
6 Ways You Can Sell an Old House at a Higher Market Value

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article | 6 Ways You Can Sell an Old House at a Higher Market Value

Selling an old house can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. Older homes often have the charm and history that newer homes might lack, but they also come with their own set of challenges. These can include outdated interiors, worn-out systems, and design choices that might not appeal to modern buyers. Yet, every homeowner dreams of fetching a handsome price when putting their property on the market, especially in a city like Irving, TX, where house prices have increased by 14.1% compared to last year.

The question is, how do you bridge the gap between the age of your home and the expectations of today’s buyer? One of the effective solutions lies in strategic renovations and improvements.

1. Remodeling the Bathroom

The bathroom might be one of the smaller rooms in your home, but don’t let its size fool you. It plays a crucial role in the overall appeal of a house to potential buyers. Think about it: the bathroom is a personal space. It’s one of the first places people go to after waking up and often the last stop before bed. A clean, modern, and functional bathroom can set the tone for the entire house.

But how does one go about ensuring their bathroom meets the mark? That’s where the expertise of an Irving bathroom remodeling company becomes invaluable. They have the know-how, tools, and vision to transform an outdated bathroom into a modern sanctuary. With their help, you can address issues ranging from outdated fixtures and tiles to ensuring the plumbing behind the walls is up to par.

Moreover, the return on investment (ROI) for bathroom remodeling is generally favorable. According to real estate experts, a well-done bathroom upgrade can recoup a significant percentage of its cost in the home’s resale value. Simply put, money spent on a professional bathroom upgrade is not an expense—it’s an investment.

2. Upgrading the Kitchen

Next to the bathroom, the kitchen often stands out as a primary focus for home buyers. A well-appointed kitchen can be a joy for those who love to cook and entertain. On the flip side, an old and dreary kitchen can be a deal-breaker.

Fortunately, you don’t always need to go for a full-blown kitchen renovation to make a significant impact. Even simple upgrades can make a world of difference. Consider updating old countertops with modern materials like quartz or granite. Replacing dated appliances with newer, energy-efficient models can also be a game-changer. Even something as basic as changing cabinet handles or adding a fresh coat of paint can refresh the space.

Of course, like with the bathroom, balancing the cost of upgrades with the expected return is vital. While it’s tempting to go all out, it’s essential to consider which changes will most appeal to potential buyers and provide the best ROI.

3. Landscaping and Curb Appeal

They say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but let’s be honest—first impressions matter. And in the world of real estate, the exterior of your home is that all-important first impression.

A well-maintained lawn, trimmed bushes, and a clear pathway can speak volumes. They convey the message that the homeowner cares about the property. If the outside is this impressive, the inside must be even better, right?

Beyond basic maintenance, consider adding a few landscaping touches. Planting colorful flowers, installing exterior lighting, or even adding a decorative mailbox can make your property stand out. If you’re unsure where to start, hiring a professional landscaper might be a wise decision. They can provide guidance on which plants thrive in your region and how to make the most of your outdoor space.

4. Improving Energy Efficiency

As the world becomes more environmentally conscious, so do home buyers. People nowadays aren’t just looking for a beautiful home but also one that’s light on their pockets in terms of utility bills. Improving the energy efficiency of an old house can be a major selling point, setting your property apart from others in the market.

Simple changes such as installing double-paned windows can make a significant difference in retaining heat during winters and keeping the home cool during summers. Replacing older appliances with Energy Star-certified ones not only reduces electricity consumption but might also qualify you for tax benefits or rebates. Insulation, too, is key. Ensuring walls and attics are properly insulated can prevent heat loss, leading to more consistent temperatures indoors and reduced heating bills.

It’s not just about savings, though. A more energy-efficient home reduces its carbon footprint, appealing to eco-conscious buyers who want to make responsible choices for the planet.

5. Refurbishing the Flooring

Floors bear the brunt of daily life. Over the years, they have endured spills, foot traffic, pets, and more. It’s no wonder, then, that flooring can show significant wear and tear, especially in older homes. Yet, when potential buyers walk into a home, one of the first things they notice is the floor.

Upgrading from old, stained carpeting to sleek hardwood can instantly modernize a space. If hardwood isn’t in the budget, consider laminate or vinyl, which offer similar aesthetics at a fraction of the cost. For those partial to carpeting, even just a professional cleaning or replacing it in high-traffic areas can rejuvenate a room.

It’s essential to think about the potential return on investment. While marble tiles might seem appealing, they might not fetch a return that justifies their cost. It’s always a balance between enhancing the home’s appeal and ensuring you’re making financially sound decisions.

6. Addressing Major Repairs

No one wants to buy a money pit. Visible damage or potential structural issues can quickly turn away potential buyers, even if the rest of the house is in tip-top shape. It’s essential to address any major repairs before listing your property, including everything from a leaky roof to foundation problems.

While it might be tempting to leave these for the next owner, unresolved issues can significantly lower your home’s market value. Plus, most buyers will conduct a home inspection. It’s better to address problems upfront rather than risk losing a sale down the line.

Consider investing in a pre-listing home inspection. It allows you to catch potential issues before buyers do, giving you the chance to either fix them or adjust your asking price accordingly.


Old doesn’t necessarily mean outdated. With thoughtful upgrades and renovations, even the most timeworn homes can compete with newer properties on the market. By focusing on key areas like the bathroom, kitchen, and energy efficiency, homeowners can significantly boost their property’s market value. In the end, it’s about making strategic decisions that cater to modern buyers’ tastes while ensuring a favorable return on investment. As you consider these upgrades, every change, big or small, brings you one step closer to making your old house a dream home for the next owner.