Cleaning During The Pandemic: What Is The New Normal In Cleaning Your Business Spaces?

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Cleaning your Business|Cleaning During The Pandemic: What Is The New Normal In Cleaning Your Business Spaces?As much as we like to think that our offices are clean, many are not. Some are just so dirty that they can cause sickness and disease, which is dangerous as the novel coronavirus or COVID-19 is still rampant. So, how do business owners keep up with the new normal, given the safety and health protocols in place by the government?

Learn what’s the new normal in cleaning business spaces by reading below.

What Is The New Normal?

The new normal is not new to the human race anymore. With crises arising ever since humans existed, they’ve brought drastic changes to the overall routine, economy, lifestyle, and even culture and traditions worldwide.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the new normal means significant changes in how people communicate, work, and even clean business spaces. It involves implementing stricter safety and health protocols such as social distancing or maintaining at least a distance of six feet away from other people to avoid transmitting the virus.

Cleaning During The Pandemic

Now that you know the meaning of the new normal, it’s time to know the things you should know when cleaning your business spaces during the new normal.

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Cleaning your Business|Cleaning During The Pandemic: What Is The New Normal In Cleaning Your Business Spaces?1.Wash Hands And Wear Gloves Before Cleaning

Many people don’t think about this, but there are plenty of germs and bacteria on their hands when they’re doing their work. When it comes to office & commercial cleaning, wearing gloves and face masks is now highly recommended. This is now the art of the new normal when cleaning business spaces.

When wearing safety gloves, it’s important to remember that they’re meant to protect the wearer against exposure to chemicals or toxins in the environment. Gloves should be worn while touching liquids in the same way as if they were on the part of the body. It’s important to make sure that you don’t accidentally inhale them because the liquid can get trapped in your mouth, which can cause serious illnesses.

2. Disinfect Your Business Spaces

Disinfecting is not all about putting chemicals onto surfaces. You need to understand that the more times you can remove germs from your office, the better off you’ll be because the more likely you are to prevent an outbreak.

To make sure that you and your employees are safe, learning how to disinfect offices is a good thing to do. If you want to try something else, there’s always the option of hiring a professional to disinfect your office.

Here are some disinfection tips you can try:

  • Disinfect the office using a steam cleaner: If you want to know how to disinfect offices, there are several different methods. One thing that you can try is a steam cleaner.
  • Use bleach: Another great method that’ll help you learn how to disinfect offices is through bleach, which is easy to use and affordable. Many people like bleach because it can kill any viruses that come into contact with it.
  • Use hydrogen peroxide and vinegar: There are other ways to learn how to disinfect offices. One of these is by using hydrogen peroxide and vinegar. These are both great because they’re both easy to use and inexpensive.

3. Keep Everything Clean and Sanitized

The key to effectively disinfect your office during this pandemic is to keep everything clean and remove different things that may cause germs to spread. For instance, if you have many surfaces in your office that are hard and flat, make sure that you wear gloves when you wipe them down.

Make sure that you sanitize things around the restroom and the kitchen counter, too. Again, don’t forget to sanitize your handkerchiefs and towels as well.

4. Maintain Social Distancing

Even during commercial cleaning, cleaners are advised to maintain social distancing. Because of the nature of the novel coronavirus, keeping a safe distance will help isolate the virus and prevent the disease to spread.

5. Frequent Scheduled Cleaning

As you probably noticed, cleaning is now more frequently done than ever, which is now an essential aspect of the new normal.

Every room, cubicle, corner, and space used in the business establishment must be disinfected before and after use. The government has mandated routine cleaning in compliance with the quarantine and health protocols.


Be sure that you change your office surfaces frequently and clean them thoroughly. Keep things clean and sanitized at all times as well. And, if you really can’t avoid germs, then it’s always a good idea to take steps to prevent them from spreading from your desktops, toilets, kitchen surfaces, and other places around your office.

Learning how to disinfect offices is a great thing to do because it’ll keep you and your employees safe from the outbreak.

