
How To Reinvent Yourself After A Divorce

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article | How To Reinvent Yourself After A Divorce1. Breathe

The first thing you need to do is breathe. You will have to take some time to adjust to your new normal. When you go through a divorce, it will be like going through mourning until you can reach acceptance. When you feel overwhelmed, you should simply stop whatever you’re currently doing, close your eyes and take a few deep and slow breaths.

Remember, divorce is certainly a roller coaster ride that is filled with emotional distress. This is the case even if you were the one who asked for it to begin with. Divorces typically feel like failures and you will likely start doubting yourself. However, what happened yesterday is now in the past and tomorrow, you will be faced with a new day and new opportunities. Unfortunately, 50% of marriages do come to an end and result in divorce. It is simply something that happens.

2. Remain Present

It is important to always strive to learn from your past mistakes. It is also a bad idea to live in the past. If you keep thinking about the past, then you won’t be able to see what is currently happening. The most important time is always right now, wherever you are.

Of course, your history will always form a part of you, but it is not the entirety of you. Make sure that you turn the next page of your life and try to live within each current moment. Don’t allow your past to imprison you. If you are having issues with getting over your ex-partner, you should try a variety of wellness tools, therapy etc.

3. Enjoy Your Freedom

When a marriage breaks down and it ends in divorce, you will feel many different things. However, you should also feel a sense of freedom and liberation. Be sure to actually enjoy it! Now, you won’t have anyone preventing you from living in whatever way that you truly desire. You can now do everything you desire, even the things that you stopped doing because of your ex.

Additionally, you can explore all of the things you would like to do. You can start by trying new things. This can mean skydiving, going on an adventurous road trip, visiting another country or even moving to a new country. There are literally no limits! You also don’t need to rush and get into another relationship. You should take some time to enjoy being single. Consider that within this country, there are 30 million single people who live on their own.

4. Rediscover Yourself

There is no better time than right now than to dive deeper into yourself and explore the other parts and versions of yourself. When you get a divorce, it is another chance to start your next chapter as a better version of yourself. Consider who you used to be before you got married. Think about all of the things you went through and experienced and how much stronger and wiser you are now. You are likely a lot more aware of what you truly desire and what you don’t want. Take some time to appreciate who you are right now and prioritize yourself.

5. Change Things Up

Did you ever want to change how you look or get a new haircut? If so, then you should definitely explore that. When you change how you look, it can certainly change how you feel. You can change your hairstyle, the type of clothes you wear, your makeup, jewelry and you can even change your weight!

6. Become Healthier & Update Yourself

If you neglected yourself in the last couple of years while being married, then this needs to change. You should visit your local hair salon or barbershop to get a new haircut. Next, consider changing up your fashion and wardrobe. You should also consult a nutritionist as well as a personal trainer or even a yoga teacher who can help you with your diet as well as physical health. If you have always wanted a smaller bust try Skin Works breast reduction.

When working out, be sure to create goals that are achievable. Once you stick to your diet and exercise program, you will definitely see and feel a change in your body. It is also a good idea to start hiking, walking etc. When you actually start to look and feel your best, you will be better able to reinvent yourself.

7. Start Dating

When you are ready, you can start to date. This may seem a bit scary, especially if you haven’t been on a date in a long time. However, don’t worry about it as there are millions of people in the same boat as yours. You can start to talk to people on social media and online dating apps like tinder.

With that said, you should be careful when meeting people online. This is because there are many scammers and predators online. So, if you like someone that you’ve met online, be sure to do a background check on them so that you’re protected.

How Sensible Is Investing Right Now?

StrategyDriven Practices for Professionals Article | How Sensible Is Investing Right Now?

With everybody’s concerns about the economy right now, it’s easy to feel suckered into the notion of doom and gloom. The hardest thing for any business owner or any individual that’s trying to provide a solid financial foundation for themselves is to understand where their investments should go. The rising cost of everything means everybody’s having to penny-pinch even more than normal, and when it comes to something like investing, it’s not irregular to see upturns and downturns in the market. When it comes to investing in stocks and shares, it’s important to get to grips with a few fundamentals.

