Effective Ways To Lower Your Shipping Costs Substantially

StrategyDriven Tactical Execution Article | Effective Ways To Lower Your Shipping Costs SubstantiallyWhether you are a manufacturer, an online retailer, or a traditional retailer, or a small startup, you’ve probably already gotten on board with offering your customers delivery options to heighten customer satisfaction by enhancing buyer convenience. And while it’s definitely an excellent decision to ensure your customer has the convenient option of choosing deliveries, shipping expenses can add up and impact your financial wellbeing as a business.

Fortunately, there are a few straightforward and practical ways to lower your shipping costs effectively. And because lower shipping costs will benefit both your business and your customer base, there’s no reason not to consider these simplistic suggestions.

Buy Shipping Materials In Bulk

Buying your shipping materials in bulk is a sure way to save; whether you’re buying product stock or shipping materials, bulk buying will offer substantial savings. Most manufacturers of literature mailers, corrugated boxes, Gaylord boxes, and various other types of shipping boxes will provide a bulk discount. With that said, boxes are not the only relevant shipping materials you will need. You will also need box tape, bubble wrap, eco-friendly bubble wrap alternatives, and various materials.

When buying small orders of shipping materials, you will pay extra because the manufacturer must add in delivery fees, their own packaging fees, and a few other small additional costs. On the other hand, when you order in bulk, the manufacturer’s prices are driven down as they will only be sending off one large order instead of multiple smaller ones. This allows for substantial savings, which is why most manufacturers offer bulk buying discounts.

Choose Your Courier Carefully

Not all courier companies offer the exact standard cost for the same delivery. Unfortunately, courier charges can vary dramatically depending on the company. So, it’s never wise to settle on the first courier company you come across. Instead, you should compare your options carefully.

When comparing courier services to lower your shipping costs, you should also consider a few essential factors. Only considering the price means you may end up buying in on inferior service quality, which will harm your business’s reputation. So, be sure to evaluate the average courier service costs in your area, then slim down your options by reading through candidate courier company reviews from customers to determine professionality and quality of services. Next, you must also consider what delivery options the courier service has available. Your customers will enjoy a same-day delivery option, while standard shipping time frames should also be welcome. Basically, the more delivery options the courier service offers, the better for your customers and your business. Everyone likes to have options.

Go For Flat-Fee Shipping Rates

Once you have found the most suitable courier service for your budget, you must also determine if they offer flat-fee shipping rates. A flat-fee shipping rate can substantially drive down your delivery costs, as you won’t be paying per order, but rather one set amount for a bulk of orders. The only relevant consideration you will have to make before opting for a flat-fee shipping rate is determining how many monthly orders you can rely on.

If you don’t have enough sales per month, a flat-fee shipping rate will increase your shipping expenses. So, you must be sure you can rely on many monthly orders to take advantage of this payment option that most courier companies offer.

Let Your Customer Pay For Shipping

It may seem like a bad idea, although most retailers and manufacturers leave the shipping costs to the buyer. However, when doing this, you must be sure to provide your buyers with a variety of delivery options that allows them to determine which cost suits them best.

You can also consider allowing a free shipping option for orders above a certain amount, as this is common to enhance sales. Even though this offering won’t drive down your shipping costs, it will increase your sales, which can improve your bottom line.

Even if your customers are paying for shipping, you should still be sure to keep your costs low by buying shipping materials in bulk and offering quality delivery services. You will still need to appeal to your audience with superior options, so you must keep up with the market standards. Once you have found a supplier of quality shipping materials, selected a courier, and settled on a flat-rate shipping fee, you may even be able to profit from shipping if you can increase your customer base and your monthly sales. However, this will only be relevant if your customers pay for shipping costs or your shipping costs are worked into your product costs.

The Best Software to Improve Operational Efficiency

StrategyDriven Tactical Execution Article | The Best Software to Improve Operational EfficiencyOperational efficiency is the process of delivering quality services with fewer resources. The more high-quality output you can produce with limited input, the more you can sell and the better able you are to serve your customers. When your business is able to maintain high levels of operational efficiency the more profit you are able to make from a project. So, with all the benefits offered, all businesses should be looking to improve their operational efficiency today.

Accounts Payable Automation Software

AP automation software can help you to improve the operational efficiency of your accounts processes. No matter the size of your business or the scale of your operations, you will benefit from using an AP automation system. The software helps you to automate every related process, from invoicing to manual checks, helping you to save both time and money.

Problems with cash flow and accounts can cause issues above and beyond operational efficiency. For example, when you experience issues with accounts and your staff are not getting paid on time, this can lead to low morale, poor worker wellbeing and increased staff turnover.


Chatbots are another very valuable piece of software that businesses can use to improve their operational efficiency in their customer service teams. Chatbots can be set up to answer many routine customer questions, which means that staff can spend their time on more critical tasks.

