Enhance Your Communication Skills with Constructive Feedback

StrategyDriven Practices for Professionals Article |Communication Skills|Enhance Your Communication Skills with Constructive FeedbackIt isn’t easy for people to be honest with us, even when we ask them to be. In addition, those that we ask may not have the professional expertise to offer us the insights we need to work through difficult challenges.

Early on in my career, I was consulting for a major film and music studio in Los Angeles when a woman approached me to say, “Dr. Ron, I really love what you are teaching us, but would you like some feedback?” I’d learned from spiritual teacher Ram Dass that he always read letters and evaluations he got from his talks and teachings and what he paid attention to most intently was the negative feedback. He not only read and reread the more hostile and critical feedback forms, but, when he could, he’d either call or write the person to better understand the feedback and where it was coming from. Some of those letters turned into long exchanges until he felt that he’d truly processed what the critics were telling him.

I knew that this woman who approached me might offer some helpful insights, so even if it bruised my ego a little to be criticized, I said, “Fire away.”

She told me that she loved what I was teaching, then added, “but you’re teaching in the voice of an upper-crust white male.” I was taken aback, but recognized that this woman had done me a favor in pointing out my bias. I took a deep breath and said, “Tell me more.”

She gave me at least five examples where I had offered case examples about work that were all about men — and white men at that. In my family, we had six sisters and four brothers, but it was obvious to me that I’d adopted some of my dad’s strongly embedded views that came from spending his career in a corporate world dominated by white men. My dad always discussed men when he told his work-related stories. Rarely, if ever, had he brought up any stories about women. I hadn’t thought about how his limited experience working with women at his office back in an era when there were fewer women in the workplace might have influenced the types of anecdotes he shared.

I thanked the woman for sharing her perspective and promised I would change up my teaching stories. As a result of her feedback, I now think and teach with diversity in the foreground.

Fortunately, this woman’s criticism came from an open heart so it was easy to not take offense. If you’re asked to give feedback to someone in your life or at work, I find these four techniques keeps the conversation positive and productive:

1. Give your full attention. When anyone tells you about or shows you their project, give them your undivided attention. Don’t scroll on your phone, don’t multitask, and don’t interrupt except to ask for clarification. Set the foundation for them to be honest and vulnerable.

2. Respond with positivity. If you think it’s an awful idea, you can say something like, “It sounds like you’ve put a lot of thought and work into this project so far.” Go ahead and compliment them for their efforts rather than the outcome.

3. Ask questions from a place of genuine curiosity. Use questions such as, “I don’t think I’ve heard that before. How did you come up with that idea?” and “What about this plan appeals to you the most?” Understanding where they’re coming from and what their aspirations are can help you to better encourage them and give them constructive feedback. You can share what you’ve done in similar situations and what the outcome was. In this way, you’re making yourself vulnerable and making them feel more comfortable with any criticism you offer because you’re showing that, at times, you’ve been unsure or made wrong turns.

4. Offer feedback diplomatically. Finally, you can suggest something you think they might work on, but wait to see how they respond before you give them more feedback. Don’t overwhelm people with criticism and advice. You can ask whether they’d like more feedback or if they would rather work with their project some more first. In both my Art of Leadership and Core Creativity workshops, I’ll often ask: Would you like my feedback as mild, medium, or severe — like the hottest salsa?
Also, when asking for feedback on your project or idea, make sure to solicit it from a diverse group of people. You may benefit from asking someone with expertise in a particular area, someone who is good with alerting you to your emotions, someone with a different temperament, or someone who is very intuitive.

About the Author

StrategyDriven Expert Contributor | Ronald A. AlexanderRonald A. Alexander, PhD, is the author of the new book, Core Creativity: The Mindful Way to Unlock Your Creative Self (Rowman & Littlefield, June 21, 2022), upon which this article is based. He is a creativity and executive leadership coach, as well as a licensed mind-body psychotherapist. He’s the executive director of the OpenMind® Training Program that offers personal and professional training programs in mindfulness-based therapies, transformational leadership and meditation. He is also the author of the highly acclaimed book, Wise Mind, Open Mind: Finding Purpose and Meaning in Times of Crisis, Loss, and Change (2008). Learn more at www.CoreCreativity.com.

