StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article

Proven Ways To Make More Money

Interested in making some extra money? The reasons for wanting extra cash could range from wants such as fancier clothes, shoes, gadgets, vacations on exotic islands to escaping tough times, paying for loans, paying bills, and buying a house. Whatever your reasons are, this article is going to guide you on a few proven ways to make more money.

1. Rent Out Your Spare Space

Do you have an extra space in your home? Maybe there is an empty bedroom, or your garage is empty. One option to consider is renting out that space out and get some extra income. You can also rent out the spare bedroom to people on vacation in your area while your garage could serve as a storage space for people who need storage or a place to park their cars. This is a simple way to get extra money, and it does not require you to work. You can start by placing your space on rental apps to help get noticed.

2. Trade Stocks

Armed with just a PC and an internet connection, you can make a good living trading stocks. Not only will you be able to make a good income, but you will also be your own boss, and have more free time. However, trading is not for everyone; you must have the relevant skill set and be very risk tolerant. For instance, if you want to convince an investor on the best blockchain stocks to buy, you must have a good understanding of the cryptocurrency industry – the volatility of prices – and the ability to sell a pitch.

3. Become A Blogger

Another good option is to become a blogger or vlogger on a topic you are passionate about and knowledgeable about. Blogging pays good money if you have the right amount of traffic.

There are several ways a blogger can make money from this blog; they include selling ads through Google AdSense, publishing sponsored posts for businesses in your niche, and affiliate marketing. You can get inspired and read more about blogs that make the most money.

4. Become an Online Coach

As an expert in a topic or industry, you can make some extra money by setting up an online coaching program. Content Management Systems (CMS) makes it easy to create membership websites where people can register for your coaching programs.

If you are an expert, especially one with social proof, people will pay to be coached by you; this is because most of the information on the internet are not experts’ info. As a fashion expert, trading expert, writing expert, finance expert, and pet expert, you can make extra income by coaching people on these subjects. Udemy is a fantastic online service to launch your online course.

5. Get A Second Job

A no-brainer option is to get a second job. This is one of the most popular ways to make extra money. You can decide on taking a weekend shift or night shift in a different company to bring in a little extra money if necessary. Also, if you are skilled in painting, carpentry, building, flooring or plumbing, you can offer these services to supplement your primary income.

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article

4 Ways To Have A Successful Marketing Campaign

A business without a marketing campaign is never going to be as successful as it could be. Your marketing campaign is essential when it comes to gaining more customers and growing your business, and if you don’t spend some time coming up with a campaign that is really going to work for you, you will be wasting the opportunity. You might also be wasting money by advertising to the wrong people in the wrong way. You can see just how important a marketing campaign is, and here are some ways to create a successful one.

Have A Plan

In order to have a successful marketing campaign, you are going to need to plan ahead for it. Thinking of your business in the long term in a way that can incorporate your marketing campaign will give you a roadmap for success in general, not just in terms of marketing. This plan will contain all of your strategies and objectives and will allow you to see what it is you need to get started, and to maintain your marketing ideas. You will know what items you need to order in advance, for example, and you can organize any promotional materials such as label printing so that you can be completely ready to begin campaigning when the time is right.

Measure How Well You Are Doing

If you don’t measure how successful your marketing campaign is, you won’t ever know whether you chose the right strategy or if you’re spending your money in the right way. Knowing whether or not your current idea is working properly is essential; it means you can call a halt to whatever it is you are doing if it’s not working, or continue it (perhaps even roll it out further) if it is.

Measuring success doesn’t need to be a complicated matter. You can just ask people where they heard of you, for example, and that way you’ll know what kind of advertising works best (it could be social media, flyers, word of mouth, or many other options that you could be using). When you know what works the best, you can really focus on it.

Stick To Your Budget

Marketing can become hugely expensive, so knowing what you can spend in advance is essential. It could be all too easy to overspend on a campaign that just isn’t right for you. When you have worked out how much you can spend on your budget, you can look at the different options open to you. Planning carefully and choosing well means that even a small amount of money can make a big difference, and when the money does start to come in, you can invest it into a bigger marketing campaign. Taking things slow and steady will help you in most cases.

Start Now

If you’re feeling daunted by the idea of marketing your business and creating a specific marketing campaign for it, don’t be. Once you have all the information and ideas in place, you should start marketing right away because otherwise, you are wasting valuable time and money without gaining any kind of return.

StrategyDriven Talent Management Article

8 ways to increase employee productivity

Are you the proud owner of a successful business? Are you determined to run a profitable company, whilst providing a wonderful work environment for your employees? Do you struggle to strike the right balance between appreciating your workers and pushing them to do more? If your answer to these questions is yes, you will need to pay close attention to the following eight suggestions. They will help you to increase employee productivity at your company, without pushing your team members over the edge. It is possible to enjoy the best of both worlds, so what are you waiting for?

