
Improve Workplace Safety With Cooperative Efforts

StrategyDriven Corporate Cultures Article | Improve Workplace Safety With Cooperative EffortsEvery day, people head to work believing they will complete their allotted hours and duties and then go home safely. It’s true that everyone deserves to have a safe working environment, and many businesses take steps to make sure employees are safe. However, many workplace accidents still happen.

Understand That Safety Impacts Everyone

Employee safety is important for everyone at the worksite whether it is a low-risk office environment or a high-risk off-shore mining site. When employees get injured at work, this affects their ability to take home a paycheck and it negatively impacts the employers’ bottom line. Additionally, this leads to added responsibilities for other employees. It’s very important that employers, supervisors, and everyone else at the worksite cooperate to prevent injuries and accidents.

Identify Common Causes of Accidents and Injuries

One of the first steps to reducing the occurrence of workplace accidents is identifying the most common causes of accidents. According to Travelers Insurance, the situations most likely to cause injuries are:

  • Material handling, with 32 percent of claims
  • Falls, slips, and trips, 16 percent
  • Colliding with or being struck by an object, 10 percent
  • Use of tools, 7 percent
  • Overuse, strain, and other traumas that occur over time, 4 percent

In addition to understanding how most accidents happen, it’s also valuable to understand which injuries are most likely to happen. The following numbers also come from Travelers Insurance:

  • Strains and sprains
  • Cuts and punctures
  • Contusions (bruises, for example)
  • Inflammation
  • Fractures (such as broken bones)

These numbers can help you understand where to start reducing your risks; for the best results, contact your workplace insurance provider for a more specific risk rundown.

Build a Culture of Safety

Remember that no matter how well you complete the following suggestions, if everyone in your workplace isn’t involved in improving safety, then everyone will be at risk for accidents and injuries. Improve results by showing your employees that you place a high priority on safety. Implement procedures that encourage safety, even when this means slowing down work processes, and then find a way to reward workers who support those safety measures.

Increase Workplace Safety

There are many things you can do to increase safety, reduce employee injuries, and protect yourself from workers compensation claims:

  • Keep common areas clean and uncluttered, provide good lighting, and use slip-resistant flooring materials.
  • Train employees to use equipment appropriately, including ladders, heavy machinery, and even staplers. Provide ongoing training to make sure all employees are up to date.
  • Education employees about physical safety and ergonomics. Heavy lifting is a task that employees complete in offices, warehouses, factories, and many other worksites. When you teach your employees to lift and handle materials safely, you could reduce some of the 36 percent of injuries that fall into this category. Physical safety in offices can be increased through a better understanding of ergonomics.
  • Post and send safety reminders. A well-placed Accident Prevention Safety Poster can help employees remember to wear their hard hats. Office-wide memos can remind staff to participate in first aid courses. Regular reminders to put phones down while walking through the worksite may reduce slip and fall injuries.
  • Create an incentive program that rewards individuals and teams for improving workplace safety. Remind employees to be alert at all times, slow down enough to complete tasks safely, wear required safety gear, and follow instructions fully.

It takes time to change behavior in the workplace, but it is possible to see improvement with consistency.

Create a Cycle of Safety Improvement

Even minor accidents or injuries can cause missed days of work, loss of income, decreased workplace efficiency, and workers’ compensation claims. When safety issues are addressed quickly and business leaders emphasize workplace safety, employees will participate in a culture of safety. This creates a cycle of improvement that is beneficial to everyone in the workplace.

Is Your Company Safe?

This is a question you should be asking yourself all the time. Your company is never safe, and that is something you should always remember, but can you keep your company safe? Yes you can. All you need to do is know what areas you might be most vulnerable at. Everyone is always so focused on the strengths of their business, but the weaknesses are often where safety issues might lie. So we’re here to explore why your company might not be as safe as you think it is.


Whenever everyone thinks about crime, theft, or damage, they usually think about the physical things in life that can happen. But one of the main ways that businesses will fall under attack is through cybercrime. It is important to remember that all businesses now run through the internet, or nearly all of them. For example, a marketing company will have a database that is storing thousands of details of different companies. This could just be a name and address, or it could include bank details as well. This is what hackers are after. Sometimes they don’t even steal the information to do anything with it, they just do it to send the company into a frenzy. Theft of information, whether it be the companies fault or not, is a breach of data protection. This in turn can open a whole new can of worms that will leave your company in the dirt. Make sure you have strong encryptions on your website, and make sure you’re changing login passwords monthly, if not more regularly.

Office Safety

Again, something not a lot of people seem to consider. Just like a house, and office is going to contain thousands worth of technological goods, information, and equipment. All it takes is one person to decide your office is their target, and you could have every part of your business put on hold. Using a security guard company to protect your office should be the first step you take. Even if you’re in a managed office space, you can still hire an external company to protect the office you’re in. It is important to remember that thieves won’t necessarily wait until everyone is gone to do the deed. If you have something in your office that they really want, they’ll take it no matter what. Not only will this put your business in jeopardy, but your employees safety too.

Keep Your Ideas Quiet

Theft of business ideas is so common. There was a recent article in the news that claimed even business giants such as Donald Trump stole ideas from small entrepreneurs trying to get funding from him. So what does this mean you need to do? Trademark your business, and copyright any idea you have, even if you’re not planning on implementing it any time soon. It just means that the law is protecting your from the potential of having everything stolen! Make sure you keep your ideas to yourself as well, even if it is something you’re proud of. One of the main ways ideas get stolen is due to word of mouth, and that mouth might be someone you thought you could trust.