
How Your Career Can Help You to Help Others

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article | How Your Career Can Help You to Help OthersMany people volunteer in their free time to support the causes that they value. However, others feel that volunteering is not enough, so they begin careers that allow them to help other people. If you want to do more to improve your community, consider starting a new career in one of these areas.


One stereotype about lawyers is that they are all corrupt and just work for the money. However, most lawyers genuinely care about the people they represent and want to make their lives better. If you look at your credentials and think, “What legal firm would hire me?”, other options are available. You could help expert witnesses to prepare their testimonies, or you could serve as the court reporter for your county’s courthouse. If the courtroom scene does not appeal to you, get involved with local politics by running for an elected office at the county or state level. This path allows you to create legislation that helps at-risk groups and addresses issues you’ve witnessed in your community.


One of the most tangible ways to help other people is to begin a career in medicine. Becoming a doctor is a famously difficult career path, and if you have already worked for several years, you may not want to spend so much time in school again. However, if you begin a career as a nurse, technician or even receptionist, you will still help people to recover from their illnesses and feel more comfortable.

While physical health is important, so is mental health. However, many people forget that mental health is also a part of medicine. To become a certified psychiatrist, you need to get bachelor’s and master’s degrees, but some of your earlier education may transfer. If counseling does not appeal to you, consider working for nonprofits that promote mental health awareness and suicide prevention programs.


In the United States, each state stipulates how long children must attend school. These numbers vary, but all states require education until well into the teenage years. Becoming involved in education is a great way to have a positive impact on these children’s lives. If you already have a bachelor’s degree, return to school to become certified to teach at the level you are most comfortable with. If teaching does not appeal to you, find out how you can work as a receptionist, guidance counselor, coach or nurse at your local high school. Some people love to teach but do not want to have a full classroom of students. You can tutor individual students in a variety of subjects, including music and foreign languages. Finally, if you have extensive experience in an area such as science or politics, consider completing advanced degrees and teaching college.

Volunteering is an excellent way to spend your free time. However, if you want to take your community involvement to the next level, consider switching your career to one in law, medicine or education. By taking your job seriously and working to help the people you encounter, you can make a substantial difference in their lives and your community’s culture.

How To Improve Your Professional Development

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article | How To Improve Your Professional DevelopmentWhatever your role – business owner, team leader, staff member – it is human nature to want to learn new skills and grow as a person. Personal and professional development are both key to this, but it is the latter – development in the context of the workplace, such as skills that can be used in your career – that can occasionally be difficult to know where to start with.

Primarily, there are a few key principles to remember:

  1. Stay motivated
  2. Increase how much you read
  3. Learn from different industries
  4. Get feedback on what you’re learning
  5. Attend a training program
  6. Assess your progress

The Basics of Professional Development

If you’re not motivated, you’re unlikely to learn anything new, or at least anything new quickly. If you struggle with self-motivation, perhaps you could team up with a partner and set each other targets to push each other. This will also help vary the way in which you learn, as you can share hints and tips for what methods are working. The most obvious method for widening your professional horizons is to read more. Reading books not only based in your field of work but other ones as well will give you a wider, more rounded outlook on your job.

Getting in touch with people in other businesses and industries and asking what sort of professional development they have done – or what skills they need for their job – is also a good idea. Developing yourself in the context of your own position is obviously useful for the present but equipping yourself with knowledge and skills of other positions will make you a more attractive worker or business partner in the future.

Once you have started learning a new skill or studying a new business practice, it’s never a bad idea to ensure you’re working along the right lines by either getting feedback or checking your progress against examples. For instance, if you’re learning more about search engine optimization, looking into case studies for SEO is a good way of gauging your understanding against real-life examples.

Working with experts in the field you are studying and trying to grow your understanding will also improve your rate of development. If it’s a skill that you can enroll in a training course for, consider doing so. If you can, contact somebody who has already completed the course to ensure it’s worth the investment. Always find professionals with a lot of experience and with proven examples of their training improving a business.

Embarking on learning a new skill, developing your existing ones, or any other form of furthering your professional improvement can seem like a daunting task. It is never easy to remove yourself from your comfort zone, but pushing yourself and surrounding yourself with knowledge will help you do your job better and encourage those around you to do the same. Assessing your progress as you go along – looking back and seeing where you were at a week, month or year ago – will demonstrate how far you have come and motivate you to go further.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Improve Your Business Writing Skills

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article | A Step-by-Step Guide to Improve Your Business Writing SkillsToday, a significant portion of business activities refer to communications, and writing is the most demanded ability, among other communication skills.

Despite its importance, many professionals lack this ability and have trouble writing business materials.

