4 Sustainable Methods Your Business Needs To Utilise

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Sustainable Business|4 Sustainable Methods Your Business Needs To UtiliseBusinesses should be utilising the most up to date innovative sustainable methods they can to help improve their business practices.

Energy Reduction

One of the main sustainable methods business can utilise with ease in a short period of time, is in regards to their energy use. That means using less energy when the business isn’t open, such as at night, or using machinery and lights that are designed with energy use in mind.

LED bulbs are an example of a bulb that lasts longer, and uses less energy. Not only is this better for the planet, but it helps drive down the bills associated with energy for businesses.

Sustainable Construction Materials

Whether you’re constructing a new workspace, or investing into property on behalf of a client, you should use sustainable construction materials where possible. Renewable and recyclable materials will help reduce the impact on the environment, as well as helping to reduce energy consumption and waste.

When the building is constructed, the building should be able to have a reduced impact on the environment over its lifespan, using designs that incorporate different elements that have a positive effect. This could include insulation innovation, to help prevent any heat loss that could otherwise happen, and solar panels to help combat energy consumption within the structure.

Construction itself can be damaging to an environment, so you should conduct an environmental report to find out what the damage may be. This could be destruction of habitats, or huge numbers of machinery needed that will use a lot of fossil fuels, or excessive use of electricity.

Sustainable Packaging

If your business deals with any goods, either coming in or out, then you need to be utilising the newest sustainable packaging. There was a push in the UK in 2018 for businesses to work on eco-friendly packaging, to help combat climate change. Consumers themselves were choosing to buy fewer products that have excessive packaging.

Social media has been a big part of this, where people would share products, they bought with too much packaging, putting off people from buying. There are lots of different ways for businesses to improve their packaging methods, from using organic fabrics, to using sustainable polythene from Polythene UK. They use a lightweight material that reduces consumption up to 20%, which vastly reduces plastic waste.

Changing to a supplier of packaging such as this, will help your business abide by the current environmental trend, and do something positive in the world.

Use Local Suppliers

Local suppliers are a great sustainability tool, even if they don’t necessarily offer any sustainable focused goods. That’s because even if you decide to switch from a supplier to another that has the exact same product, but is closer, then you will save on travel.

Travelling costs money and time, as well as causing a mass release of carbon dioxide into the Earth’s atmosphere. This leads to climate change, which can cause weather patterns to fluctuate, affecting farming and general liveability of the planet.

Using a local supplier is also a great way of boosting the local economy, which in turn will benefit you. This is why many businesses network in their area, to create connections that they can use in the future, which local consumers also appreciate.

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