
Organizing the Perfect Company Retreat

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article |Company Retreat|Organizing the Perfect Company RetreatA company retreat is an excellent way for your employees to bond, learn some new skills and get out of the office. They can range from a simple day out or a more extended weekend-style retreat but are worth considering to strengthen the bonds between your employees. A company activity outside the office can also be an opportunity for you and the rest of your company to take a break and come back to work rejuvenated.

What are Company Retreats?

A company retreat is an opportunity for you and your employees to spend some together outside of the office. This is a great way to get to know your colleagues in a more social setting and take a break from work. A company retreat could also involve different activities designed to increase productivity and trust within your team.

What are the Benefits of a Company Retreat?

There are many benefits to organizing a company retreat. It can be an excellent way for your employees to learn new skills and adopt new attitudes that may increase their productivity inside the office. By encouraging bonding and trust between your employees, you may also see an increased level of efficient teamwork.

A company retreat is a great way to improve your company culture, like flexible working schedules, benefits, and opportunities to give positive feedback. A company retreat could be a way to demonstrate to your employees how much you value them and reward their hard work with some fun activities. Even a small out-of-office activity, like a day out or an organized dinner, can help you and your colleagues approach your work with renewed vigor.

Choosing the Right Retreat for your Business?

Firstly you’ll need to consider the external factors like when everyone is free, the budget for the retreat, and time constraints. If you don’t have the money or time for a multiple-day retreat, something more simple may suit you and your team better.

A classic retreat is to take your team outdoors and learn survival and camping skills, as well as spending some quality time in nature. If that sounds like the perfect idea, you’ll need to ensure that everyone is safe at all times. You may want to consider a wilderness first aid course in case of any unexpected danger. The first aid course could be a chance for your employees to bond and learn in of itself.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, you can even hire an external company to organize the retreat for you to make sure that whatever skills you think your company can benefit from are being taught by professionals.

A simple company outing to go out for dinner, bowling, or a group trip to see a film can be a good way for your employees to get to know each other outside of work. However, a more intense company retreat could be even better to do workshops together, to build or learn certain assets. Either way, you’ll find that your team has become closer and can come back to work refreshed and energetic.

4 Unexpected Challenges of Video Production

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Video Production|4 Unexpected Challenges of Video ProductionVideo production is a fast-paced, ever-changing industry. There are always new challenges to be faced in order to keep up with the latest trends and technologies. As a beginner, you may have many video production expectations that simply do not align with the reality of production. Video production can be a very rewarding experience, but there are also a lot of challenges you can face when it comes to making great videos. Here are four of the many very common challenges that come with video production:

  • Issues with gear
  • Scheduling
  • Budgeting
  • Power

Gear and Camera Issues

When it comes to gear and camera issues, many small businesses struggle. They may have the right equipment, but they don’t have the time or skills to use it properly. Also, if you work in video production, you will most likely face technical issues. These could be as small as a dead battery or as big as a broken camera. Knowing how to handle various technical issues is critical to video production.

Often, when it comes to making great videos, the quality of the gear doesn’t matter as much as the quality of the content. However, many people struggle to find the right gear and set it up. This can be a difficult task, especially if you or your crew are not familiar with the equipment you’re using. In order to save time and money, you need to make sure that everyone on your team is familiar with the different tools and software that they are using. If one person doesn’t know how to use a certain tool, it can delay or even prevent the entire production process.

Scheduling and Communication

When it comes to video production, you need to ensure that you have excellent communication and a suitable schedule in place. You need to be able to communicate your ideas and schedule to your team so that they can make the best decisions for the production of your video.

You may have a pre-planned schedule that you want to follow, but you may not know when a client, or your team, will be able to meet your needs. It’s important to be flexible and work with the client as best as you can. Sometimes people are able to squeeze in video shoots on short notice, but other times they may not be available for a certain shoot. It’s important to be aware of this and make sure that you’re communicating with the client as much as possible. Good communication and scheduling will help you not feel frustrated after filming because you didn’t have enough time or space for something important.

Budgeting Limitations

One of the most common problems with video production is that people don’t have enough money. Just like with other areas of your business, budgeting for video can be tricky. You need to decide what kind of video you want to produce and how much money you’re willing to spend. But then you need to figure out how much time you’ll need to produce it and how long it’ll take you to finish it. This is especially important for shorter videos – like a commercial or a quick overview of your product or service.

It can be challenging to know exactly how much money you need to spend on a project and how to allocate that money in a way that will make the most sense for your business.
In many cases, it’s best to keep the budget tightly constrained in order to ensure that you’re meeting your goals and hitting your targets. This will help you avoid waste and ensure that your videos are of high quality.

