Entries by StrategyDriven

Maximize Tax Savings Using This One Simple Trick

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) instituted last year could mean substantial tax savings for many American businesses. This year, savvy entrepreneurs, business owners and certain investors in real estate can maximize deductions and save big on taxes by putting one of the best features of the new tax law to work the “aggregation rules.”

How To Start Your Own Online Business?

Either being adhered to a 9 to 5 job that you detest or maybe being worried about job security are valid justifications for intuition on how to begin your own online business for nothing. It truly is conceivable to make it go and beneficial without contributing any of your own wells deserved money.

Strategies for Overcoming Crisis in The Hospitality Industry

Every organisation is likely to face a crisis now and again. Significant problems may arise once or twice a year, with smaller issues appearing sporadically in the time in between. Predicting what a crisis will entail is impossible in many situations – but it’s how a team prepares and responds that can dictate whether and to what degree a business recovers.