Are We Hearing What Our Clients Are Saying?
How much of what our clients intend us to understand say do we hear accurately?
How much of our own bias is involved?
What’s the difference between when we hear accurately what our clients mean, and when we make assumptions or bias what we think we heard?
As coaching and consulting professionals, we need to hear what’s been meant. Our jobs, and our client’s goals, depend on this. But sometimes we make assumptions that are inaccurate that cause us to lose clients, or set them down the wrong path. Sometimes we hear a biased version of what’s been said and as a result, believe our clients may have problems beyond what they say they have.
What’s stopping us from hearing as accurately as we should? And how can we correct ourselves if it turns out we might have misheard or misunderstood?
Webinar Details
This webinar is complimentary for professional coaches and consultants.
Topic: Learning to Hear What Our Clients Are Saying
Host: Sharon Drew Morgen, New York Times best-selling author and StrategyDriven Principal Contributor
Date: Friday, December 19, 2014
Time: 2:00 pm Eastern / 1:00 pm Central / 12:00 pm Mountain / 11:00 am Pacific
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Additional Resources
Go to where you can get Sharon Drew’s new book, What? Did you really say what I think I heard?, and peruse the learning tools that accompany the book for those wishing to recognize any obstacles with their listening habits (Assessments) or learn how to overcome any bias and misinterpretation issues (Study Guide) that occur during conversations.
About the Author
Sharon Drew Morgen is founder of Morgen Facilitations, Inc. ( She is the visionary behind Buying Facilitation®, the decision facilitation model that enables people to change with integrity. A pioneer who has spoken about, written about, and taught the skills to help buyers buy, she is the author of the acclaimed New York Times Business Bestseller Selling with Integrity
and Dirty Little Secrets: Why buyers can’t buy and sellers can’t sell and what you can do about it
To contact Sharon Drew at [email protected] or go to to choose your favorite digital site to download your free book.
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