
Interesting Power Generation Facts You Should Know

StrategyDriven Editorial Perspective Article |Power Generation|Interesting Power Generation Facts You Should KnowPower generation is one of the most important industries in the world. Our world needs power, and it is crucial for us to generate enough to power our homes and cities efficiently. There are many different types of power such as oil, gas, wind, solar, and nuclear; and all of these are generated in different ways and have their own purposes.

Today we are going to explore the latest power generation technologies and share some interesting facts about power.

1. Coal power plants emit something called Fly Ash, and this substance is 100 times more radioactive than a nuclear power plant of the same size.

2. William Kamkwamba powered a whole village with a homemade windmill. After reading about windmills at his local library, he built a windmill out of scraps and powered his entire village in Malawi.

3. Denmark is one of the most efficient wind power users in the world, and in 2013 on the 28th October, wind power was generating enough energy to power 122% of the county’s needs.

4. The UK is known for its love of a good brew. There is a power station inside a mountain called Dinorwig station whose sole purpose is to cope with the spike in power usage during the ad breaks on TV when people switch on their kettles.

5. Sweden asks for trash for Norway to use their Waste-To-Power plants, because they are so good at recycling that they never have enough to use.

6. Nuclear power is always associated with disasters such as Chernobyl, but they actually save lives every single year. Lower air pollution caused by less coal usage has saved over 1.8 million lives between 1971 and 2009.

7. In 1963, all private power companies were bought by the Quebec government. This has since led to the ability for them to focus on renewable energy sources, and right now hydroelectricity accounts for 96% of power in Quebec. As well as this, energy rates are some of the lowest in North America.

8. Hydroelectricity powers 99% of all Norway, this is the highest rate in the world.

9. The Titanic was a tragedy, and it should be known that engineers stayed on the ship to keep the power running to allow others to escape. No engineers made it off the ship.

10. If you are ever locked up in Brazil, you can reduce your sentence by riding on an electric bike to power a nearby village.

11. Termites might be America’s best hope for renewable energy in the future. It has been found by The U.S. Department of Energy that termites produce 2 litres of hydrogen every time they consume a sheet of paper. They are efficient and they could be a great way to power the country.

12. France produces a lot of nuclear energy, and because it is in surplus of the needs of the country, they export it to others and make a generous profit.