
4 Ways to Improve Operational Efficiency

StrategyDriven Tactical Execution Article | 4 Ways to Improve Operational Efficiency

Does your business struggle when it comes to operational efficiency? This is a common issue that businesses in many industries face. Efficiency can have a huge impact on the overall success of the company, productivity, employee morale, and many other key metrics, so it is an area that is always worth addressing if there are improvements that can be made. While making changes to the daily operation can be disruptive, you will find these to be worthwhile if they help you reach new levels of success and make work easier for your team. Here are a few of the best ways to improve operational efficiency.

1. Analyze Processes and Identity Bottlenecks

The first step should be to analyze every process by breaking these down into individual tasks. This will help you identify the bottlenecks and inefficiencies – you can then find ways to improve these tasks to improve overall efficiency. It is important to work with the relevant employees when analyzing processes as they will have the best idea of where inefficiencies are and may also have smart ideas for ways to improve. You do not always have to make huge changes, as even a small change to a minor task can have a positive impact on overall efficiency.

2. Automate Tasks

These days, you should be automating tasks to improve efficiency and free up time for your staff to focus on other areas. There are many repetitive tasks that can be fully or semi-automated, which will make a big difference to the efficiency of your operation while making work easier for your team.

3. Ensure Staff Can Access Resources That They Need

In today’s digital age, it is vital that every employee has easy access to the data, tools, and resources that they need. In addition to this, you should restrict access so that employees do not have access to what they do not need to enhance cybersecurity. This is all possible with access and identity management, a security discipline that gives you control over access based on an individual’s job role. This will improve efficiency as your team will never have issues accessing the resources they need without needing to log in as an administrator. This will also reduce the likelihood of a data breach, which is important during a time when cybercrime is on the rise.

4. Provide Staff Training

Your team needs to have easy access to the digital resources they need to complete their work, but they also need to know how to carry out their role efficiently. Therefore, it is important to train your team and make yourself available if they need support. In particular, you want to make sure that your team has training for any tech or software that they need to use.

These are the best ways to improve overall operational efficiency. Improving efficiency can help your business to reach higher levels of success, increase productivity and even make work easier for your team. This means that it is always worthwhile looking for ways to improve efficiency as it is something that everyone will benefit from.

A Guide to Preventing Your Online Business From Losing Money

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Online Business|A Guide to Preventing Your Online Business From Losing MoneyEven successful businesses start to lose money from time to time, and this can send the entire company into panic mode.

Although financial difficulties are a challenge that you might face occasionally, in order to reduce their frequency and to prevent your online business from losing money frequently, here are some of the top steps that you can take.

Increase Operational Efficiency

Increasing the operational efficiency of your business is paramount if you are going to prevent your company from losing money, as a lot of human errors can lead to customer upset, which can reduce the likelihood of them buying from your company again, or recommending you to others. Therefore, you should do all that you can to increase the operational efficiency of your business, including employing the use of metrics, technology, and particular actions that can increase employee motivation.

Increase Pricing

If you are beginning to notice that your online business is losing momentum, this could be due to the fact that your pricing structure is not correct. For instance, inflation could mean that you are not now covering your supply costs within your pricing, or other companies might be offering better prices than you, which can make shoppers more reluctant to buy any products from your brand. Therefore, you should constantly review your pricing structure to ensure that it still works for your company and that it is in line with other companies within your industry.

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Reduce Costs

It is also important that you look at reducing your costs and expenditure, even if you are not currently losing money, as this will enable you to get larger profit margins and to ensure that you are financially secure if your sales begin to slide. For instance, you should look at cutting your utility bills and even the cost of your office or warehouse space. You might consider using a shared office space, or encouraging your employees to work at home. You might also look for different suppliers who can provide you with the same products for much less, and consider cutting down on the amount of software that your brand uses.

Decrease Waste

You should also find ways to decrease the amount of waste that your company produces. For instance, you might decide to reuse excess materials, or only invest in the stock that you need. In terms of paper waste, you might decide to make your company fully digital, especially in terms of documentation, as this will prevent you from having to store vast amounts of paper documents. This will then prevent you from leaking profits, and can prevent you from having to spend excessive amounts on waste disposal.