How To Be More Productive Working From Home

StrategyDriven Practices for Professionals Article |Working from Home|How To Be More Productive Working From HomeOne of the only good things that came out of the pandemic was that it gave us the ability to work from home. Companies that in the past thought the job couldn’t be done remotely, soon found out that in fact that was a great idea and helped many employees become more productive. The increased freedom and flexibility helped to enhance the work ethic of many. If you work from home, it can be great, but some people wonder if they’re working as productively as they could be. Chances are there is some room for improvement. Here we have put together some top tips to show you how to be more productive working from home.

Work closely with colleagues

Working from home can be pretty isolating which can lead to a drop in productivity. To avoid this, speak to your colleagues email and instant messaging, aswell as on the phone or meet them for a coffee. By utilising SME cloud computing it’s easier than ever to collaborate and work as a group. Virtual tools from cloud-based services enable you to speak to colleagues and your employers in a seamless and effective way. Being away from the office can mean it’s easy to not speak with those you work with but by utilising tools like SME cloud computing and other messaging services, you can collaborate effectively and efficiently.

Have a dedicated working space

One of the most important things you need to do when you are working from home is to have a dedicated workspace for you to be able to sit and concentrate at. This could be a desk in your bedroom, a study, or an outhouse in your garden. No matter where it is, you want it to be free of distractions (such as from other members of your household) and somewhere you can start and finish your work without having to worry about being disrupted. Some people choose a place such as their dining table but this isn’t a specific workspace and as such might mean you need to keep moving throughout the day or have to pack up midway through an important project.

Give yourself rest breaks throughout the day

While it might seem productive to work throughout the day, you need to give yourself breaks to reset and recuperate. Take some time to have a walk, even if it is just around the block to clear your head and give your eyes some time away from your screen. You’ll be surprised at how much of a difference just ten minutes can make.

These are just a few of the top ways that you can be more productive working from home. Whether you work in a hybrid manner so spend some time in the office and some time at yours, or the whole time working from home, these are sure to help you. What are some of the top things you do to increase your productivity when you are working from home? Let us know in the comments below, we would love to hear from you!

18 Ways To Practice Safe Driving While Going On Business Trips

StrategyDriven Practices for Professionals Article |Safe Driving|18 Ways To Practice Safe Driving While Going On Business TripsGood driving habits are essential for keeping yourself safe on the roads. Taking a few safety precautions can go a long way in avoiding dangerous situations and making sure you get where you’re going without incident.

Here Are Some Ways To Practice Safe Driving While Going On Business Trips:

1. Wear your seat belt:

Wearing a seatbelt is the most basic precaution you can take for safe driving; not only does it protect you in the event of an accident, but it also serves as a reminder to stay alert behind the wheel. Every time you get in the car, make sure everyone’s buckled up before taking off.

2. Leave enough room between cars:

It is important to leave several car lengths between you and the vehicle in front of you so that there is plenty of distance in case something unexpected happens on the road. This also allows other drivers more time to react if they need to change lanes or make a sudden stop.

3. Watch out for animals:

Animals have no concept of traffic rules, so it is important to be extra vigilant when driving in areas where deer or other wildlife may be present. Scanning the side of the road for potential hazards is key to avoiding a tragic accident.

4. Be courteous:

Giving fellow drivers the right of way or simply putting on your hazard lights when someone else needs to merge into traffic are small gestures that go a long way toward helping everyone get where they need to go safely. Showing courtesy to other motorists is one of the most important yet overlooked aspects of safe driving.

5. Check your car regularly:

Your vehicle is only as safe as its condition, so make sure to check fluid levels and inspect tires frequently. Taking the time to address potential problems before they become more serious can help ensure you have a safe ride wherever you’re headed.

6. Exercise caution in construction zones:

Construction zones often come with confusing signs and narrow lanes, so take extra caution when driving through these areas. Be patient, drive slowly, and pay close attention to workers and equipment that may be present.

7. Be aware of weather conditions:

Wind, rain, and snow can all make roads more hazardous, so pay attention to reports before you set out on a long journey and take extra precautions if necessary.

8. Check your mirrors often:

Mirrors are essential for safe driving, as they give you a better view of what’s happening around you. Make sure to check all three mirrors regularly while driving to keep an eye out for fellow motorists and pedestrians.

9. Avoid distractions:

Distracted driving is much more common in today’s heavily connected society, but it places everyone around you at serious risk. Keep your phone tucked away while driving and limit conversations with passengers if they distract you from focusing on the road.