Lack of Adequate Power Supply

One of the most common problems with video production is that the power supply is not adequate. Some locations you want to shoot may not have a good power supply to support your equipment needs. Budgets are often affected when the power goes out. Without a power supply, you may have to wait a while before you can start filming again, causing a disruption in your preset schedule and costing you more money in the production process.

Why Your Brand Needs To Invest In Video

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Invest in video|Why Your Brand Needs To Invest In VideoIf you’re not already on YouTube train and making the most of video marketing for your business, then you need to get a move on and get involved before your business gets left behind.

People now spend around 80% of the time online watching videos and a massive amount online marketers and influencers are currently creating videos as their primary form of content. Video is well worth putting your time into.

Creating a video in-house can be a long and expensive process, especially if you’re looking to invest in equipment like a camera and the best youtube microphone. However, you can make videos that will perform well with a mobile phone and very minimal equipment when you get started. You can also use some platforms to use the skills of online influencers who will create that you can use.

A lot of social media influencers are already creating video content and are willing to share this with brands, but a lot of brands are not yet taking advantage of this incredibly effective marketing tool. Video is often overlooked by brands, but not making use of it, is a mistake.

Here is why you need to integrate more video content into your marketing strategy.

Video Is More Engaging

When you’re trying to research products on the go, most of us would prefer to watch a two-minute video than read a five hundred word article any day of the week.

This is because video engages the sense more than any other format of content. As we can’t taste, smell, or feel everything that we are able to see on our screens (at least, not yet), seeing it and hearing it is the next best thing.

Videos are much more entertaining than articles, and they are also proven to make it easier to consume information. When a viewer is engaged with a video, they will be able to retain a lot more of its message than they would if they had just read an article or a blog post.

Increase Your Brand Awareness

Society is pretty tech-savvy now, and people are likely to get their first impression of your brand by encountering you online, so it’s important to get it right.

Your brand’s identity and personality are based completely on the content that you put out into the world, and your customers will form their opinion of you and your business based on the communications that you’re putting out.

Video content is unique online, in that not only can you use it to tell your brand’s story, but it shows it too. Creating video content that is fun and lively is a much better way to showcase the personality of your brand. Video is also much more likely to be viewed, liked, and shared, which is great for brand awareness.

Statistics also show that brands and marketers who make good use of video marketing will grow their revenue about 50% faster than users who don’t take advantage of video. This happens because the more people that know about your brand, the more customers you are likely to be able to attract.

Better Social Reach

Making sure that people can find you online is crucial if you’re trying to grow your brand, and video content is one of the most efficient to extend your online reach.

Social video can generate a huge amount of shares when compared to both text and images, and the more people that are sharing content that your brand has created, the better.

Telling the story of your brand through videos that are created by influencers is an effective way to make use of this exposure, as it will allow potential customers to find your brand themselves.

This means that, rather than being annoyed by an advert popping up, people are able to come across your brand organically, which means they’ll feel a bit more positively towards you.

Influencer Video Is An Authentic Recommendation

Research shows that most people trust friends or strangers when it comes to suggestions on buying decisions over all other forms of marketing for buying decisions.

If you can create video content with a trustworthy online influencer who has an engaged audience or loyal following, your product is bound to sell itself. If you haven’t done so already, now is definitely the time to integrate video content into your brand’s online presence.

Video is the future of marketing, and if you aren’t already using it to market your business, you should be.

How Different Marketing Strategies Can Boost Your Business Profile

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article |Marketing Strategies|How Different Marketing Strategies Can Boost Your Business ProfileRunning a business requires a lot of energy and time, so ensuring you try and keep on top of everything will be important as a business owner. Marketing strategies form a significant part of this so utilizing this to your advantage will be necessary if you want to remain on top of all of your business needs.

Which Strategies To Choose?

There are a variety of business marketing strategies that you can use if you want to be business savvy and really boost your business profile. Examples would be:

  • Online social media content, such as posting on social media platforms.
  • Providing short video tutorials.
  • SEO (search engine optimization)
  • Email marketing
  • Printed advertorial content in magazines, newspapers, brochures and billboards.

Allows You To Expand as a Business

The primary reason to use marketing as a business strategy is that it enables you to expand your business. Ultimately the more successful you can be and the more revenue you have coming in, enables you to develop and expand your business. This is what is going to enable you to succeed. Without a marketing strategy you will not be able to attract new consumers who will then be spending money on your products or services.

Enables You To Reach Out To a New Audience

When you need ways to boost your business profile and accessibility then you can find influencers to help you draw in more revenue. The positive about influencers on social media nowadays is that they have the ability to reach out to an extensive worldwide audience. Within minutes a post that they have shared could accumulate hundreds of thousands if not millions of views and likes. As a result they could advertise your business brand within a very short time period, bringing you plenty more customers.