An excellent approach to deal with this problem is to hire a pro essay writing service to compensate for your shortcomings. If you are constrained on money, however, here’s everything you need to compose an acceptable business document:

Have a Plan for Your Writing

While improvised writing deviates you from important issues, having a mental plan helps you to address intended writing objectives. Whether it’s a memo, a proposal, or a report, you should consider the following questions and, accordingly, have a systematic plan of what you are going to write.

  • What do I intend to tell?
  • What should the audience do after reading my piece of writing?
  • What evidence, statistics, and documents do I need to attach?
  • Who is my audience, and which style should I follow in this writing?

Do Not Postpone Your Message

In today’s fast-paced world, business people are not willing to read lengthy introductory paragraphs. They want you to get right to the point and don’t have extra time for unnecessary sentences.

Unlike what you learned at school, in business papers, you’re not going to write a catchy introduction, three body paragraphs, and a perfect conclusion for every email you send to your colleagues.

All you need is to present your message right at the start, be clear, and do not make your readers look for the required information.

Make It Easy to Read

When reading a business writing, people take a quick skim to see what it aims to describe and decide whether or not they should read it. Here are a few tips you can use to make it simple for your readers:

  • Include subheadings for each particular message/call to action
  • Use bullet-form lists to highlight crucial points
  • put the primary issues at the top
  • write vital pieces of information in bold or highlight them

Cut The Jargon

Every industry has its own technical or career-specific terminology. However, if you use too many buzzwords or complicated terms, your writing will create confusion for your target audience, especially when you’re writing for clients, stakeholders, or other non-experts out of the organization.

You don’t want to showcase your field expertise or have your partners check the dictionary to understand your purpose. Your main objective is to communicate a message as quickly as possible. So eliminate complicated words and make your writings more reader-friendly.

Note: In some business documents (e.g., project report), adding technical description may be unavoidable to some extent. If you’re not familiar with your field-specific terms, legitimate essay writing services can be a good help.

Keep It Professional

Avoiding jargon doesn’t mean you have to write in a completely informal manner.

When you have a close relationship with your colleagues, it’s all easy to include a joke or an office gossip in your business correspondence. However, it can pose an adverse effect on your content, harm your reputation, and probably lead to a misconception.

A great way to evaluate the level of professionalism in your business writing is to ask yourself, “Do I feel comfortable if my boss reads this email?” If the answer is no, you ought to rethink and rewrite the email.

Keep It Short

Emails and other electronic documents are more likely to be read if they are brief. If your email took more than half a page, email is probably not an ideal way to convey that information. Maybe you can call that person to talk about the issue or find another way to meet your needs.

Save Templates

As you may know, many business writings follow a similar pattern. Once you wrote a good article, letter, or email, you can save it and use it as a template for your future documents.

Another advantage of this method refers to the tight deadlines where you always rush to give in some report, post some advertisement content, or request a tender. When you are in a hurry, errors, typos and confusing phrases are more likely to appear in your pieces- an embarrassing fault that can be nearly avoided by using pre-written formats.

This is also true about professional essay writing services. Having worked with more than a thousand clients, these essay services have a rich source of pre-saved templates that can be used to construct a superior document for you.

Don’t forget to Proofread

Before pressing the ‘send’ button, take a moment to read your work. Check for potential misspellings, fill out incomplete data and omit extra ones. Put your self in readers’ shoes and see whether he/she can connect with your intentions. Always remember that even a single mistake can cause great embarrassment.

Bottom Line

In today’s information-driven world, every worker- irrespective of their role and operating field- must know how to construct business documents. The above-mentioned tips are great for improving your business writing skills, but if you are short in time, you can also write essays online by paying an urgent essay writing service.

Tips To Improve Your Business and Project Management Skills

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article | Tips To Improve Your Business and Project Management SkillsBusinesses need managers to run successful operations at various levels and across various departments. These managers efficiently plan, manage, supervise, control and monitor business operations. Senior managers need to develop communication, motivational, and leadership skills to further the success of the company. Self-management and time management are also attributes that successful managers display.

If you want a corporate career as a business manager or a project manager, you are aware that meeting and exceeding goals and objectives are key to your success. Efficient project managers and business managers are required to have a set of unique skills that enable them to execute their tasks better and meet deadlines well within time. However, developing these skills is not matter of joke. They need dedication and time on your part and a focused guidance to help you achieve your career goal.

Here are some handy tips to improve your management skills:

Master the art of time management. It makes for a loss as a manager to waste time since time is a limited resource. You just have 24 hours in a day. Time management skills come helpful in optimising time to meet your project deadlines. Allocating jobs skillfully to team members is a key responsibility area of a manager. Displaying good time management is evidence that, as a manager you understand the significance of productivity.

Learn from the past. There will be time in your career when your project will be halted due to unforeseen reasons. This is the time to bring out the best in you to be able to take the right decision. While seeking the advice of your immediate seniors is the obvious choice of many, reviewing successful old projects to understand the current problem better is helpful. This helps to take valuable ideas from the reviewed projects to run the current project efficiently.

