
Turn That Frown Upside Down: Top Tips For Happier Employees

StrategyDriven Managing Your Employees Article | Turn That Frown Upside Down: Top Tips For Happier Employees

While there are many different ways you can set out to future-proof your business, maintaining employee satisfaction is one of them. This is because employees serve as the ‘face’ of your company, interacting with your clients day in, day out. This means that they are responsible for how others perceive your brand. Furthemore, studies suggest that when we are happier – we are often more productive. This means that by focusing on employee wellbeing, you can also improve your workplace efficiency – which is another step towards success.

That being said, employee satisfaction can be difficult to monitor from an employer’s perspective. This is because while employees may voice their dissatisfaction with their peers – they are likely to do so directly to their boss through fear of being reprimanded. However, this does not mean that their happiness should not be a priority – especially if you are relying on them to help kickstart your entrepreneurial ambitions.

With that in mind, here are some top tips that you can use to guarantee employee happiness in the workplace.

  • Delegate work fairly. One of the biggest complaints that many employees have within the workplace is being overworked and under-compensated. As a result, you should strive to ensure that the amount of work they are tasked with each week is fair and reasonable. You can do this by making the most of the services available to you and your company that can take some of the responsibility off your shoulders. For example, if your company does a lot of deliveries – looking into additional trucking services means that your drivers only have to make one stop instead of 5-6, lightening their workload significantly.
  • Put together a workplace wellbeing program. There are many different reasons why your employees may be unhappy at work – some of which even relate to their personal lives. This is due to the fact that it is sometimes impossible to stop your mood from impacting your work. However, you can combat these issues by placing a real emphasis on wellbeing in the workplace. For example, you could offer support to your staff by providing them with free access to therapy or counselling services. Alternatively, you can promote good workplace wellbeing by encouraging them to reach out for support as and when they need it – whether they want to reduce their hours or take time off.
  • Be responsive to complaints. If you want to create a better workplace for your employees, you need to figure out what you are doing wrong in the first place. The easiest way to do this is to ask. However, as mentioned previously, they might feel reluctant to speak up directly to you. Thankfully, there are various ways in which you can combat this. For example, you could set up an anonymous feedback submission box. Alternatively, you could ask them to elect a member of staff to take on their complaints and discuss them with you privately and anonymously. However, while taking these steps show your employees that you truly care about them – listening is not enough. You then need to make actionable change that shows you have taken on their feedback,

5 Easy Ways To Keep Your Employees Happy

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article | 5 Easy Ways To Keep Your Employees HappyA happy workforce is a productive workforce, so it’s vital to ensure you look after your employees throughout the highs and lows of your business journey. When people are feeling the strain, they become demotivated, and this can lead to low productivity levels, which is not right for overall company goals. However, there are some simple ways to make sure everyone stays chipper through the best and worst time.

Take a look at some of the critical areas to consider below:

1. Recognise and praise success

It’s easy to forget the little things in the workplace due to the amount of work going on. However, just saying ‘thank you’ for a job well done, or recognising a team on completion of a successful project can work wonders for self-esteem. When people feel they are going unnoticed, they will eventually lack the motivation to put the effort in. This, in turn, will affect levels of productivity and willingness to put maximum effort in.

2. Offer good benefits

Not all companies can afford to give an all-encompassing benefits package, but making small steps can be a huge motivational boost. Anything from supplying coffee on-site, implementing a cycle to work scheme and using eyecare plans, so employees don’t have to pay if they need glasses for VDU use is a great way to show you care about their health and wellbeing.

3. Create an inspiring work environment

No one likes to sit and stare at four walls all day so it could be time to start thinking about your office design. Optimising natural light is a great way to boost morale and happiness in a workspace. Plus, dedicating areas, so individuals don’t feel tied to their desk can give employees some freedom to move around and feel creative in a collaborative space. On an interior aspect, why not add colourful prints or incorporate a creative décor theme to add some fresh and vibrant vibes to often whitewashed walls.

4. Trust individuals

One of the main frustrations from many employees is that they feel management don’t trust them to make the best choices. In many cases, management cannot do and control everything on a daily level, so delegation is a must. Assigning trust and responsibility to people gives them a sense of pride in their work. It also helps people to strive for better results.

5. Communicate well

Communication is another sticking point in organisations, and many people always feel out of the loop. Of course, you can’t disclose everything to employees. Still, there will be times where sharing details of projects and plans is beneficial, so everyone understands the bigger picture. This can also work in business slumps as if you don’t share concerns and strategies for improvement; employees can feel vulnerable and out of control of their personal circumstances.

