How To Support an Employee Through a Traumatic Time

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article | How To Support an Employee Through a Traumatic Time

There are many different events that can count as traumatic, and it is important to realize that they don’t have to end in a fatality. Anyone who experiences a life-changing event may experience trauma in some way, and expecting one or more of your employees to ride the wave of emotions and continue their job role like nothing has happened is not a good or helpful move.

It is obvious that these individuals will need support while they are healing. This, in itself, is not a predefined time that is the same for everyone and they will require your patience and empathy while this process is taking place. However, there are some other things that you can do while this is taking place.

1. Listen to Your Employee

Although the hardest thing to do is to start a conversation with the traumatized person about the incident that has taken place, you may still need to do this. Rather than trying to ‘fix’ the trauma, you need to practice your listening skills, empathize not sympathize, and try to understand what your employee needs by ways of support and how your business can go about providing this.

As already discussed, the healing process time cannot be assumed, so thinking that your employee will be back to running at 100% within a couple weeks or so just because you feel they should be, may not be the case at all. Understanding all the different signs and side effects of trauma and stress could help you comprehend how your employee is feeling. It is important to realize that it is not just about the physical or emotional effects but there are also cognitive and social behaviours to look out for as well.

2. Ensure They Have the Legal Support

It is important that they have the right legal help and support as this can provide financial compensation that could help with medical costs and loss of earnings. Some individuals may feel that they can’t afford legal representation or that they just want the event to not have happened.

In the event of a road traffic accident, for instance, injuries are likely to be ongoing and could result in loss of earnings. These all add up especially when you take into account the mental damage and trust issues that your employee may have when either getting into another vehicle or sitting behind the wheel. However, having an experienced and qualified car accident lawyer acting on their behalf could elevate some of the weight from their shoulders and allow them to focus on themselves rather than on the rising costs that they are likely to be encountering.

3. Help Them Manage Their Work Routine

Although they may certainly not be top of their game, they will benefit from keeping to some form of routine. You may need to change their working hours to more suitable timings for them and their new regimes or even offer them the opportunity to work from home either temporarily or for the foreseeable future. This will help them keep money coming in and provide them with some sort of normality at a time when their lives feel upside down and chaotic.

Of course, with your employee working away from the office you will need to put in some extra effort to ensure that they do not feel alone and isolated. Investing in good reliable communication software so that they can stay in their social bubble at work even though they are not on site and checking in regularly with them yourself could go a long to bridging the gap. You could also change the way that you hold relevant meetings to include video links so that the employee can still attend the meetings that they need to and can continue to work in a manner that they are used to doing.

A Few Final Thoughts

When an employee suffers a traumatic event, you need to understand that it will also affect your business. Being patient with your employees’ abilities and concentration levels while also being prepared to listen to the employee will show that you are supportive in their healing process.

However, you could go that much further and offer them legal advice – if they haven’t sought it themselves and provide them with an adjusted working day. This could be changing their hours or even offering remote working for those who are unduly struggling to make the journey from home to work. Of course, you will have to put in more effort to ensure that they still feel connected and not ostracized by regularly checking in with them and perhaps investing in quality communication software so that other employees can also stay in contact with them.

The Impact of a Professionally Designed Office Block on Employee Productivity

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article | The Impact of a Professionally Designed Office Block on Employee Productivity

In the fast-paced and competitive business world, companies are always looking for ways to enhance productivity and foster a positive work environment. One often overlooked factor that significantly influences employee performance is the design of the office space. A professionally designed office block can profoundly impact employee productivity levels, creating a conducive environment that promotes collaboration, innovation, and overall well-being.

Aesthetic Appeal and Employee Morale

The visual appeal of a workspace plays a crucial role in shaping the mindset of employees. A professionally designed office block considers aesthetics in its layout, color schemes, and furnishings. Aesthetically pleasing surroundings have been linked to improved morale, job satisfaction, and a positive outlook. When employees enjoy their workspace, they are more likely to be motivated and engaged in their work, leading to increased productivity.

Collaborative Spaces

Modern office design emphasizes the importance of collaborative spaces. Professionally designed office blocks often incorporate open-plan layouts, breakout areas, and collaborative zones to encourage spontaneous interactions among employees. These spaces provide a platform for idea exchange, problem-solving, and teamwork, fostering a culture of collaboration that can significantly enhance productivity.

