
Best Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year from StrategyDriven

As we celebrate the many successes of 2015, the StrategyDriven Team and I want to wish you and your family all the best for a happy and prosperous 2016. We look forward to continuing the journey to becoming a truly StrategyDriven organization with you.

All the Best,

Nathan Ives
President and Chief Executive Officer

Best Wishes for a StrategyDriven 2012!

As we say farewell and give thanks for a successful 2011, I and the StrategyDriven family wish you and yours all the best for a happy and prosperous 2012. We look forward to the ongoing journey of helping you and your organization to become truly StrategyDriven.

All the Best,

Karen Juliano
Editor-in-Chief and
Director, Communications and Marketing