10. Don’t drive when tired or impaired by alcohol or drugs:

Operating a vehicle while exhausted or under the influence can significantly impair your ability to make good decisions behind the wheel and increase your risk of being involved in an accident and an ars extreme dui. Instead, if you’re feeling drowsy or impaired, find another way to get where you need to go.

11. Drive defensively at all times:

Defensive driving involves actively looking out for potential hazards on the road and anticipating other drivers’ actions. It’s an important skill to have when on the roads, as it can help you react quickly and appropriately if something unexpected happens.

12. Don’t use your phone while driving:

It can be tempting to stay connected while you’re on the go but using a phone while driving can be incredibly distracting and increase your risk of being in an accident.

13. Give yourself plenty of time to get to where you need to go:

Rushing around from place to place can lead to reckless driving, so plan your route ahead of time and give yourself extra time if needed. This will help you stay relaxed and focused, ensuring that you make it safely to your destination.

14. Follow speed limits:

The speed limit is there for a reason: it’s designed to protect everyone on the road from harm. Obeying posted speed limits is essential for safe driving and can help keep both you and those around you safe from dangerous crashes.

15. Be prepared for emergencies:

You never know when an emergency situation may arise on the road, so it is always best to be prepared. Keep an emergency kit in your car with a flashlight, first-aid supplies, water, and other necessities that could come in handy in the event of a breakdown or accident. Additionally, it’s important to have roadside assistance programmed into your phone just in case you need help when stuck on the side of the road.

16. Share the road with cyclists:

Remember to give cyclists their space on the road, as they’re entitled to their own lane just like any other vehicle. Also, make sure you always check your mirrors for nearby cyclists before making a turn or changing lanes.

17. Stay calm in traffic:

Road rage and aggressive driving put everyone at risk and can lead to dangerous situations. If you find yourself getting angry while behind the wheel, take deep breaths and focus on slowing down until you reach your destination safely.

18. Keep up with vehicle maintenance:

Keeping up with regular maintenance will help ensure that your car is in top condition and running smoothly. Make sure to check oil levels, tire pressure, brakes, headlights, and other important components regularly for optimal safety when you’re behind the wheel.


By following these tips for safe driving, you can help ensure that everyone gets where they’re going safely and without incident. Always be aware of the conditions around you and practice defensive driving techniques whenever possible — this will help keep yourself and other drivers on the roads safe. Drive carefully and stay alert!

How To Reduce The Risk Of FX Trading

StrategyDriven Practices for Professionals Article |FX Trading|How To Reduce The Risk Of FX TradingEconomies around the world are currently struggling due to various impacts, as countries across the globe suffer a knock-on effect from the global pandemic and other socioeconomic factors like war and the rising cost of living. More of us will be looking to increase our income throughout this difficult time, and thankfully, because the FX market is not tied to an economy, it has not been impacted as much as you might expect. Below, we’ll take a look at the risks that come with the FX market and how you can manage FX risk during a recession.

Risks that impact the FX market

Trading in FX comes with a risk, as many businesses and investors will find. The market comes with peaks and troughs that you will have to know how to manage correctly so that you can reduce the risk that comes with this currency market. FX risk generally refers to the transactions that companies make outside of the currency they trade in, and this risk can become more enhanced if the business does not manage these currencies correctly. There are several risks that come into play when trading FX that we will look at in more detail below, to give you an idea of how you can make them work for you and reduce your overall risk.


Hedging is a process of offsetting the losses or gains that can take place when trading from one currency to another. This is a process that many businesses choose to implement depending on how large their risk is when it comes to losing money. There are a few ways in which companies can choose to hedge their currency so that they can remain financially stable, including options, futures, and short positions. Hedging allows companies peace of mind that they are protected from various risks, allows them to budget accurately, and means they can take advantage of currency fluctuations. This is one way of reducing the risk, but what are the others?

Time risk

Managing your time risk allows you to increase your return on investment. It refers to how volatile a currency is. As a rule, the more volatile, the greater the time risk. To manage this risk correctly, you should choose to trade with more stable currencies. Look for currency pairs that have a downward trend – only if it is consistent. This can help you to identify the economies that are more stable and pose your company less of a risk.

