5 Ways to Reduce Work-Related Stress

StrategyDriven Practices for Professionals Article |Work-Related Stress|5 Ways to Reduce Work-Related StressIt is common knowledge that a balanced life is a happy life. However, actually achieving a balanced life is another matter entirely. If you have a demanding professional life, finding balance might feel next to impossible. While it may seem like changing jobs is the only way to reduce work-related stress, there are changes you can make right now to relieve pressure and improve your mental health.

Get organised

Developing an organizational system might seem like adding extra work to your plate but having a detailed plan will significantly improve your time management. While it may take time to set up at first, the payoff is well worth it. Having all your tasks scheduled out according to priority will give you peace of mind that everything will get done and reduce any anxiety you might be feeling about the pile of tasks you have to complete.

There are many programs to help you get organized, including:

    • TeuxDeux
    • Notion
    • Google Calendar
    • Play around with them to find what works for you.

Delegate tasks

If you’re a perfectionist, you might find it challenging to share the responsibility with others. However, if you’re struggling to keep up with your day-to-day tasks through no fault of your own, it’s time to offload some of them onto someone else.

If there isn’t anyone who can help you out, write down all the tasks you work on in a day, and track how long it takes you to complete each one. Are any of them taking up more time than they should? If so, strategise ways to make these tasks more efficient and take your proposal to your boss.

Take advantage of technology

While technology has made it difficult to disconnect, it has also simplified many aspects of life. With new technological innovations coming out all the time, there’s sure to be some kind of program or software to help you free up some of your time.

For customer service representatives or self-employed business owners, you can visit this page to sign up for a virtual chat assistant to answer customer queries when you’re engaged with other tasks. It’s also a good idea to look into software options to see if there are programmes that can help make your tasks more efficient.

Set boundaries

Finding balance in your life doesn’t just happen – you have to make it happen. Turn off email notifications outside of business hours and remind yourself that you shouldn’t dwell on work when you’re not there.
Whether it’s crafting, hiking, or spending time with family and friends, actively block out time in your schedule to do the things that bring you joy.

Ask for help

If you’ve done all you can to make work more manageable but are still struggling, it’s time to ask for help. While viable solutions will vary according to industry and your unique situation, set up a meeting with your boss to discuss the challenges you’re facing and the steps you’ve taken to address them.

One of several ways your employer can support your mental health is by implementing self-care policies in the workplace. It’s always worth having a conversation to see what solutions you can come up with together.

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