Preventing your online business from losing money can be difficult. However, there are many steps that you can take to reduce your expenditure and ensure that your company does not get into financial stress before too long, and this will ensure that your business is able to go from success to success in the future.

The Best Software to Improve Operational Efficiency

StrategyDriven Tactical Execution Article | The Best Software to Improve Operational EfficiencyOperational efficiency is the process of delivering quality services with fewer resources. The more high-quality output you can produce with limited input, the more you can sell and the better able you are to serve your customers. When your business is able to maintain high levels of operational efficiency the more profit you are able to make from a project. So, with all the benefits offered, all businesses should be looking to improve their operational efficiency today.

Accounts Payable Automation Software

AP automation software can help you to improve the operational efficiency of your accounts processes. No matter the size of your business or the scale of your operations, you will benefit from using an AP automation system. The software helps you to automate every related process, from invoicing to manual checks, helping you to save both time and money.

Problems with cash flow and accounts can cause issues above and beyond operational efficiency. For example, when you experience issues with accounts and your staff are not getting paid on time, this can lead to low morale, poor worker wellbeing and increased staff turnover.


Chatbots are another very valuable piece of software that businesses can use to improve their operational efficiency in their customer service teams. Chatbots can be set up to answer many routine customer questions, which means that staff can spend their time on more critical tasks.

Not only does using chatbot technology help you to improve the operational efficiency of your customer service teams, but it also benefits your customer relations. The average customer expects an answer from a customer service representative instantly, which means, within 10 minutes from making contact. Chatbots will provide customers with that instant response they desire no matter the time of day, or day of the week they are contacting you.

Employee Engagement Software

The term employee engagement is used to describe the relationship your staff have with their work and your organization. An engaged employee is absorbed in their work and will go above and beyond to further the interest of the organization they are working for. In contrast, a disengaged employee will do the bare minim work and is either apathetic to the organization or might actually try to harm the business’s reputation.

Using employee engagement software can help you to track levels of engagement in your organization. This can help in everything from task allocation to hiring, all of which can help to boost operational efficiency.

Project Management Software

Project management software is another hugely valuable tool that you can use to improve operational efficiency in your business. Project management software enables you to track the progress that is being made with all staff members that are involved in the project.

When managers have access to the up-to-date information that is provided by the software, they are better able to identify potential drains on efficiency. When you are able to identify when progress is not being made as expected, you are able to make changes early on.

10 Ways to Improve Service Industry Operations

StrategyDriven Tactical Execution Article | 10 Ways to Improve Service Industry OperationsRunning a restaurant, eatery, or any business in the service industry requires grit, determination, and intelligence, all rolled up into one. In any case, restaurateurs have to contend with a range of issues such as competition, the economy, and seasonality, to keep their businesses afloat and increase sales.

Nowadays, restaurants are no longer about cooking and serving meals alone, but also about consumer experience, ambiance, convenience, and good service.

If you want to see diners coming back to your restaurant every time, then you have no choice but to improve your operations. Here are a few tips on how to go about it.

1. Utilize Restaurant Technology

Any business in the service industry that is yet to embrace technology stands to lose a lot. Technology has improved operational efficiency by reducing workload, eliminating paperwork, streamlining services, and ultimately increasing sales.

With the emergence of digital menu boards and other restaurant digital signage, restaurants should expect up to 31.8% increase in sales. No. They do not work like magic. Research shows that 80% of consumers are likely to enter a restaurant after seeing attractive signage.

Moreover, these display systems allow you to incorporate full-motion videos into your menus so that you can reach and engage your customers easily.

2. Expand Menu Offerings

Expanding your menu offerings is another great way of improving operations and increasing sales. By giving your customers more options on the menu, they are likely to stream back and even invite their friends to your restaurant.

This brings us back to the use of digital menu boards. The benefits of using digital menu boards are almost endless. So dynamic are these digital boards that you can add more items to the menu display, include information about ingredients, or change the menu content at the touch of a button.

Nevertheless, you should be very careful when creating your menu and learn about the various digital menu board mistakes you should avoid if you want to attract more customers to your establishment.

3. Take Advantage of Social Media

Social media is a game-changer in almost every sector and the service industry is no exception. You can use social media to expand your reach and retain your current customers for free.