Top Tips For Growing Your Franchise

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Franchise|Top Tips For Growing Your FranchiseWhether you’re an aspiring, emerging, or well-established franchisor, these simple tips on how to build and grow your concept still apply and always will. For development experts who know it all, it’s always a good idea to review the basics.

Franchising your company is a good way to earn more revenue, grow your brand, and take on exciting new opportunities. People often assume their franchise’s growth will come naturally, but businesses don’t grow on their own. You need to be willing to put in the work to make sure your franchise grows.

  1. Have a teacher’s mindset. There are lots of reasons that people decide to start and grow a franchise. Whatever your origins reason, remember that you need to be a teacher above everything else. You must be willing to teach others how to run a business so they can copy your model for success and use it to create a duplicate of your business that is just as successful. Without this mindset, you won’t do well.
  2. Start by perfecting your business model. The first thing that you need to do to grow a franchise is to work on perfecting your business model. Your business model needs to be clear-cut, successful, and easy to follow and share with others. Franchise management software can help to keep this consistent. The stronger your plan is, the better your organization will be able to run.
  3. Let things happen naturally. Don’t force growth. Let it happen naturally. The success of the establishments that you have should convince others to open a franchise. If you push it, then you’re putting new franchises at risk of failure, which will damage your name and reputation.
  4. Foster franchise relationships. For the organization to grow as a whole, the individual francises need to be successful. Create a culture of positive franchisee relations. Individual franchises need to be able to operate independently but rely on one another for help and advice.
  5. Build strong brand identity. If you want to grow your franchise, your brand identity needs to be strong. It should be recognizable throughout your industry. The stronger your brand identity is, and the easier it is to recognize, the better off your franchise will be.
  6. Create a balance between local and national. You could have a national franchise, with location all over the country, but there still needs to be a balance between your national name and the local establishment. This means that each establishment should stay in touch with the community it is based in, do local marketing, attend community events, and act as though it is a normal small business. You can’t just rely on national marketing for the whole franchise.
  7. Put strong franchise owners in your establishments. A franchise is only as good as the individual establishments, so it’s essential that you put strong franchise owners in place in each one. You will need to take the time to make sure that the right people are running each of your establishments.

4 Pitfalls Of Digital Transformation

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Digital Transformation|4 Pitfalls Of Digital TransformationWhether you enhance your digital presence or tweak your website, there’s a good chance that you’re transforming your processes for the sake of the internet. Online is so essential that you can’t afford to miss out, with everything from marketing to lead generation and communication receiving a boost. Even costs drop when companies invest in digital transformation practises.

Adapting to the digital world isn’t an afterthought since the failure to react could leave you in a tricky position. However, with all the benefits that digital transformation offers, it’s tempting to assume there are zero side-effects. This isn’t true. As with any investment, you must be aware of the pitfalls beforehand. Otherwise, nasty surprises may pop-up out of the blue.

The concern is that you don’t want to fall behind. Still, it’s smarter to be safe than sorry. In this post, we’ll walk you through the four biggest consequences of digital transformation and how to avoid them.

Improved Customer Experience

On the face of it, this only seems to be a good thing. As technology enhances the user experience, you can encourage more people to buy goods and services, boosting your conversion and click-through rates. Although this is true, and several companies have taken advantage, an improved UX sets a precedent.

Today, consumers expect a certain level of service, and if they don’t receive it, they’ll bounce to a competitor. As a result, you get one chance to make a positive first impression. If you don’t, your market share may begin to shrink. 92% of leaders are already developing advanced strategies, which highlights the need to keep up with the latest developments.

One way to do this is to enroll in college courses. Poetically, you can do it online to reduce the impact on your routine and save money. Attending seminars and networking events is a must as this is where you can make contacts and increase your knowledge base.

Raises Data Collection Processes

Again, collecting data doesn’t appear to have a dark side. If anything, you should hoard as much information as you can because it contains the answers to the questions that will stop the business from failing. As big data has proved, the right info will reveal the actionable insights that you can implement in real-time to improve the UX and raise awareness of the brand.