Improve your communication strategy

First and foremost, you will need to improve your communication strategy. It will be impossible for your employees to reach their maximum levels of productivity if they are struggling to connect. Your workers should find it incredibly easy to reach out to one another. They should also have no trouble getting in touch with potential or existing clients. If you are worried that this is not yet the case, you should learn more about Gamma Telecom. They will help you to take control of your company communications, so that all of your staff are left satisfied.

Update your company technology

The next suggestion is to update your company technology. Instead of forcing your workers to make do with outdated bits of kit, you should give them a helping hand. By investing in your technology, you will be saving your workers a lot of stress. You will also be taking away their excuse for lack of results. If your employees can blame poor results on a terrible internet connection or a faulty system, you will find it hard to hold them account. However, if your employees are working with the best technology money can buy, you will be able to identify any slackers.

Overhaul your office space

If you are left with more money to spare, you should consider overhauling your office space. This is a brilliant way for you to motivate, reward, and inspire your team. However, you should only make changes to your design scheme if you have total confidence in your choices. On the other hand, if you are unsure about what changes to make, you should call in an interior designer. A trained professional will help you to optimize even the smallest of spaces. They will also be able to direct you towards colors, shapes, and textures that are perfect for promoting productivity.

Give your employees regular breaks

Although it may seem counterproductive, giving your employees regular breaks is a great way to promote productivity. As a manager, you need to make sure that your workers aren’t running themselves into the ground. It is important that they have plenty of energy and enthusiasm to inject into their work. It is also important that they view you as a reasonable boss, as opposed to a hard taskmaster. Why not sit down with your workers to discuss their options? Perhaps they will prefer to take short breaks on a regular basis. Or, maybe they would rather take one long break over lunch. It might be that they would like to step outside your office space. Or, it could be that they want a social area to escape to. Involving your employees in the decision-making process will help you to settle on an outcome that works for everyone involved.

Adopt an open-door policy

You can also encourage positive suggestions from your employees by adopting an open-door policy. This is a great way for you to position yourself as a more approachable employer. It is also a fantastic opportunity for you to learn more about the productivity of your workers. If you are currently failing to meet your targets, you should ask your employees to come to you with suggestions. You should also ask them to look out for any potential problems that could be holding your office back.

Introduce a competitive element to your workspace

Once you have gained a deeper understanding of the way in which your company operates, you should think about introducing a competitive element to your workspace. This won’t work for all organizations, as some employees will resent the additional pressure. However, in other workspaces, a competitive element is the secret to success. Why not opt for a trial run? You could temporarily introduce an employee of the month program. This will look great on your worker’s resumes and could be taken into consideration if they apply for a promotion. Alternatively, you could experiment with giving your employees access to commission. Depending on the results, you will know whether or not to make this change a permanent one.

Introduce an exciting reward system

If you decide against introducing a competitive element to your workspace, you could always introduce a company-wide reward system. This will operate on the understanding that if one element of your business succeeds; everyone is rewarded. For instance, if you manage to hook a high-profile client, you could treat your workers to a meal out. Or, if you save money on one of your suppliers, you could give everyone in your office the afternoon off. These rewards will be at your discretion, so it is vital that you weigh up the pros and cons each time. Yes, you want to please your employees, but you don’t want this to be at the expense of your levels of productivity or your financial security.

Ask for feedback

Even after you have implemented all of these positive changes, it is still possible that your workers will be looking for more. The only way that you will find this out is if you ask for regular feedback. When you are working so hard to do the right thing, it can be tough to take constructive criticism. However, in the long-run, it is the best chance you have of maintaining a great relationship with your employees. You can’t put a price on productivity, so it is essential that you get the answers you need.

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article

Industries That Provide Stable Careers

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article
It’s important to find a job that feels like the right fit. Any job is going to be challenging and exhausting, at times, but that doesn’t mean you should go for a role that you hate. The key is to focus on your preferences as well as your academic ability or experience. But you probably want to pursue a career path in an industry that can provide a stable long-term job. If you’re trying to find a career that both suits your personality and promises the possibility of financial stability (for as many years as possible) then here are some of the best industries to consider.

Real estate

The property market provides a very stable landscape for anybody looking to build a long-term career. If you have a passion for socializing with new people on a daily basis then you could translate this skill into a sales environment. Essentially, that’s the core requirement of a real estate representative; you have to know how to sell properties to potential buyers. But this is definitely one of the best sales environments in which to be based because you’re dealing with an asset that’s always going to have a market. The better you are at selling, the better your commission will be. It’s a career that can earn you a substantial income. If you’re interested then you should look into potential routes for pursuing a career in this industry. Usually, you need a license if you want to practice real estate.