Not only does using chatbot technology help you to improve the operational efficiency of your customer service teams, but it also benefits your customer relations. The average customer expects an answer from a customer service representative instantly, which means, within 10 minutes from making contact. Chatbots will provide customers with that instant response they desire no matter the time of day, or day of the week they are contacting you.

Employee Engagement Software

The term employee engagement is used to describe the relationship your staff have with their work and your organization. An engaged employee is absorbed in their work and will go above and beyond to further the interest of the organization they are working for. In contrast, a disengaged employee will do the bare minim work and is either apathetic to the organization or might actually try to harm the business’s reputation.

Using employee engagement software can help you to track levels of engagement in your organization. This can help in everything from task allocation to hiring, all of which can help to boost operational efficiency.

Project Management Software

Project management software is another hugely valuable tool that you can use to improve operational efficiency in your business. Project management software enables you to track the progress that is being made with all staff members that are involved in the project.

When managers have access to the up-to-date information that is provided by the software, they are better able to identify potential drains on efficiency. When you are able to identify when progress is not being made as expected, you are able to make changes early on.

Tips for Managing Temperature-Sensitive Goods During Shipping

StrategyDriven Tactical Execution Article |Temperature-Sensitive Goods|Tips for Managing Temperature-Sensitive Goods During ShippingEven large, insulated trucks are susceptible to temperature change and weather conditions that can impact the freight inside. Without additional temperature controls within the truck, products can spoil or be damaged by temperature variations.

Even if the temperature is fine at the loading and unloading point, a lot can happen in between. Depending on the route the truck travels, you may see significant variations in outside temperatures. Trips through desert climates can cause temperatures to rise quickly and items to thaw. Mountainous regions, or shipping during the winter, can cause items to freeze.

Overcoming Temperature Variations in Shipping

Shippers typically overcome temperature issues by using reefer trucks that have built-in technology to maintain specific temperature ranges within the truck. Refrigerated LTL trucks often include real-time monitoring and tracking, so operators can monitor internal temperatures and make adjustments if the temperature rises or lowers beyond acceptable measures.

However, many shippers want an independent assessment of temperatures beyond relying on the driver’s word that the temperature stayed within acceptable ranges. Shippers overcome this by attaching a temperature indicator to the freight so that they can be alerted to exposure to unacceptable temperature conditions at any time during transit.

These inexpensive monitors can be attached to freight or inside packing to indicate whether any temperature variation was brief, moderate, or prolonged.

Managing Containers

Making sure you have the right type of container for your goods will make a significant difference.

  • Wood is used most commonly for freight that is not impacted by force, such as poultry, seafood, and other meats. Wooden boxes can accommodate dry ice while allowing pressure to escape the packaging. Dry ice can rupture if pressure is not released.
  • Plastic boxes are good at eliminating moisture from penetrating the container and are stackable. Plastic works well for produce.
  • Cardboard can be used in some circumstances. More affordable and easy to stack, items needing temperature control are often sealed or wrapped and refrigerant gel packs are used to maintain temps. For this, many merchants often seek the help of international freight forwarders. It fastens up the process making it easier for you to settle for a reliable deal. If you wish to seek more details about it, feel free to click here and know about it all.
  • Styrofoam boxes act as an insulator to help maintain temperatures as well.

Using the Right Insulation

Inside your container, it’s also important to use the right kind of insulation to keep your temperatures at the right level. If you’re not using Styrofoam or a container that comes with a built-in liner, you will typically want to find a thermal liner, filler, or pad to put inside the container.

Once you have insulation in place, you may also need to add additional filler, such as bubble wrap or packing peanuts to prevent movement and keep your shipment secure while in transit to reduce potential damage.

Protect From Freeze Services

Some temperature-controlled shipments need additional protection to avoid freezing. Commodities, including chemicals, paint, glue, wine and alcohol, liquids, and some perishable foods need to be transported above freezing temperatures.

Most LTL carriers offer Protect from Freeze services, which include sheltering or segregating freight from outside temperatures and employing heated trailers or shelters to keep cargo from freezing.

Other products need to be kept frozen, within tight tolerances. Managing what logistics companies call the “cold chain” can be just as challenging as keeping items from freezing.

Loading and Unloading

Another area shippers run into trouble with maintaining temperatures is during the loading and unloading of goods. For example, temperatures might have been maintained during transit, but the long wait at the freight dock with the doors open can quickly compromise temperatures during unloading.

Drivers should keep trucks parked and the door closed until the loading dock is open and freight can be unpacked immediately. The same goes for loading. While stored in refrigerated containers in the warehouse, if items are sitting in the sun on the loading dock or in an open truck for too long, temps can rise quickly.

This is another reason many shippers have started using their temperature indicators. The built-in systems in the truck would show everything was fine during the transportation phase, but nobody is monitoring the temperatures specifically during the loading and unloading process.