These are simple ways to get your whole team on track and get the best out of everyone daily. They are also easy to implement, and you’ll reap the rewards in loyal and trusting staff that want to see the business succeed.

Effective Ways to Get the Best from Your Employees

StrategyDriven Talent Management ArticleIn the world of modern business, any way that you can get ahead of your competition and make your business more efficient is worth it. In order to make these gains there are several things you need to do. However, the main one is ensuring that your employees are on board and working together towards the same goal. Even though your workers are a group of individuals, there are ways you can get them working together effectively. Here are some effective ways that you can get the best out of your employees.

Make Productivity a Central Issue

If you ask your employees to work harder, the majority of them will probably comply. However, not all of them will, and this might be because there is no general work ethic to work harder or longer. To get the best from your employees, you need to make productivity one of the central core values of your business:

  • Create a mission statement that sets out in detail everything that your company needs to do and is expected from your workforce.
  • Put this mission statement at the heart of your company and show it to any potential employees. That way when they come for an interview, they will have no doubt what’s expected from them.

Reward Innovation and Efficiency

Many businesses have a mixture of talented people, some of them might not necessarily be doing jobs that they were initially trained for or that they have the qualifications for. These hidden talents can be the best way forward for your company as they could be used to innovate your business and provide efficiency. To find these hidden gems try and encourage work-related competition to find new ways of working and new ideas. As an added incentive you can offer a reward for the best idea and allow the employee who came up with the idea the opportunity to work with the team to implement it.

Make Training Effective

Effective training is more than simply teaching your employees what to do; it also enables them to work to the same objectives and to create a consistent product. Good training also helps your employees feel valued and allows them to have a degree of autonomy. You also need to ensure that you are giving your workers the most up-to-date training possible. You can read more here about some of the more important training that they should be getting as a matter of routine. How you deliver the training is as important as the content itself, it needs to be fun and interactive to capture your worker’s imagination and stop them from tuning out.

Have Clear Rules in Place

People generally find discipline a lot easier to deal with when there are parameters clearly set. You need to ensure that your rules are detailed, and any consequences are clearly laid out. For example, if you have within the rules that workers are allowed to make phone calls but only during their lunch hour, then they will understand that this is the appropriate time. You also have to lay out what will happen should they make calls outside this time period.

Make the Environment Healthy

There have been many studies which have shown just how much of an impact the location and condition of an employee’s environment can have on their performance. After all, you are asking your workers to spend several hours a day in one location. For that to work effectively, you need to have an environment that is comfortable and meets their needs. For example, is there a kitchen area or a rest space where they can have lunch and take their breaks? Is there adequate heating and cooling to keep the temperature within the office or the work area within reasonable limits? The variables can have an impact not only on your worker’s mood but also on their productivity.

Maintain Morale

An important factor in having a happy workforce is morale, if your workers are unhappy or if there are problems in the office then this can quickly lead to unhappiness and lack of enthusiasm. To counteract this, you need to keep your eye on team morale and also make sure that you are in tune with what your workers want and need. In some cases, this might even mean dealing with individuals who are upsetting the balance within your workforce.

Encourage Feedback

With many companies, their bosses will often ask for their employee’s opinions at interview and perhaps even when they leave their job, but it can actually be of more value if they continually asked their opinion while they’re working. Some bosses confuse this with giving their employees too much power, however, the exact opposite is true. If you are concerned about your employee’s welfare and about the way they’re working you can encourage a great deal of respect and loyalty within your workforce. This loyalty not only ensures that you retain good staff, but it also helps to encourage other high-quality staff to your company by word of mouth.

Hire from Within

Even the most patient employees will soon decide to move on if they feel that their job is going nowhere. You might also encourage people to leave if they are being regularly overtaken by workers below them or bringing in new workers to take jobs above them. Filling vacancies from within your existing staff is a good way to maintain a high level of experience. You also negate the issue of staff getting to know them and understanding the type of personality they are. Some bosses feel that this can promote jealousy amongst staff however if you are giving all the staff an equal opportunity then there should be less of a problem.

Your workers are the most important part of your business besides your customers. For that reason, it is vital that you ensure you get the best from them and you keep them happy and healthy. If you can do this then you will have a workforce that is loyal, enthusiastic, and willing to take on additional work if the business requires it.