When Do You Need Returns on Your Investment?

Rather than thinking about profit or loss, it’s far better for you to think in terms of timescale. Because there are a wide variety of stocks and shares on the market, and with each product comes a degree of volatility. New investors are going to consider whether they should put any of their finances into any product at such a difficult time in the world. The reality is that you have to look at whether you need the money now or in the future.

A great example is an investment like cryptocurrency. You can see that it’s had a volatile time, not just in recent years, but ever since it became widely known. AI traders like Bitcoin Motion are helping investors to bridge the gap by automating aspects of trading, but the fact is that with any new or old currency, you’ve got to ask yourself if you need the money right now. If you have some savings, you can invest and you don’t need the money for at least 5 years, you can put some money in.

Holding Your Nerve

Any seasoned investor will tell you about the importance of long-term investment. It’s a hallmark of amateur investors to want short-term results and nothing more, but this is a very myopic approach to investing because anybody who is looking to make an immediate profit is better off investing in a high-interest savings account. This means you can see your money compound fairly regularly. The fact is that there have been major highs and lows over the last few years. The bear market, when a market experiences prolonged declines in price, that occurred in 2020 bounced back and hit new highs by the end of August 2020.

In 2022, we’re seeing a very similar set of circumstances. There’s high inflation, interest rate increases, and naturally, those who are looking for short-term gains are going to be disappointed if they invest in stocks and shares.

What Does It Take to Be a Sensible Investor During Tough Times?

The reality is that we can never predict the future. You can purchase shares in individual companies or buy into a fund that tracks an index or invests in a wide variety of companies; this latter option is going to diversify your portfolio. Arguably, this is the best way to be a sensible investor during tough times. However, the most important thing is to remember that these things have all occurred before. There is nothing new, no matter how much scaremongering occurs online.

The financial crash in 2008 and the Black Monday crash in 1987 are two major events that occurred within the last 40 years, a very minuscule time in investing. It’s very easy to think that any downturn in the market means you should be swift in pulling your investment out, but this is why it’s important to look at seasoned investors such as the Warren Buffetts of the world. These people always understood the value of a long-term investment.

The problem we all have in the modern world is that when it comes to investing and stocks and shares is that people want to jump onto a sure thing. People get cold feet instantly. In order to be a sensible investor, you’ve got to understand what you wish to achieve from your investments. If you don’t go in with a plan, you aren’t going to be able to find the right stocks and shares that suit your risk tolerance, and when something comes up that causes a wobble in the market, you are going to panic and pull out. It’s far better to aim for any form of profit rather than setting yourself a specific amount.

When we talk about being a sensible investor, it’s not about finding the right products or shares, but about ensuring that you have an understanding of what it takes to achieve your financial goals. Investing is an incredibly diverse approach and doesn’t just cover stocks, shares, or cryptocurrency, it can involve profiting through property or even having a good savings account or a Roth IRA. If you are looking to put money into something right now, during these tough times, you’ve got to make sure that you are prepared to weather the storm.

Shampoo and Its Work On Preventing Hair Loss

StrategyDriven Practices for Professionals | Shampoo and Its Work On Preventing Hair LossHair loss is extremely common in men and women, with many people experiencing it prematurely too. When you notice that your hair is starting to thin or fall out, you might start to look for a solution that will restore it. Some people might look at getting a permanent hair transplant in Turkey to combat the loss. And other may look into more natural remedies like using rosemary or castor oil. However, there is one product that is often seen as preventing hair loss, and that’s shampoo. So, keep reading and discover how shampoo works and if it can stop hair loss.

Healthy Scalp, Heathy Hair

You might think that shampoo is for cleaning your hair, which is partially true. But really, it’s for cleaning your scalp and removing excess oils. However, using shampoos that are too stripping will cause your scalp to become overly dry. This can then lead to dandruff and brittle hair, as you need your natural oils to protect your scalp and hair. When it comes to shampoo, you want to ensure that you go for one with salicylic acid in it as this will exfoliate your scalp and help boost its circulation. Poor circulation is one of the reasons hair loss may occur, so you want to give your scalp the best opportunity to sprout as many hairs as possible. Your scalp should be neither excessively oily nor overly dry. Having the right balance will ensure that your hair remains on your head for longer and will regrow through at a healthy rate as well.

