
5 Home Upgrades for a Better WFH Setup

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article | 5 Home Upgrades for a Better WFH Setup

Working from home is now an increasingly common setup. It’s a win for everyone; employers don’t have to rent out as much space. As an employee, you don’t have to spend time and money on commutes. This is especially beneficial for residents of cities such as Louisville, which has limited public transportation, since they can save up on fuel costs.

However, the WFH lifestyle is not as easy as one may think. Separating your personal life and work goals is hard enough, but having both in the same space can invite chaos. However, having a dedicated WFH setup helps a lot. A home office can get you into work mode, enhance focus, and ultimately boost productivity. What’s more, it will probably add to your home’s market value as well.

At present, the Louisville housing market is becoming increasingly competitive. On average, homes for sale in Louisville receive three offers and will sell around 21 days after being on the market. The median home prices are going up, but the number of homes sold was lower than in the past year. It might mean that your home needs something extra to increase its attractiveness in the housing market.

There are many possible upgrades for your WFH setup. Here are some ideas to help you:

1. Get an Accessible, Functional Bathroom

Your home office might be a tiny space, but it still needs to be functional and convenient. Necessities such as a bathroom should be within easy reach.

Remote working is nothing less than a blessing for citizens of cities with low air quality, such as those of Louisville. Nevertheless, increased productivity depends a lot on convenience. Leaving your designated workspace to use your bedroom’s bathroom, for instance, might result in distractions. Hence, use keywords such as Louisville bathroom remodeling company near me and consult experts to remodel your home-office bathroom to fit your needs.

Moreover, such home improvement projects can have the highest ROI, along with the following advantages:

  • Reduced distractions while working
  • Ability to maintain focus on important tasks
  • Better privacy; no intrusions from kids, guests, or other household members
  • Easier to maintain a professional environment and image
  • Control over cleanliness and hygiene
  • Easier for people with mobility issues
  • Time-saving
  • Ability to freshen up during work breaks or just before an online meeting

2. Install a Whiteboard

If your job is a creative one, you might have to jot down the various ideas as they come. Instead of fiddling with little sticky notes all the time, why not invest in a whiteboard right away?

Some may think that whiteboards are boring. Well, have you ever tried adding one to your home? Here are a few advantages of having this handy installation in your WFH setup:

  • There’s always a place to jot down reminders for both home and work setups
  • It provides more space than a normal calendar or journal
  • You don’t have to waste paper on reminders, brainstorming, and to-do lists
  • Writing notes down can improve your memory
  • If you have kids, the board might serve as entertainment for them if you have to keep them near
  • Whiteboards come in a range of sizes, so you can easily get one that’s right for the WFH space

3. A Healthy, Functional Desk Option

Many remote employees complain of body pains and backache. These are probably due to sitting hunched over a desk all day. It’s now time to take back your posture and invest in a new, more ergonomic desk. Here are some ideas to consider regarding that home office desk:

  • Get a standing desk, preferably one with adjustable heights. If you can’t change desks at the moment, have a higher ledge or shelf to rest your laptop on. Work standing for 25 minutes, then work the same amount of time while sitting.
  • There might be compact models for standing desks available; opt for these if you don’t have much space
  • Go for a model with a straight-line design, a minimalistic look, and enough room for all your required devices, supplies, and so on.
  • Set a reminder at your desk; it will allow you to pace work according to the requirements and also time your standing/sitting sessions.

4. Adjust the Lighting

If you can afford it, try updating the lighting system in your WFH setup. It will be nice to have some bright lights that lend a professional, productive vibe to this space. However, it’s best to have a dimmer on these lights. Sometimes, bright bulbs can seem too harsh for a peaceful working environment.

If you’re on a tight budget, go for some smaller additions. A desk lamp, for instance, can provide a calm, tranquil element to a workspace. It may also make the room seem more office-like. Keep the following ideas in mind when you’re working on your WFH lighting system:

  • Go for bulbs under 500 lumens for a yellow, replacing glow
  • Opt for LED or renewable bulbs whenever possible; they can save you money and are better for the planet, too
  • The style of the lamp should match that of the room
  • The lamps or fixtures might have different lighting options with certain benefits; they might relieve tension due to excessive blue light and might even elevate your mood
  • Natural light is also a great option; you may want to install a larger window to let it through.
  • Consider window treatments that can give you control over the temperature and entry of light

5. Set up Some Plants

Plants can make your space more interesting, but they’re especially useful for a home office space. Here are a few reasons why:

  • The presence and function of plants is good for our health. They will filter the oxygen in the air and also brighten up a space
  • Plants might help a person manage their stress better and hence increase productivity
  • Several house plants do not require much maintenance


Even when you’re working from home, it’s essential to designate a certain time and space just for work. You want a setup that’s personalized, practical, and as free of distractions as possible. The upgrades above can jumpstart the process, but it’s on you to utilize their potential. If all goes well, you’ll hopefully be balancing work and home life without compromising on either. Invest in one or more of the upgrades above and see what a difference it makes.