The construction industry is another one that can provide very stable job opportunities. Governments, businesses, and even individual homeowners always need experienced professionals to help them construct things. There are so many different routes to take in this industry, but many of the job positions can provide a long-term career that spans years or decades (depending on your aspirations). If you’d be looking for a senior role in a well-paying career then you might want to consider becoming a civil engineer. You could study to get a civil engineering degree online. Getting qualified at such a high level would open many different doors for you in the construction industry. It all depends on the type of job role you want to secure.


What’s the one thing that businesses will always need? Marketing. It’s a very smart industry in which to pursue a career if you’re looking for stability. If you’re a creative person who wants a job role that’ll allow them to tackle different challenges with every new project then there are plenty of paths you could pursue. You could design artistic adverts, write captivating marketing copy, or simply communicate ideas with an equally-passionate team. Marketing is a great career path to pursue if you’re creative, sociable, or you simply want to be part of a constantly-changing industry. With technology and social media driving the new landscape of advertising, you won’t have to worry about becoming bored of this career route; the industry is always adapting to a changing landscape.

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article

Top Ways to Promote Your Business

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales ArticleGetting your business to stand out from the rest is something that every company struggles with at some point. With more businesses emerging every day than the last, there is no surprise that this is a struggle that is deepening. However, that doesn’t mean it is impossible. When more people are dealing with the same issues, there are more solutions for businesses of any kind to follow. Whether you are a new start-up hoping to make a storm, or a business giant falling on hard times, there are some old and new tricks you can follow that are the best ways to promote your business.

Flawless website design

When you are thinking of promoting your business, you must always bear in mind that it is not just customers you should be impressing. Investors, clients, prospective employees, and competitors should also be at the forefront of your strategy. Ideally, you should start by visually impressing people. Often, the first thing they will see is your website; moreover, its design. Focus your efforts on building a sleek website that can tell everyone what your business is about from a first glance. You can do this with color, font, and your logo, and it’s best to employ a trusted professional to help achieve your vision.

Regular blog posts

Content marketing is one of the oldest methods of promoting a business. The reason it has stuck around is that it works. If you put out regular content related to business practices and your company’s relation to the wider world, you will be able to put a more human face to your brand. Where content used to mean just the written word, it has now moved on to include high-quality images, sound and video, which you can use to connect with readers more. These are also an excellent way to bolster an ethical message, which is an important business feature in today’s world.

Social media

Having great content is always a plus, but it means nothing if you don’t promote it on social media, as SEO only does half the work. As a tool which is becoming increasingly hard to ignore, you should make sure your business has a presence on every social media platform appropriate to your business, even the smaller ones. Once there, you can engage with your target market, and run advertising campaigns that are guaranteed to help your business make a name for itself. When it comes to selling a product or service, it becomes even more useful.

Marketing influencers

Businesses have always made use of marketing influencers, where they partner with people who can promote their brand or products on different platforms. Where it used to mean having contacts within the press, it now also alludes to those who have a big online following. From bloggers to social media influencers, there are many people you can contact that can promote your product for either a small cut of the business profits or simply a free product. Sometimes, this helps you reach a much larger audience, but it will also ensure your conversion rate is much higher.

Good customer service

It seems that social media is shaping the way businesses promote themselves, and customer service is no exception. Although it’s wise to have customer service providers active on telephones and via email, there are some other ways you can connect with customers. Social media allows businesses to engage with customers in a more efficient, friendly way. There is no better publicity for a business than your customers going on to tell their family and friends about the great care they have received. Make sure you capitalize on this the most by making use of instant messaging services like WhatsApp.

Build a community

Building an online community has never been easier with innovations like social media, but you should also build one in your local area. If your business has humble roots, you should make sure you never pull yourself away from these. Holding charity days and promotional events are just a few ways you can maintain your community at home. Even better is if you document these days on your blog, as this will encourage your online community to grow even more after connecting emotionally with your brand.

An effective pitch

You will be aware of the business ideal of always having an elevator pitch saved in your head. Before you can start giving your pitch out to investors, it’s wise to make sure it’s polished, snappy, and effective. Sitting down and working this pitch out may seem tedious, but you never know when you need to pitch your business. It often happens in times you don’t expect, hence the nickname of being an elevator pitch. If you have a pitch that works, you can successfully promote your business to investors and business partners alike.


This pitch should also be reserved for special networking events, where you can promote your business to a wide range of prospective investors. It is also great to have if you want to do a one-off partnership with another business. At such events, you should remain cool and collected, but it is also essential to take promotional products with you. Having the right ones made by expert companies such as Dynamic Gift will ensure that anybody you meet is reminded of your business long after you have met them. They are also great to give out to your target consumer market at promotional events.

Free samples or trials

Consumers love free products in all their forms; giving out promotional ones like pens and bags is a great start. What they also love is having free samples of products and free trials of services. These are a great talking point and will create a handy ripple effect among your target market’s friends and family. If they like what they are using, they will more likely talk about it online and come back for more. If they don’t, you can collect feedback and make the appropriate changes to market your product the next time around.