Shampoo Ingredients To Avoid

Not all shampoos are created equally, and in fact, a lot of them can be really bad for your hair. You might see that a shampoo is labelled as “thickening”, but in reality, these can be way more damaging for your hair. A lot of these thickening shampoos end up clogging the pores of your scalp which then restricts the amount of oxygen that it gets. This will then lead to thinning of your hair and even the loss of it too. Sulfur is a very common ingredient in many shampoos, but again, it can be detrimental for those wanting to avoid hair loss. Sulfur is used to help the shampoos lather up, but it also strips away too much oil from your hair. This then causes it to become overly dry and snap, and you might find that your hair struggles to grow back. You also want to avoid caffeine shampoos. While these are touted as being the “miracle cure” for hair loss, they’re actually doing more damage than good. Too much caffeine on your scalp will restrict the circulation, which is terrible for the growth of your hair. You want to give your scalp as much oxygen and blood flow as possible, so definitely avoid caffeine shampoos.

Ingredients To Look For

While there are lots of things you should avoid, there are ingredients that you should actively look for in your shampoos. Things like menthol can be great at alleviating a dry, itchy scalp which then helps promote the production of healthy oils. Histidine is an amino acid that helps to remove excess copper from your hair and protects it from UVA/UVB damage. All of these things can contribute to hair loss over time, so ensuring your shampoo has histidine is a good preventative measure. Niacin, sometimes called vitamin B3, is also said to be good for your scalp circulation, which will in turn boost the strength and growth of your hair. Keratin and biotin are also in a lot of shampoos, but there is a good reason for this. Biotin helps to encourage hair growth by boosting your keratin production. Your hair is made up of keratin, so without a healthy production of it, you’ll find it hard to see significant growth. Some natural ingredients like castor oil and rosemary oil are said to be great for combatting hair loss as they stimulate your blood flow and allow more oxygen to get to your hair. While there isn’t scientific evidence that supports this completely, there are a lot of people who have seen the benefits they can bring.

When it comes to keeping your hair clean, shampoo is vital. However, the type of shampoo you choose can also have an impact, good or bad, on your hair health. Too many harsh ingredients like caffeine and sulfur can easily cause your hair to become damaged, leading to hair thinning or loss. So, make sure you always read the back of the shampoo bottles and find out exactly what’s in them. Don’t trust what the name of it either. Just because it says it’s a thickening shampoo, once you look at the ingredients, you’ll see that this might not be the case. If you want to prevent hair loss, then you really need to look at the shampoo that you use. You’ll soon see the difference it makes to your hair growth once you start paying attention to the ingredients.

How to Pick Stocks For Beginner Investors

StrategyDriven Practices for Professionals Article |How to pick stocks|How to Pick Stocks For Beginner InvestorsYou have been saving for a long period of time and you decided to try out stock investing but you just know some basics about stock trading. The first step before picking a stock to invest in is research.

Researching a company to understand its business operations is a good start. This is critical because if you do not know how a company generates money, it is difficult to track the performance of your investment.

There are a number of questions to answer before you put faith in a company and here are three of them:

Do the company’s profits generally grow over time?

If the answer is yes, then this is a good sign that the company is doing something right. Companies that show positive earnings growth tend to have financial and operational stability. You should regularly check the company’s financials to examine whether the growth in revenue and earnings are positive or negative.

It’s a challenge to look for very specific data, interpret it, and then come to a conclusion. Imagine yourself trying to deal with financial reports, digging out for more information, trying to find trustworthy and accurate sources, and deciding if the data is valid or not.

What is the company’s relative strength in its peer group?

When investing, the industry a company operates in can be a crucial screener. The initial point to start would be to look at how an industry is represented in the market and what growth potential is likely in that space.