Liquidity risk

Your liquidity risk involves the market as a whole – which makes it harder to manage. FX markets and stocks are both highly liquid, with stocks being some of the most fluid. Because of this, you can use them to measure whether a currency is on the up, or it’s struggling in a slower economy. There is always a risk in FX trading that you will make a loss during times of economic downturn as people become more hesitant to purchase, creating what we call a bear market – meaning the economy is slow. During this time, it’s best to ensure your trading is diversified, so you can spread the risk and reduce potential losses.

Interest rate risk

You must know how to manage your interest rate risk when it comes to reducing your risk of loss when trading FX. Interest rates are always changing, which makes it more difficult to predict how it’s going to have an impact on a currency. A lot of managing interest rate risk is watching trend lines and considering which are trending up. This can help you to consider whether you should buy or sell FX.

Tired Of Being Broke? 14 Steps To Change Your Situation!

StrategyDriven Practices for Professionals Article |Change Your Situation|Tired Of Being Broke? 14 Steps To Change Your Situation!Are you tired of being broke? Are you fed up with your financial situation and feel like you’re stuck in a rut? If so, you’re not alone. Millions of people all over the world are struggling to make ends meet. But don’t despair – there is hope! This blog post will discuss seven steps that will help you change your situation and start building wealth.

1) Assess Your Situation
The first step is to take a realistic look at your financial situation. How much money do you make? Do you have any debt? Knowing where you stand financially will give you clarity on how much work needs to be done.

2) Make A Budget
Once you know your starting point, it’s time to create a budget that works for you. Start by tracking all of your expenses and income for one month. Then use that information to develop a budget that focuses on saving as much money as possible while paying off debt.

3) Cut Costs
One of the best ways to free up extra cash is by cutting costs wherever possible. This could mean making small changes like packing lunch instead of eating out or bigger changes like switching to a more affordable cell phone plan.

4) Increase Your Income
If you’re still struggling to make ends meet, it might be time to look for ways to increase your income. This could mean getting a second job or finding side hustles that can help bring in extra money.

5) Invest Your Money
Once you start saving, it’s important to put that money into investments so it can grow over time. Consider investing in stock markets, index funds, and other investment vehicles that will help your wealth grow over the long term.

6) Invest in crypto
Cryptocurrency is becoming increasingly popular and could provide an additional source of income. Investing in crypto can be risky, so it’s important to do your research and understand the risks before investing any money. Visit bitcoineer to understand the crypto market and find the best investments for your goals.

7) Stay Motivated
Change doesn’t happen overnight, so it’s important to stay motivated throughout your journey. Celebrate small wins along the way and keep pushing towards your goals – you’ll get there eventually!

8) Get Professional Help
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your financial situation, don’t hesitate to seek professional advice. A financial advisor or accountant can help you create a plan that will get you out of debt and build wealth over time.

9) Avoid mistakes
It’s important to avoid making common money mistakes such as taking on too much debt, investing in risky investments, or not saving enough for retirement. Learning from your mistakes and avoiding them in the future is an essential part of building wealth.

10) Live on Less Than You Make
The most important step of all is to live on less than you make. This means cutting back on your expenses and saving as much money as possible each month so you can use it for investments or emergencies.

11) Do the Math
At the end of the day, it’s important to do the math and make sure your plan is realistic. Calculate how much you need to save each month from reaching your goals, and stick with it. Make sure to review your finances and savings plan at least twice a year to make sure you’re on track.

12) Stay Focused
Stay focused on your goal, and don’t get distracted by short-term temptations. It may be difficult to turn down a new pair of shoes or an expensive dinner out – but remembering why you’re doing this in the first place will help keep you motivated.

13) Buy Real estate
One of the best investments you can make is in real estate. Investing in property has the potential to generate a steady stream of income and build long-term wealth. Consider researching different types of real estate investments and their potential benefits to help decide which ones are right for you.

14) Celebrate!
When you reach your goals, it’s important to celebrate and reward yourself for all the hard work you’ve done. Whether it’s treating yourself to a special dinner or taking a weekend getaway, make sure to take the time to enjoy your accomplishments!

If you’re tired of being broke and want to change your financial situation, there are several steps you can take. Start by making a budget and cutting costs wherever possible. Increase your income, invest in stocks, cryptocurrency, or real estate, and stay focused on the long-term goal. With determination and hard work, you can turn your finances around and enjoy a better life!