Importance of Monitoring Temperatures

Besides wanting to protect the integrity of your goods and make sure they do not spoil during transit, maintaining temperatures may be important for regulatory compliance and to avoid recalls.

Essentia Health is the subject of a class-action suit after 50,000 patients received vaccinations that may have lost effectiveness due to improper storage temperatures. Having proof of temperature control throughout the entire shipping and storage process from start to finish could be vital information in case of legal action.

Common Courier Mistakes to Avoid

StrategyDriven Tactical Execution Article |Courier Mistakes|Common Courier Mistakes to AvoidWhether you have set up a business that exists entirely online or you are moving into the position of having your products shipped out, there are some common mistakes that are always going to be worth avoiding. In this blog post, we are going to be looking at a few of these in closer detail to help you avoid repeating them yourself.

Not Training Your Drivers Properly

Driver training should be treated as a priority as these are the people who are actually going to be getting your packages from A to B and interacting directly with your customers as well. In terms of safety, a fleet defensive driving course is certainly a great starting point. You should also train in areas such as the proper practices for the loading and unloading of a vehicle, as well as how to manage a route in real-time. Don’t forget about the customer service element of the job as well. People are going to remember how they are greeted by their delivery driver when it comes to thinking about whether or not they will order from you again.

Using Poor-Quality Packaging

Packaging may not be a detail that you have thought about too closely, but it is certainly one that is worth bearing closely in mind. Instead of just choosing the first box you see that seems a roughly appropriate size, instead you should test is properly to see how well is does in transit. You should also ask questions of how easily it fits together and if it is going to fit through a mail slot or not. You should also consider the padding in the package that helps to ensure the item does not become damaged along the way. Of course, if your product is easily breakable, this is bound to be even more important.

Not Focusing on Attention to Detail

When you are shipping out packages, it may seem like there are a million and one different details that you have to pay attention to. If you do not juggle them all effectively, this is where problems can start to arise. You have the weight, size, package type, and all the associated costs to factor into it. Also, ensuring that you take a correct address from a customer is important, and you should also think about the distances that will be covered.

Not Estimating the Delivery Time Correctly

While next-day delivery services have revolutionised the industry in a big way, many people are simply happy knowing that their package is going to arrive with a clearly established timeframe. Therefore, you should do everything that you can to ensure an accurate estimate of when that important package is going to drop through the mailbox. Think about the different speeds of delivery service that you are going to offer and how easily and realistically that you are going to be able to achieve all of them.

Avoiding these common courier mistakes can seriously help you achieve successful deliveries.

Improving Productivity in the IT Department

StrategyDriven Tactical Execution Article |Productivity in the IT Department|Improving Productivity in the IT DepartmentThese days, the IT department is often one of, if not the, most important parts of your business because it is a technology that keeps everything up and running effectively. So, it stands to reason that, if you can increase the efficiency of the IT department, you can improve productivity across your business as a whole.

Okay, but how exactly do you do that? Here are a few ideas:

Improve the infrastructure

Whether using faster processing products like this MicroATX motherboard or updating to the latest server technology, anything that you can do to improve your existing IT infrastructure will help your employees to carry out various processes more quickly, thus improving productivity. Investing in the best technology is rarely a waste of money because its return on investment, when productivity is taken into account, is almost always going to be pretty high.

Embrace automation

These days, a lot of business processes can be automated completely, from factory assembly lines to customer service responses. By taking advantage of automated apps and software, you can save time and money, and redeploy your IT staff to more important tasks that really di need an experienced human brain.

Cover the basics

Your IT team can hardly be as productive as they should be if they are forever dealing with viruses that have been downloaded by office staff or issues caused by hackers, so be sure that you implement a good level of cybersecurity measures, including software and staff training, so your IT team doesn’t need to waste their time firefighting when they could be innovating.

Set goals

It might not be high-tech, but there is no denying that setting goals in the IT department is a great way to improve productivity. When employees have a goal to shoot for and a clear path of how they are going to get there, they are more likely to do so quickly and efficiently than they would if they were just floating through life without much direction from management at all.

However, many managers all but ignore the IT department because they don’t understand the complexities of technology, so they think the IT team will just automatically know what to do. This is a bad approach and collaborating with them to make mutually beneficial, achievable goals is by far the best way to go.

Increase free time

This might not seem like a good way to improve productivity in the IT department, but it really is. You see, when IT professionals are given free time, their brains still work even as their body relaxes, and they are more likely to come up with novel solutions to all of the problems you may be experiencing.

If you’ve been neglecting your IT department, it’s time to change that because when your IT is running right, and your IT professionals are on fire, the rest of your business will naturally be more productive, creative and successful. It really is as simple as that, ns as you can see, improving productivity in the IT department is pretty simple!