Women and the economy: an opportunity for growth
One of the most strategic challenges remains inexplicably a black hole. It is time to unveil some figures and share thoughts on this hidden treasure: women.
As Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund states: if women were employed at the same rate as men, GDP would increase by 5 percent in the United States, by 9 percent in Japan and by 27 percent in India.
Gender inequality is a reality
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About the Author
Martine Liautaud is the author of Breaking Through: Stories and Best Practices From Companies That Help Women Succeed (Wiley, April 2016). Martine is also founder the Women Initiative Foundation (WIF), in coordination with global energy player and expert operator ENGIE. WIF seeks to improve the place of women in business and increase their presence in universities around the world through active mentorship, sponsorship support and training programs.