internet and are wary of threats.

#3 You Should Be Investing in Training Your Employees

Not only does this help employee morale, but it also allows your business to get better results. This is because mistakes are less likely to be made, and communication becomes more fluent with the overall result that the pace of work not only becomes faster but also more accurate. You will be pleasantly surprised with the transformation that the correct training will cause within your business, as it starts to overcome issues more consistently and intelligently, as well as use fewer resources and perform better, even under pressure.

#4 You Should Be Looking into Getting High-Quality Website Management

This can help you tremendously when it comes to keeping the customers that you have attracted to your site. It can help you make sure that your website is up to spec and isn’t taking forever to load, being slowed down further by bugs, and just not looking good, causing your potential customers to click away.

You should also be looking into tools like Chatbots and using SEO to help your site become more findable online and enjoyable for your customers when they get there.

#5 You Should Be Investing in Your Social Media Output

This can help you when it comes to reaching specific audiences and helping your ‘brand’ increase in popularity. It can be a great tool as people all over the world could be potentially exposed to your business so that you have a chance of bringing in a customer anytime, meaning that you are always actively marketing. Although this might not bring the same long-term results as SEO, it will give you a more immediate audience.

#6 You Should Be Ensuring That Your Finances Are in Order

This isn’t just getting your business a PPSR. This is also building up your business’s credit score and making sure that you are as debt-free as possible. This is important as it can prevent you from getting the help that you need when you need it, as lenders might turn you down, which in turn might be the end of the line for your business.

#7 Digitalization Can Help You with Efficiency

Digitalization can be great for building efficiency throughout your business and it can be an effective way to modernize. It can also help you cut down on the single-use products which are detrimental to your business’s finances, and instead invest in other areas. For instance, moving storage to the cloud would be significant as you are going to need the digital space to expand your business and help it grow.

#8 You Are Going to Need to Think About Packaging

This can help your business appeal to more customers and then make them want to come back for more. It has been said that the packaging is more important than the product, and you also need to remember to make switches to more eco-friendly materials and also keep your packaging practical and reflective of your business. You will find that it is easier to keep your customers if they have a great ‘unboxing’ experience.

To Wrap Things Up

It’s never too soon to plan, especially if some of those measures will mean your business does have a future. By getting the back-up you need, both financially and digitally, as well as cutting down on overheads and boosting the knowledge in your workforce, you’ll find that moving forward doesn’t have to be as hard as you first thought.