Ergonomics and Employee Comfort

A professionally designed office prioritizes ergonomics, ensuring that workspaces are comfortable and conducive to employee well-being. Comfortable seating, adjustable desks, and proper lighting contribute to a healthier work environment, reducing the risk of fatigue, discomfort, and stress-related issues. Physically comfortable employees are more likely to stay focused and productive throughout the day.

Natural Light and Biophilic Design

Exposure to natural light has positively impacted mood and overall well-being. Professionally designed office blocks often incorporate large windows, skylights, and open spaces to maximize natural light. Additionally, biophilic design principles, which integrate elements of nature into the workspace, have gained popularity. Lighting is something that professional building services take into account when designing office buildings, so it’s always best to leave this to the experts. Plants, greenery, and natural materials contribute to a calming atmosphere, reducing stress and increasing employee satisfaction and productivity.

Innovative Technology Integration

Keeping pace with technological advancements is vital in today’s workplace. A professionally designed office block incorporates state-of-the-art technology seamlessly into the environment. From smart lighting and climate control systems to advanced communication tools, these technologies streamline work processes and contribute to a modern and dynamic atmosphere that inspires creativity and innovation.

Employee Well-Being Initiatives

Employee well-being is a key consideration in professionally designed office spaces. Wellness initiatives, such as dedicated relaxation areas, fitness facilities, and mindfulness spaces, contribute to a holistic approach to employee health. By providing resources supporting physical and mental well-being, companies can reduce absenteeism, improve focus, and ultimately enhance productivity.

Brand Image and Company Culture

An office’s physical environment reflects a company’s values and culture. A professionally designed office block that aligns with the company’s brand image creates a positive impression on employees and visitors alike. When employees feel connected to the company’s values and culture, they are more likely to be invested in their work, leading to increased productivity and a stronger sense of loyalty.

Prioritizing Staff Wellness: A Guide to a Healthier and Happier Workplace

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article | Prioritizing Staff Wellness: A Guide to a Healthier and Happier Workplace

Prioritizing staff wellness has become more critical than ever. A healthy and happy workforce not only contributes to increased productivity but also leads to improved job satisfaction and reduced employee turnover. In this blog, we’ll explore the significance of staff wellness in the UK workplace, discuss its benefits, and provide practical tips on how employers can promote wellness among their teams.

The Importance of Staff Wellness

The well-being of employees is a vital component of any successful organization. Here’s why staff wellness is so important:

  1. Elevated Employee Morale: Fostering an environment where employees feel supported and esteemed contributes to higher morale, thus nurturing a workplace culture imbued with positivity.
  2. Augmented Productivity: A workforce in good health tends to exhibit heightened productivity, enhanced focus, and increased engagement in their tasks, ultimately resulting in elevated performance levels.
  3. Enriched Job Satisfaction: Prioritizing staff wellness within the workplace fosters a sense of job satisfaction among employees, which, in turn, bolsters retention rates and cultivates enduring loyalty.
  4. Diminished Absenteeism: Thoughtful wellness initiatives have the potential to curtail sick days and absenteeism, offering dual benefits of cost savings for employers and the uninterrupted flow of business operations.
  5. Talent Attraction and Retention: Companies that emphasize employee wellness stand out as more appealing destinations for top-tier talent, streamlining the process of recruiting and retaining skilled and committed professionals.
  6. Enhanced Mental Health: A concerted focus on staff wellness can serve as a buffer against stress and a catalyst for improved mental health outcomes among employees, thereby mitigating the risk of burnout.

Practical Steps to Promote Staff Wellness

Here are some practical steps employers can take to promote wellness:

Create a Positive Work Environment:

  • Foster a culture of respect, inclusion, and open communication.
  • Encourage teamwork and collaboration to reduce feelings of isolation.
  • Recognize and celebrate employees’ achievements and milestones.

Offer Flexible Working Arrangements:

  • Allow employees to have a say in their work schedules when possible.
  • Promote remote work options to improve work-life balance.

Provide Adequate Work-Life Balance:

  • Encourage employees to take breaks and use their vacation time.
  • Set clear expectations for work hours and overtime.

