
How Do You Get 5k Instagram Followers on Instagram?

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, How Do You Get 5k Instagram Followers on Instagram?

Growing an Instagram account can be a daunting task for starters. While buying Instagram followers is one of the quickest ways you can increase your follower count, there are many strategies you can roll out to get over 5k followers.

To build a strong following on your Instagram account, you must first focus on what type of content you will be sharing. Even though buying Instagram followers is a powerful way of building a strong online presence, the success of this strategy heavily relies on the quality of content you are likely to share with your target market. The better the quality of content you share with your prospects the higher the chances of getting more followers.

With many brands scrambling for the same market segment, being creative not only puts you ahead of the pack but also improves brand visibility on search engine searches. That way, you can easily cross the 5k Instagram followers without having to break the bank.

Remember hitting the 5k mark on Instagram not only unlocks your growth potential but also opens up an array of opportunities for your profile. To build that initial momentum for your Instagram account, you need to invest in a robust growth strategy. That way, you not only increase the chances of getting more conversions but also improve brand visibility.

In this article, we give you tips on how you can easily get the first 5k Instagram followers without breaking the bank.

1. Buy Instagram followers

If you are stuck on how to grow your Instagram account then it’s high time you try out buying. Although it may be challenging to identify credible sellers of Instagram followers, buying followers is one of the ideal strategies that you can use to get more followers.

Whereas buying followers can help you fast-track your Instagram growth strategy, you must invest in quality content to stay relevant and connect with your audience. As such, you not only increase the chances of getting more followers but also boost your growth potential.

2. Use the right Content

The success of Instagram’s growth strategy heavily relies on the choice of content. Just like Tiktok and Instagram, you can leverage the power of videos and images to grab the attention of the target audience. To gain real followers, you must choose the right style of content that will help induce engagement.

With engagement, you stand a chance to attract more followers and achieve growth. If you have no clue about the type of content that you can use to attract more followers, you can try out a blend of inspirational quotes and informational graphics.

All you should know is that Instagram is mainly a visual platform, unlike Facebook or Twitter that thrives on mainly text content. To identify the right content, you must first identify the type of content that blends well with your brand.

3. Include a Call to Action Button

Every conversation that excites your client ensures you direct it to your sales funnel and close to purchase. The same applies to converting a visitor into 5k followers within 5 months. If you include a call to action button on your post, most visitors are likely to follow through on that action than without it.

Instead of always requesting followers to like or follow your page, be creative with your CTA and drive people towards your purchase buttons. For example, you can request people to DM you with questions regarding your tutorial. That way, you stand a chance to generate more leads than a typical like and share request.

4. Choose the right hashtags

The use of hashtags is a great way of targeting industry-specific followers for your account. If you use hashtags correctly, your brand can leverage trending issues on the hashtag to get more followers. For an effective content strategy, ensure you choose the right hashtags that resonate well with your brand.

If you show up frequently on your follower’s feeds, you stand a chance to get real connections and become a trusted brand in your industry.

5. Share your brand Story Consistently

Most people are likely to follow who they connect with and do business with them. Therefore, the secret to building real connections is through sharing your brand story consistently. When you share your brand story consistently, you increase the chances of new followers stumbling on your content thereby increasing the chances of generating more followers. This not only helps in building a strong brand image but also improves chances of improving conversions.

6. Follow other brands

Following other brands that offer similar services is an effective way of getting more following. To succeed in this, you must first ensure the accounts you follow offer similar services. That way, you can easily grow a truly engaged audience and boost brand visibility.

Alternatively, you can creatively share your content with various influencers and brands to expand your scope. While connecting with big brands and influencers is ideal in getting real followers, you must first identify the right brands that may add value to your platform.

Not every brand that offers similar services is legitimate. Carry out research to identify what people are saying about the brand. This not only saves you from networking with the wrong platforms but also compromises the credibility of your brand.

7. Engage with the audience

Just like any other typical social media platform, engagement helps in improving trust in front of your followers. Whether the response you get from your platform is either positive or negative, responding restores confidence and increases the chances of getting return clients.

Additionally, you are likely to attract more loyal customers if you are responsive. This is because the more responsive you are the more likely you can attract more followers. Lack of engagement not only raises questions about your credibility but also creates mistrust among followers. In that case, you may not be able to appeal to more followers if you aren’t able to dive into their comments, ask questions and even react to their comments.

Should you come across negative comments then you must approach with utmost caution to avoid picking fights with potential customers. This can easily breed bad blood with your target market and injure your reputation.

Regardless of how well you can finance your PR strategy, a negative image can not only be costly to repair but comes with great damage to your brand reputation.


If you are yet to invest time in growing your Instagram follower count, tips highlighted in this article are ideal in helping you achieve your growth potential. Aside from earning from sponsorships and advertising, generating 5k followers for your Instagram account comes with many benefits.

However, in case you find growing your Instagram profile a bit challenging, you can choose to buy 5k Instagram followers to kick start your growth strategy. On the flip side, this may not yield good results if you are unable to invest in creating and sharing valuable content.

It is against this backdrop that we advise you to buy 5k Instagram followers from or any other credible platform. The bottom line is ensuring that you buy real and active Instagram followers to avoid compromising the credibility of your account.