Get better at communication. Effective communication with your team member is vital to the progress your project. Talk, hold meetings and respond in time to build confidence in your team through communication. Communication also established transparency among the team and boosts the morale of the team to deliver the project in time.

Set Expectations and Monitor Deliverables

A part of effective communication is also about letting your team members know what is expected of them. It is imperative to set expectations, so that everyone is aware of his responsibility. This helps in the team to follow process and guidelines and deadlines.

While setting responsibilities and expectations, you should keep a watchful eye on the timely delivery of work from your sub-ordinates. Monitor productivity closely on a day to day basis to optimise operations.

A good manager will require to master a number of different skills to progress in his career. Many graduation courses in Business and Project Management are available that help you sharpen your skills. Your online courses with Learning Cloud will offer you a vast array of business management courses that will imbibe managerial skills in you so that you can reach your career milestones earlier than others.

Want To Further Your Career? Here’s How To Do It!

There is no one in the world who wants to continue to be at the bottom of their career. There are very few who get into a junior position in a company and choose to stay there because they know how to do it. They aim for the top spot, the CEO seat. They want to be the department manager, pushing themselves to the top of their career and not settling for anything less.

If you find that you are staring at the same four walls of the cubicle that you stepped into a decade ago, then you need to give yourself a shake.

You cannot complain about your job while continuing to walk the same steps day in and day out. It’s just not okay to stay stuck – especially when you’re not okay with being stuck where you are! You could be advancing slowly, or you could have a possible future in the company in which you currently work. However, it doesn’t mean that you can’t progress. Progression is what gets you from the current workspace to something better, more satisfying and – often – with better pay.

You deserve to have the very best future you can have, and that’s why we’ve got some excellent tips to help you to further your career. Don’t stay stuck in a position you hate when there is a whole world out there for you to conquer and do well in. Let’s check out those tips!

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article | Career Development | Want To Further Your Career? Here's How To Do It!

Give Yourself Some Goals

Setting goals is a standard tip for anyone who is looking to do better in their career, but you need to think about this carefully. Goals need to be listed to keep you focused, and as you move upward through your chosen industry, you should consider making your goals smaller. Yes, your overall goal may be to own a company, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t set small goals to get you where you need to be. If you know what you want, break it down as to how you plan to get there and achieve each of those little steps.

Get Educated

What do you need to have under your belt to get where you need to be? It’s a big question to ask yourself, as if you don’t have the right piece of paper in some roles, you may find that you can’t get very far. For example, your IT degree may get you so far in the industry, but upskilling to a Masters in IT Security? That could get you so much further than you ever expected. Education is often the key you need to get you to an entirely new life. The more you learn, the more you can achieve, so check out what education you need to get to that next step.

Ask – Don’t Demand

If you feel like you are being wasted in the position that you are in, ask for more. Your employer is supposed to be supportive of your goals, and you will find that you may need to ask for the things that you want if you want to get ahead. It’s in their interest to help you to get that step up and do better. After all, your skills are going to help them to be successful. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to do better and get higher in your organization, and most employers covet that level of ambition. Keep working hard and approach your manager with a list of reasons you feel you are ready for a promotion. You need to be able to argue your point correctly and talk through your reasons if you hope to have a good outcome.

Rethink Your Resume

How does your resume look right now? You want to ensure that you look like an attractive candidate for any job for which you apply. If your resume is looking pretty bare right now, start looking at ways you could improve it. Are there courses you could attend to thicken it? Are there better options in your job? Could you be doing more? Add to your statement of service, too, and make your resume look slick and ready!

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article | Career Development | Want To Further Your Career? Here's How To Do It!

Know Your Passion

No matter what you are passionate about, it would help if you went after it. If you are not working in an industry for which you feel passionate, then get out of it. Nothing is stopping you from going after your passions, except you. Find out what they are and figure out what skills you need to be successful at it. Then go and get trained, educated, or whatever you need for it to go well.

Accept “No” Graciously

You want to step up and further your career, and that’s going to come with a ton of rejection. However, it would help if you didn’t allow this to be a problem for you. Take their no and use it to fuel your goals. Never take that first rejection as the only answer for you – push forward and follow your heart to success.

Start A Side Hustle

Any job that you want will require your focus. A side hustle in that specific field will give you all the fuel that you need for success. Start small and work around your permanent job. Over time, you’ll be able to build up and do more. Eventually, your side hustle could be your only hustle, and that is what will propel you forward!

Communicate Your Needs Well

One of the biggest secrets to success lies in the way in which you deal with other people. If you know how to communicate well, you can build connections with the right people in your field and get the job offer, raise or promotion that you need.

Right now, you feel stuck, with nowhere to go. You need to pull your socks up and make life happen for you. If you want a better career, go and do what you can to get that career. There is nothing out there stopping you – except you.