Provides a Platform To Advertise Your Products and Services

Utilizing different marketing strategies such as social media, online video content, or building a website are all ways in which you are able to demonstrate what you are as a business and how you are able to provide a product or service to your consumers. Without these forms of platforms it would be pretty impossible to expand as a business if you did not have a marketing strategy in place.

Encourages a Purchase

Once you have drawn in your potential consumers you then have the opportunity to sell your products or services, which ultimately is the main aim. The more times you can do this the more likely you are to make a profit from the sales, which in essence is what you want as a successful business owner.

So to really make the most of the business you certainly want to utilize as many marketing strategies as possible so that you can thrive as a business owner.

Attracts people’s interest

Marketing is all about attracting people’s interest. It is a way to get people to learn more about your product or service and hopefully, convert into a customer. There are many different ways to market your business, but one of the most effective methods is outdoor advertising. Outdoor advertising is seen by a large number of people every day, and it can be very effective in getting your message across.

Explainer Video for Your Business: Do You Really Need It?

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Explainer video|Explainer Video for Your Business: Do You Really Need It?Each second, the internet is flooded with thousands of videos. A study predicts that this year 2021, 80% of the total internet traffic will be from videos. This means you’re missing out on a massive opportunity if you’re not using video in your business.

In today’s digital era, you need to convey your product or service in a way that inspires your target market. But how? The answer lies in an explainer video.

What Is an Explainer Video?

An explainer video is informative and communicates best what your company offers. It’s a small animated video that focuses on explaining different types of problems, businesses, or products and services in a simple way. Explainer videos help break down ideas to make them easier to digest.

Imagine how boring it’d be to start talking about the black hole in a traditional way. Your viewers will be leaving before you make your point. In fact, according to Insivia, explainer videos are the most efficient way to communicate a new product’s concept to a potential customer.

Why Your Company Needs Explainer Videos?

Basically, explainer videos come in a complete package that combines moving texts, graphics, animation, or any other form of communication you like to use to describe your business.

Let’s have a look at these four reasons why businesses prefer choosing an explainer video.

1. Grab Attention

Being able to grab someone’s attention in today’s age is an asset in marketing. It’s incredibly difficult to get notice of your target audience. It becomes even harder as a report supports that a human’s attention span is less than a goldfish.

So, to catch the attention of your desired target audience, you’ll need enticing video than traditional web content. When you look at a compelling animated video, it catches your interest and commands you to watch. It’s because the animation in an explainer video awakened your curiosity.

2. Explain Complex Topics

It’s hard to explain every product or service easily as it includes some technical aspects that require a detailed explanation. This is where explainer videos come in. They encourage the viewers to purchase the product by making them understand its use.

Survey says that around 98% of people learned something after watching explainer videos. An animated explainer video lets your audience have fun watching your characters facing problems and how they solve them through your product or service.

3. Retain Information in Customers’ Minds

There’s no point in creating videos if your potential customers don’t get what you’re trying to say. But if you use explainer videos, you can take advantage of its high retention rate. According to a case study, an explainer video of less than a minute has a 77% retention rate.

If you include a valuable message with your animated explainer video, conversion rates will increase. It will break down the concept or process for your audience and stick to your viewer’s minds. In addition, the viewers will share what they’ve learned due to a higher retention rate, either through word-of-mouth promotion or social media.

4. Increase Search Engine Rankings

Embedding explainer videos can significantly increase website traffic — the most critical factor that determines your success online. If you have no site viewers on your website, you can’t expect more sales to come in the future.

Google likes video. That if you search for a term, you’ll likely see a list of videos on the first page of results. Your website will get plenty of love from Google, and you’ll see a spike in organic traffic if you integrate high-quality types of videos in your page.

Around 1 out of 4 online buyers say that they look for a YouTube video online before purchasing. So if you have an interesting animation video on YouTube, then integrate it on your website, users will spend more time viewing your page. This will give more positive signals to search engines, boosting your site rankings and organic traffic.

Another good thing about organic traffic is that they’re free (you don’t pay for them through paid ads) and are highly targeted visitors. This means there’s a higher chance to engage them with your video content and lead them to buy your products if it gives them value.

Outsourcing the Video Production Process

Video production isn’t only about learning to use specific software. You need to be a master of storytelling, animation, writing a script, and many more. If you don’t have the right skills and experience in your arsenal, you must consider outsourcing the video production task.

If you’re handling different businesses and are short on time, a good video production company like has the knowledge and skills to speed up video production. Outsourcing the creation of your explainer video lets you focus on other aspects of your business while a professional videographer is doing the work for you

Diversify Your Marketing Channels

Now that you what an explainer video can do to leverage your marketing strategy. It’s up tointo you to decide whether you really need it or not. But with its tons of benefits, it’s hard to see why you wouldn’t be using an explainer video to diversify your different promotional channels in your business.