
Leadership Inspirations – Leading by Example

“Example is not the main thing in influencing others; it’s the only thing.”

Albert Schweitzer (1875 – 1965)
Alsatian theologian, musician, philosopher, and physician

“I have ever deemed it more honorable and more profitable, too, to set a good example than to follow a bad one.”

Thomas Jefferson
3rd President of the United States of America
(1801 – 1809)

Leadership Inspirations – A Call for Innovation

“To get what we’ve never had, we must do what we’ve never done.”


“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Albert Einstein
Theoretical physicist, and winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics (1921)

Innovation, the act of introducing a new product, service, and/or method, brings with it the opportunity for great success and equally great failure. And while some failures result from unsuccessful attempts to introduce the new and different, no great achievement has ever been born without an act of innovation. Subsequently, a failure to offer something new or to do something differently will at best result in the continuation of today’s outcomes and will more likely result in diminishing returns as highly aggressive competitors offer more and more for less and less.

So what can you do today to become more efficient, more effective, more strategy driven?

Leadership Inspirations – Listening

“Think of all the times in your life when you learned something, when you discovered something new. When this happened, were you speaking or listening?”

Lucas Ives

Verizon Wireless

When speaking, you are providing information and when listening, you are receiving information. It may be nothing new, but then again, it may be new, important or even life changing. Take the time to listen and maybe, the next time you really do need to speak, the information you provide will be new to the listener. It may actually be important to them, or even life changing.

Leadership Inspirations – Incompetence Begets Incompetence

“Incompetency begets incompetency. The last thing a guy who isn’t sure of himself wants is a guy backing him up who is sure of himself.”

Lee Iacocca
former President, CEO, and Chairman of the Board, Chrysler Corporation

The sad fact is that this situation occurs all too often. Instead of nurturing their rising stars, insecure executives and managers feel their positions and reputations are threatened by these top performers and act to:

  • take personal credit for the rising star’s performance output and results
  • hide the star performer from the view of other executives and managers by preventing their participation in cross disciplinary initiatives, public presentations, and interaction with other executives and managers
  • diminish the star’s performance evaluation ratings with claims that the star intimidates seniors and/or is too aggressive

These behaviors disenfranchise star performers; resulting in reduced output and elevated attrition. The net result, of course, is diminished organizational performance and value creation, the exact opposite of what the executive or manager is charged to achieve.

Insecure executives and managers fail to recognize that they are not competing with their subordinates. Executives and managers are evaluated on their ability to lead others to the achievement of superior results, their subordinates on their ability to perform the tasks from which those results are derived. Therefore, subordinates’ superior performance does not place executives and managers at risk. To the contrary, a subordinate’s superior performance is often attributed to the capable leadership of the individual’s manager. Competent executives and managers understand this concept and surround themselves with superstar performers. Incompetent and insecure executives and managers do not recognize this fact and subsequently surround themselves with even less competent subordinates; condemning themselves and their organizations to inferior performance.

Leadership Inspirations – Playing the Cards You Are Dealt

“Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well.”

Josh Billings
American Humorist
(1818 – 1885)

Executives, managers, and supervisors assuming a new role inherit with it the employees of their predecessors. And whether super stars, solid performers, or those needing special attention, each individual possesses unique knowledge and skills, proficiencies and development needs. Good managers organize their workforce and assign tasks to combine individual strengths and weaknesses in a way that maximizes the group’s performance output and personnel growth.