
Reaching Your Ultimate Potential

“You have potential.” Those words have never seemed to move people toward success. They send the message, “You are not yet where you need to be.” The spirit of the message, that you believe in that person is an important one. However, what’s key is not just that you believe in someone, it’s teaching them how to get to where they need to go.

Strong belief drives strong behavior. The way to increase your belief in yourself is to make progress toward your success. Momentum is contagious and pushes back any resistance we may face. Many people put limitations on themselves and get in their own way of their ultimate potential. The best thing you can do is know what you want, know what is holding you back, and create a self-strategy to get there.

3 Ways to Develop a Self-Strategy

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About the Author

Dr. Rob Fazio is the author of Simple Is the New Smart. He is the Managing Partner of OnPoint Advising, Inc. Rob advises with executives, athletes, and businesses internationally to guide them toward success. He can be reached at [email protected].