
Recommended New Year’s Resolutions for Entrepreneurs

With 2013 winding down, it’s time to start thinking of ways to change, or improve, for the New Year. As the New Year approaches, here are a few New Year’s resolutions and recommendations for the entrepreneur:

As an entrepreneur:

  1. Hire Great People: Continue to try to hire great people so I can focus on my primary roles.
  2. Reduce Email Lists: Reduce the number of email lists I’m on for both business and personal.
  3. Less Stress: Stress less over the minor problems and remember that perfection is impossible.


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About the Author

Michael Unetich is President of TIP Solutions, a Chicago-based software company building a patented set of software and firmware technologies around call handling and management. He started several successful entrepreneurial ventures, possesses experience in software design and marketing, and has extensive experience in angel investing. Michael is a named inventor on over 10 patents currently under USPTO and international filing.