Promote Physical Health:

  • Offer gym memberships or fitness classes as part of your employee benefits.
  • Provide standing desks or ergonomic office furniture to reduce the risk of physical strain.

Mental Health Support:

  • Offer access to mental health resources and undertake mental health awareness training. Offering counseling services may also be helpful.
  • Raise awareness through workshops and seminars on mental health issues.

Encourage Healthy Eating:

  • Provide snacks and meals in the workplace.
  • Promote healthy eating habits through wellness programs.

Promote Financial Wellness:

  • Offer financial wellness workshops or seminars.
  • Provide information about retirement savings and investment options.

Offer Professional Development:

  • Dedicate resources to employee growth through training and development opportunities.
  • Facilitate career progression and internal advancement within the company.

Foster Social Connections:

  • Organize team-building activities and social events.
  • Create spaces for employees to interact and build relationships.

Flexibility for Family Needs:

  • Offer parental leave and flexible scheduling for parents.
  • Provide resources for childcare support.

Encourage Self-Care:

  • Educate employees about the importance of self-care.
  • Promote activities such as mindfulness, meditation, or yoga.

Promote Financial Wellness:

  • Offer financial planning resources and tools.
  • Provide education on budgeting, savings, and retirement planning.

Regular Check-Ins:

  • Conduct regular one-on-one check-ins with employees to assess their well-being.
  • Encourage managers to have open conversations about workload and stress levels.

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs):

  • Offer EAPs that provide support (confidentially if needed) for employees facing personal or work-related challenges.

Collect Employee Feedback:

  • Create avenues for employees to provide feedback on wellness initiatives.
  • Use feedback to continuously improve wellness programs.

Success Stories

Several UK companies have successfully implemented staff wellness programs with positive results:

  1. Unilever: Unilever offers a range of wellness initiatives, including mental health support, physical activity programs, and flexible working arrangements. The company’s commitment to wellness has led to improved employee satisfaction and engagement.
  2. Aviva: Aviva provides a comprehensive wellness program that includes mental health support, financial wellness resources, and health and fitness initiatives. As a result, the company has seen a decrease in absenteeism and an increase in employee retention.
  3. British Gas: British Gas offers a flexible working policy that allows employees to choose their working hours. This flexibility has led to improved work-life balance and higher job satisfaction among employees.


Prioritizing staff wellness is not only the right thing to do for employees’ well-being but also a strategic investment in the success of your organization. By implementing practical wellness initiatives and fostering a positive workplace culture, UK employers can create a work environment that promotes staff wellness and supports the holistic well-being of their teams.

Create a Strong Team by Taking These Important Actions

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article | Create a Strong Team by Taking These Important Actions

Every employer’s dream scenario is a strong, productive, and happy team. The reality is that such a team doesn’t happen by chance. It often takes a series of steps taken by an employer. Whether you’re employing staff members for the first time or struggling with your employees’ dynamics, you might be curious about those steps. You might be well on your way to creating a solid team by taking these actions:   

Choose New Employees Carefully

Just because someone has the skills you need in your business doesn’t mean they’re the right fit. It can sometimes be helpful to perform background checks through providers like Triton Canada to learn more about potential new employees. 

You can find out about their previous employment, educational history, and whether they have any criminal convictions. It also doesn’t hurt to prioritize diversity while recruiting new employees so you can ensure a range of personalities and talents that complement each other. 

Prioritize Open Communication

Not all employers make their employees feel comfortable about expressing their ideas, voicing their concerns, or providing feedback. When employees don’t feel comfortable communicating, misunderstandings and general unhappiness can occur. 

Right from the beginning, you might be able to create a more open, friendly, and respectful working environment by encouraging active listening and open dialogue. When employees feel comfortable voicing what’s on their minds, you might enjoy fewer inter-workplace frustrations and staff unhappiness. 

Encourage Collective Achievements

Many employers don’t mind how tasks are achieved as long as the work is done and the invoices are paid. However, if your goal is to create a strong team and still achieve those same goals, encouraging collective achievements can be an excellent action to take. Collaboration is possible with both in-office and remote teams. 

