The Top 5 Ways Enterprise Social Collaboration Can Boost Organizational Productivity
The social media revolution has changed the way people interact in their personal lives, and now it is inevitably changing the way they collaborate and connect in the workplace. Enterprise social collaboration is a way for organizations to leverage social tools to improve employee engagement, bolster productivity and tap into a company’s collective intelligence. To simply say enterprise social collaboration is Facebook or Twitter at work is a misconception and gives the impression that these tools are time-wasters that drain productivity. If integrated and organized correctly, social collaboration technology can become a game-changer that empowers both employer and employee. Enterprise social collaboration injects the intimacy and fun of social media into work-related communications and leads employees to accomplish tasks in newer and faster ways. Here are the top five benefits to enterprise social collaboration:
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About the Author
Ajay Kaul, managing partner at AgreeYa Solutions, brings over 25 years of experience in sales, staffing, and IT project management for clients throughout the world. As managing partner, Ajay has led AgreeYa through 15 years of success, leading the company in highly competitive and complex markets and driving significant profitable growth. Prior to founding AgreeYa, Ajay was responsible for managing engagements for Deloitte Consulting, serving private and public sector clients.