
5 Critical Areas to Focus to boost your Local SEO

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Local SEO|5 Critical Areas to Focus to boost your Local SEOAs a small business owner, growing your business is full of impediments and challenges. Local SEO is one such hindrance that remains a mystery as well as area of expertise that is beyond the scope of entrepreneurs. With limited resources and budget, entrepreneurs cannot afford to hire a full-time SEO expert for their firm. Here business owners should churn down specific areas where they can afford to focus in their busy schedule. According to Local Dudes Marketing, a San Diego SEO marketing company dominating your business on Google for local search queries is easy if you focus on these 5 important areas. Take a look!

Local Site Listing

Citations play a huge role in boosting the local SEO campaigns. And, if you want to target users with local intent, you must build citations using local resources. Here local listings such as directories, business pages, local blogs, and review websites focused on local businesses can be vital to get effective results. Apart from SEO perspective, local site listing can be an incredible source of traffic that not generate traffic but help you get more revenue from targeted users.

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Local SEO|5 Critical Areas to Focus to boost your Local SEOOn-page SEO

For achieving the results you’re aspiring for in Local SEO, you cannot undermine On-Page SEO anyway. On-page SEO tends to remain as crucial for local SEO as for International SEO. Make sure to optimize your title, description, and alt text to match the queries with local search intent.

Apart from the optimization, put a great deal of effort in researching and finding keywords that are used by users in your area to find your business and related products. And, make sure to target keywords from local point of view. So, Instead of going for simply “Italian Pizza”, you can optimize for local search to make it look like “Italian Pizza in New York”. Undoubtedly, these changes will open up your business to witness phenomenal results.

Other necessary additions include NAP, this factor is imperative to prove the legitimacy and credibility of your website to search engines. Make sure to add your Name, address, and phone numbers are consistently added to your listings as well as landing pages.


Reviews are crucial to develop trust, credibility, and make your business stand-out from the competitors. A few reviews definitely make a good impression on your customers and overall help you gain more and more customers. To master SEO, don’t be afraid of offering some free products to get some reviews to get local SEO success.

Social Media

Social medial is not all about sharing images, thoughts, and gossiping, it can be an amazing place to reach out targeted local audience too. If your don’t have social presence, make sure to create business page with NAP details and create posts with hash tag that includes local keywords to engage local audience.


Instead of going for Marketing Services, you can strive to create engaging and useful content that people would love and share. You can focus on making stories about your product or services with local keywords to get traffic relevant to your products. Use content marketing to win natural backlinks. And, thus eventually gain more traffic.

Final words

Local SEO can help you dominate organic search and reduce the marketing cost to fit your pocket. And, using it to your advantage is definitely the way out to grow and succeed.