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram allow you to connect with your customers by liking or replying to their comments. You can also encourage your fans to share your posts, photos, and menus with their friends for a wider reach and increased brand awareness.

4. Create a Loyalty Program

Many restaurateurs make the mistake of focusing on attracting new customers rather than keeping their existing customers. This can leave a huge dent on your sales as your most loyal customers begin to feel disoriented and start thinking twice about returning to your restaurant.

One of the most effective ways of retaining customers is building a loyalty program. It doesn’t have to be complicated. You can start by issuing gift cards, free dessert, or special discounts to your most loyal customers. By doing so, it won’t be long before you notice an improvement in operations.

5. Offer Online Ordering

Although eating out in a physical establishment is still fun and exciting, things are changing and more people now prefer to order their food online. With this in mind, you should change with the times and offer online ordering. This will not only improve your operations and increase your sales but also retain your customers. Your clientele will have no reason to buy food elsewhere.

6. Adequately Train Employees

If you want to improve operations in your restaurant, it is imperative that you employ staff with the right training. Look for employees who have the right mix of skills and knowledge to avoid spending more money on cross-training. You can also consider providing custom training to your staff to ensure they are competent to handle your specific requirements.

7. Turn Your Customers into Promoters

Your loyal customers are certainly your biggest fans, and they would be more than willing to promote your restaurant to their family, friends, and workmates. However, for this to work, you have to make sure that you prepare tasty, lip-smacking meals every time to ensure your new and existing customers keep coming back for more!

8. Consider Outsourcing

In some cases, your current staff may not be able to handle some aspects of a restaurant business. This is the point where outsourcing comes into play. You should consider hiring experts to help set up the right structures and provide suggestions aimed at improving your operations.

9. Leverage Analytics and Trends

Utilize various reporting and analysis tools to monitor current market trends and know what is happening in your restaurant. Leveraging on analytics and trends will give you an idea of whether you are on the right path to success or not. You can then make the necessary adjustments like employing more staff or scheduling the right software to improve sales.

10. Cross-Train Employees

Cross-training your employees prepares them to be able to do more than one job. For instance, you can cross-train your waiters to be kitchen staff or vice versa. This means your operations will not stall in case one of your most reliable staff is sick or away on leave. However, you should only consider cross-training your most loyal staff to avoid disappointments when they decide to seek employment elsewhere.

Streamline Your Business to Make it More Efficient

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business ArticleNo matter how well you set up your business, there are always opportunities for you to improve the way you do things. After a little while, as your business starts to grow, and you begin to add more staff, you may need to think about changing the way your business works. To do this, you need to think about streamlining the processes and the way that you will deal with customers and clients. Here are some ideas to get started.

Review Your Procedures

Before you start embarking on any type of streamlining mission, you need to think about what you need to do, and the areas in particular that require work. To do this, you need to look at your procedures and the way you are dealing with customers and staff. Set up a team to review everything within your company, and see if there is any way that they can make the procedures more efficient. It is important that this team looks at all areas of your company. That way, they will be able to help you save more time and money in the long run.

Involve the Staff

Whenever there is the talk of streamlining within a business, staff always start to become very upset and worried about their future. To allay their fears, it is essential that you involve them from the beginning. Set out in detail what you want to achieve and include them in the process as well. Ask them if there’s anything about the role that they can do more efficiently. If there is, perhaps you could also give them an incentive to come up with a better solution. You can even make it a competition with the winner receiving a prize.

Dealing with Customers

Customers are the life force of your company; without them, you would not be able to run your business. It means that any way which you can make the processing of your products easier will be better for your customers and will encourage them to shop more often with you. To achieve this, why not think about adding an online store to your website and making customer service easier to contact.

Dealing with Clients

In the past, you may have dealt with clients by visiting them in person. This used to be the best and most effective way of dealing with clients and encouraging new contracts. However, there are now many other ways to do this efficiently. For example, you can find the best free conference call online that can allow you to speak face to face with your clients or via a telephone link. Doing so will save you a lot of time traveling and will also reduce your expenses by quite a substantial amount.
By looking at what you are already doing and by involving your workers, you can achieve a more streamlined and efficient company. This will enable you to compete against your competitors and build a company that will grow into the future.