Encouraging collective achievements and collaboration can involve creating opportunities for your employees to work together on projects rather than alone. They can share their ideas and develop innovative solutions that might not be possible by themselves. 

Offer Tools and Resources

Employees can often struggle to work well together when they’re not given the tools to do so. For example, remote teams might feel isolated and disconnected from their peers without team applications and active management. In-office employees might not have strong relationships with their co-workers without dedicated spaces for collaboration and creativity. You may benefit from the collaborative, happy, and productive team you desire by providing your team with the tools and resources they need to become a strong unit.   

Provide Professional Development Opportunities

Learning and development opportunities benefit employees individually but can also contribute to more robust team units. Individuals can refine and enhance their hard and soft skills, learn to work well as a team and practice their newfound skills with their colleagues. You also benefit from more experienced employees, which can undoubtedly contribute to your company’s overall success. Everyone wins with learning and development. 

Strong teams rarely happen by chance. They are a careful set of actions or steps an employer takes to get the most out of their employees. If you haven’t yet taken some of these steps above, there’s no harm in trying. You might enjoy a stronger and more cohesive team as a result.

Keeping Valuable Employees: Tips for Reducing Staff Turnover

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article | Keeping Valuable Employees: Tips for Reducing Staff Turnover

In today’s competitive job market, it can be difficult for small businesses to retain valuable employees. High staff turnover not only costs money to recruit and train new hires, but can also negatively impact workplace morale, productivity, and customer satisfaction. As a small business owner, what can you do to reduce turnover and keep your best people from leaving? Here are some tips:

Offer Flexible Work Arrangements

Studies show that employees increasingly value schedule flexibility and work-life balance. Consider options like telecommuting, flex schedules, coworking spaces or job sharing. This allows employees to better manage personal responsibilities while still being productive at work. Even small accommodations to schedules or locations can make a big difference in employee satisfaction.

Invest in Professional Development

Employees want opportunities to gain new skills, take on greater responsibilities, and advance their careers. Identify ways to help them develop professionally through training programs, mentorships, or Stretch assignments. Supporting their growth shows you value staff and want to see them succeed. Implementing a personal development plan (PDP) is a great way to show commitment to employees wanting to improve their skills.

Foster a Positive Work Culture

It’s not just about compensation and benefits. Employees want to enjoy coming to work each day and feel appreciated. Promote a supportive environment by encouraging teamwork and collaboration. Your first employee should be just a happy as your latest recruit. Recognize contributions publicly. Keep communication open and transparent. Celebrate successes together. Happy employees are less likely to voluntarily leave.

Offer Competitive Compensation

While not everyone is motivated primarily by pay, compensation does matter. Ensure salaries and benefits are fair and competitive within your industry and geographic area. Consider bonuses tied to organization-wide or individual goals. Be prepared to counter offers when valuable staff get recruited away. Losing top talent purely due to pay can easily be prevented.

Provide Regular Feedback and Reviews

Check in regularly with employees about their job satisfaction and career goals. Then conduct structured annual reviews. This ensures expectations are clear and gives you an opportunity to provide praise and constructive criticism. Employees want to know their hard work is recognized and appreciated so ensure one to ones are regularly conducted to monitor employees morale. You can also boost your company reputation by asking them to write a positive company review on places like Glassdoor.

Promote From Within

Growth potential is important. When possible, fill open roles by promoting from within rather than recruiting externally. This builds loyalty and shows you value developing talent. Employees are unlikely to leave for another company if they are already progressing within your organization.

Offer Employee Perks

Small perks can sweeten the deal of working for your company. Consider conveniences like relaxation spaces, discounted gym memberships, social events, or casual dress days. A positive work environment and small extras make employees feel valued.

Ask For Input and Feedback

Get employee perspectives through surveys or a suggestion box. Ask what would improve their workplace experience and job satisfaction. Then work diligently to implement feasible ideas. Employees want to feel heard. Incorporating their feedback increases engagement and helps retain top talent.

Retaining good employees reduces turnover costs and boosts organizational performance. By implementing strategies like flexible schedules, professional development, fair compensation, and open communication, small businesses can create an environment where people feel invested in the company and motivated to stay. Taking steps to keep staff happy and engaged is well worth the effort.