What is its share in the market? Is there a competitive advantage that allows to company to stand out?

To make a fair comparison, list up the players (competitors) of the same size (market capitalization) and compare their profitability and stock performances over a period to figure out how they stack up next to each other.

Price-Earnings (P/E) Ratio

P/E is the ratio of valuing a company that measures its current market capitalization relative to its trailing earnings. In short, this valuation metric shows how well a price of a stock reflects the earnings of the company.

When conducting fundamental analysis and value investment strategies, the P/ E ratio is one of the metrics that show whether a stock is overvalued or undervalued by the market. The rate is a key indicator to compare companies in the same industry. A company with a lower P/E ratio is not valued as highly as one with a higher P/E ratio in the market. As a conscious investor, it is your task to determine whether the stock deserves a lower valuation or whether the market is undervaluing it- which could make it a good stock pick.


Whether you are a beginner or a senior in stock investment and company research, EquityRT Financial Market Analysis and Research platform addresses the need for information and analysis that investors seek for.

Why the MBA Alone is not Enough

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article | Why the MBA Alone is not EnoughThere was a time when simply achieving a Master’s in Business Administration would be enough to prepare someone for a launch into the executive role and C-suite. Today, even with an MBA from a top school, many are finding that specialization is essential, particularly for those who need to have a solid grip on the financial side and how the accounting records are generated.

While the role of an executive may not require one to have all the credentials of a certified public accountant, having a solid understanding of how accounting systems work and data is generated has become a bread and butter condition for anyone in a role that involves a budget and considerable company assets, as well as related decision-making. And as companies continue to move into enterprise systems where metrics are fed and re-utilized across disciplines, anything that is feeding into the accounting system as a measurement should be better understood by the manager whose program it affects.

Traditionally, accountants who want to win promotions and go higher in their organization than just a report supervisor or payables manager see the MBA as a natural stepping-stone level to achieve. However, for those coming from other disciplines such as sales or operations management, accounting may never have been a primary need at the time. Yet once they reach the executive level, everyone has to be familiar and versed in the income statements, cash flow reports, and balance sheets. It becomes the bread and butter of financial conversation in the company at the decision-making level. The standard MBA provides some training, but it doesn’t really expand on the accounting aspects with enough detail to really say one is versed in the field. The accounting concentration solves this problem effectively.

Where the typical MBA program will cover a summary of accounting, some attention to indirect cost accounting, and financial portfolio management, the MBA with an accounting concentration goes much further. It practically combines many of the key aspects of an accounting degree with an MBA, preparing the executive to not just be able to understand financial records and their generation fluently, but to also be able to oversee an accounting shop in a pinch if needed. For those who are going to be managing financial IT systems and related databases, the accounting concentration provides key details and aspects of how financial activity occurs and gets tracked, something that will never be obtained through a standard IT training path.

The added aspects of accounting training enhance one’s sense of ethics as well. When exposed to multiple classes and topics that focus on how compliance is provided, examined, and reported, a student walks away with an inherent understanding and sensitivity to staying on the right track, even when challenged to push the edges of the envelope in operational conditions. Upper-level managers and executives come out of an enhanced MBA program with a keen understanding of how to behave financially as well as what to avoid that can get them into serious trouble, both internally as well as with external regulatory controls where they operate, including international environments as well.

Students on the Masters of Business Administration accounting concentration path will also enjoy added specialization aspects also typically not available in other MBA programs. These topics include fraud examination, the marriage of accounting with information systems, government accounting, advanced auditing, and even non-profit organizational accounting, a key area of employment that is often overlooked but spans the country with opportunities in every city and state. No surprise, graduates find themselves easily starting in entry positions for high-level finance, and when married with database management they end up becoming key players in some of the latest financial activities today, such as data visualization and management dashboard design work.

Again, there are plenty of MBA programs to train one to be an executive in general, but the Master’s of Business Administration accounting concentration matches today’s demands far better, especially when it comes to understanding the finance that allows programs and businesses to operate and grow.