But, as you will see with organizations regardless of the size, collecting data is a contentious issue. Firstly, customers are wary of the practices after the Cambridge Analytica scandal that is alleged to have affected the 2016 election. Also, creating a data culture encourages you to collect information for the sake of it.

Once this happens, you take unnecessary risks. Why? It’s because lengthy registration forms turn-off shoppers to the point where they’ll abandon their baskets. Nothing is worth a lost sale, especially data you won’t use.

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Digital Transformation|4 Pitfalls Of Digital TransformationDigital Transformation Is Time-consuming

You’ve got to spend a lot of time digitizing records to complete the process. Of course, it’s massively time-consuming and only adds to your workload. Aside from the imbalance between your job and your life, you must consider how the extra responsibility impacts your focus and concentration levels.

As the boss, it’s essential to take care of the most important jobs. However, if you’re too busy overseeing the switch to digital, you may easily miss crucial meetings and deadlines. The answer is to outsource the role to a third-party since managed IT services are reliable and have many more resources.

Therefore, outsourcers not only use their expertise to improve the standard, but they cut money and time wastage by concentrating on a single job. Hiring one is a no-brainer. The trick is to work out which business or individual is the most suitable for your specifications.

Virtual Collaboration

Communicating effectively is something that managers attempt to iron out regularly. After all, when you and your team interact positively, there are fewer mistakes. Plus, everyone understands their job and what’s expected of them daily. Digital communication is varied, and that’s the potential pitfall.

With too many channels to choose from, it’s common for employees to miss vital notifications as they can’t check all their accounts every five minutes. And, which one people prefer is a personal decision as they may find an email more professional, whereas a text message is instant.

You must set policies that outline the platform workers should use during business hours. That way, sharing essential data and collaborating healthily will be the norm, not the exception that proves the rule.

Your business needs to go digital, yet are you ready for the potential consequences?

Quick Eco-Friendly Alterations You Can Make To Your Business

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Eco-Friendly|Quick Eco-Friendly Alterations You Can Make To Your BusinessWith finite resources, a polluted sea, and the greenhouse effect looming over, the world needs saving – and fast!

Thankfully some people are starting to adapt and make changes in their lives to support the planet. Moreover, multiple governments worldwide are setting new goals to reach to reduce carbon emissions. With that, businesses are taking a stance to reduce their carbon footprint too. However, while every effort helps, there’s always room for improvement.

If you’re looking for new tips to add to your existing eco-friendly business processes, this post can help give you a few ideas.

Recycle Cooking Oil

Would you believe businesses out there are prepared to purchase and recycle your leftover oil to save it from going to waste?

From vegetable oil to soya bean oil, used cooking oils recycling by GF commodities provides various oils a new life lease. If you’re in the food industry, this is a great way to manage waste and support the environment.

Switch It off

The amount of devices, PCs, lights, and so forth we’re guilty of intentionally and unintentionally leaving on in the workplace is phenomenal.

Wasted energy is bad for the environment, not to mention costly for the business. And so, from now on, if you or any of your employees aren’t using an electronic device at work, or light, for instance, encourage each other to switch it off.

Switching equipment off at work is particularly crucial at the end of the day when workers are likely to keep their PCs on standby or forget to turn off machinery in the factory.

While some laptops, PCs, printers, and other workplace machinery may take a while to power up the following morning, it’s much better than leaving a range of computers on all night to drain power.

Switch To Recycled Paper

If there’s anything mostly all companies are guilty of using too much of, it’s paper! Numerous trees are chopped down for businesses to scribble down food orders, draft architectural designs, and write out to-do lists for the day.

While paper may be necessary, newly processed paper isn’t especially when you can get recycled paper instead! By using recycled paper, your business can help to reduce the number of trees that need to be cut down for paper.

Renewable Energy Sources

Another way to protect the environment is to switch energy providers. Multiple energy providers today are using renewable energy to cater to an environmentally conscious world.

It may be something you haven’t yet thought about, but it’s quick and easy to do. You just need to find a suitable provider and ask to switch!

Your new supplier usually contacts your old supplier for you, so you won’t have to do much else.

The best way to begin making sustainable business changes is to start small and slowly integrate new eco-friendly practices as you go along. In doing so, the pressure to make your company completely green is less disruptive and overwhelming, and much more easy to do.

How Does A Toll-Free Number Work And Why Is It Helpful In Businesses

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article | How Does A Toll-Free Number Work And Why Is It Helpful In BusinessesThe first thing that most people think about when they hear the phrase “toll-free number” is the fact that there is no cost associated with having one. There are many reasons why a toll-free number works well and is considered by many as a “must-have” tool. For starters, toll-free services streamline business communications, allowing companies to provide their customers with a way to reach out to them for any reason, and regardless of what type of business relationship is taking place.

In addition, since this is the case, it means that customers don’t have to worry about paying a monthly fee or a yearly service charge just to use this service.

A reliable 800 service provides tons of business and consumer benefits, and here are some of them:

1. Cost-Effective Solution

Most people think about the ease of obtaining a toll-free phone line so many companies use this option as an inexpensive and convenient way to provide their customers with a means of communication. A toll-free number opens up avenues for businesses to reach out and obtain valuable feedback from customers without having to spend so much.

2. Easy To Set Up and Communicate

Aside from being cost-effective, a toll-free number is also easy to set up. That is why your business will benefit financially, as well as your customers. If customers can easily reach you through your toll-free number, they will likely remain loyal to your company because of the ease of communication.

Setting up a toll-free number can be done by a company on their website or by a customer directly through their telephone company. If a toll-free number is being offered, the customer simply needs to contact their provider and ask if they can add the number to their system. When the customer tells their provider that they want a toll-free number, they then take the customer’s information and apply it to the toll-free number.

3. Accessibility

It is possible to call a toll-free number anytime of the day or night. With this option, your customer service representatives can answer customer calls whenever they come, thus providing them with better customer service compared to simply calling them with standard office numbers that incur extra charges.

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article | How Does A Toll-Free Number Work And Why Is It Helpful In Businesses4. Track Callers Registered On The System

Since a toll-free number is very easy to set up and maintain, it’s also easy for a company to keep track of who is calling a toll-free number. This is vital to a company’s ability to perform all of their business practices in the best manner possible.

5. Used To Advertise

A toll-free number can be used for advertising for your company. For instance, special toll-free numbers can be customized to mark your brand in customers’ minds, such as 1-800-HELP for a rehabilitation facility. This allows people to call in and get the information that they need about your company, including a toll-free number and other important details.

6. Increase Business Revenue

As you can see, there are many advantages that can be had from the use of a toll-free number. By offering a good option to consumers, many find that they are able to save a great deal of money, as well as increase their businesses’ revenue, which helps them stay competitive and remain successful.

Increase your business revenue by building customer trust and rapport through your open communication via your toll-free number. The higher the trust rate and credibility you have, the more likely customers will stick with your brand. Because customers get to reach you for free, they can call you anytime if they have concerns. They know that your line is always open to discuss problems with purchases or using the product, giving them excellent customer service.

Here’s how offering a toll-free number can increase your business revenue:

  • Customers can follow up orders without paying extra, which increases your customer service score.
  • Follow-up customers’ orders and complaints without having to explain yourself whenever you call because you’re already using a known number represented by your company.


Having a toll-free number is a good idea when you want to streamline business communications, as well as provide customers with an avenue to express their concerns or ask questions about your products and services, while saving you money at the same time. It’s easy to setup and can improve your image as a company with the known toll-free number you have.

By offering a toll-free number, they don’t have to worry paying extra every time they need to call you, thus improving your customer service. Because customers are happy, they would want to use your products and services even more, and stay with you than going elsewhere.