StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article | 5 Problems No SEO Expert Should Solve — And Why You Should Fix Them First

5 Problems No SEO Expert Should Solve — And Why You Should Fix Them First

Nowadays, relying on search engine optimization experts to improve your online visibility is a good business practice. Indeed, working with a professional SEO Company can positively affect your ranking in the search result pages, help drive more organic traffic to your website, and generate more leads. Your SEO strategy can be highly effective in maximizing lead generation. After all, SEO guarantees visibility on one of the most trusted brands in the world, Google. Being seen and found in Google search is a recipe for success.

Additionally, unlike advertising campaigns, organic leads coming through your SEO activities are “free”. While this doesn’t mean that a partnership with an SEO expert is pro bono, there are no advertising fees or cost per click with search engine optimization. Your SEO results can also help lower your advertising costs. For example, SEO-optimized pages decrease their average bid costs on Google AdWords. In other words, SEO can drive leads, increase brand awareness, and decrease other marketing expenses.

But it is important to understand that while SEO can be a highly effective strategy, it isn’t a miracle solution to solve all business problems. Here are 5 things you can’t expect from your SEO specialist.

#1. Figuring out the rest of your marketing strategy

An SEO partner focuses their energy on developing your SEO plan. When it comes to determining other marketing activities, your SEO contractor is the wrong point of contact. Indeed, high level marketing activities such as market data, marketing budget, or even marketing objectives will be defined by your business plan. Your business plan acts as a guiding map providing clarity on your business services, objectives, and strategy to achieve these goals. As a result, marketing will be determined at this level.

If you struggle with the creation of a coherent marketing strategy, it can be useful to reach out to a marketing strategist who can assist with this part of the business plan.

#2. Creating new content to inspire future products or services

While SEO-optimized content generation can be one of the services, your SEO copywriter will not provide content for a service or product that doesn’t exist. SEO-optimized content means that your SEO partner can help make your existing services and products more appealing to search engine platforms. The SEO copywriter is not a fiction novelist. They can’t invent what your services should be like.

If you need SEO content, you have to provide all the necessary information to your contractor, including:

  • What services you offer
  • Who your target audience is
  • What problem the services can solve
  • What your keywords are and which words you wish to rank for
  • How customers proceed to purchase or order
  • What your USP is (Unique Selling Proposition)

#3. Designing your website

Here’s an important distinction that many businesses fail to make. A website designer will develop the design and layout of your website, including the use of graphics, videos, and sounds.

An SEO expert can provide technical SEO improvements through the additions of schema markups, for instance, to your HTML. While many SEO specialists have a strong understanding of coding language to improve your SEO ranking, they do not utilize their coding know-how to upgrade the site’s layout or appearance.

If you wish to launch a new SEO-friendly website, you will need to plan a project that involves both web designers and SEO professionals.

#4. Managing your social media profiles

Social media managers are in charge of your social media presence. An SEO expert can provide support, such as creating tracking-friendly SEO URLs that can be shared on Twitter or Facebook. These links can make it easier to figure out where your traffic is coming from and which social media platform drives the highest conversion rates.

But the social media involvement for SEO stops right there. Creating engagement on social media and reaching out to your customers online is something you should entrust a trained specialist, aka a social media manager.

#5. Providing intelligence on the next market trends

Competition monitoring belongs to the regular tasks of an SEO contractor, as they track the ranking and keyword choices for your competitors. Yet, it is easy to confuse SEO monitoring and competition analysis at a business level. Your SEO agency is not designed to capture market intelligence about business choices and trends of your competitors. It is the task of a business and market analyst. The results observed can be used as part of a new business plan, which can affect your marketing strategy as a whole and your SEO activities in particular.

If you are going to make the most of your SEO activities, it is of the utmost importance to entrust experts with activities and strategies within their area of expertise.

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, Do Content Creators and Influencers Need Legal Services?

Do Content Creators and Influencers Need Legal Services?

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, Do Content Creators and Influencers Need Legal Services?Over the past ten years, social media has been a crucial part of marketing, and during the Covid-19 pandemic, this luxury platform has become essential for the economy’s growth.  As people sat at home bored, baking banana bread and whipped coffee, social media became the primary source of entertainment, with apps like TikTok dominating with over a billion active users.

Companies began using the platforms to build their business, through in-app purchases, the app’s algorithms, and live stream functions to advertise their products. As a result, there was a rise to a new form of solopreneurship through content creators.

Unfortunately, due to the blanket immunity offered to internet companies, it’s not unusual for a content creator to be misused by the company, experience plagiarism, or be cyberbullied by other content creators.

Types of Legal Services a Content Creator or Influencer Should Look For

Content creators and influencers have a top need for legal services as they are part of an industry that’s growing alongside the proliferation of social media networks. Working with different businesses and companies which differ in terms and conditions may lead to confusion when commercializing content.  For this reason, social media influencers and content creators should have a lawyer from a reputable law firm like to help protect their growing brand. There are no one-size fits all legal services, but some areas of the law tend to be more relevant than others for content creators and influencers.

Below are the types of services a content creator or influencer should seek from a lawyer:

1. Intellectual Right Protection

Social media content creators have an exclusive opportunity to build an intellectual property portfolio, and by being in the spotlight through their work, one needs to be proactive regarding their intellectual property.

Some of the few areas content creators should pay much attention include:

  • Copyright protects the original workmanship, and the content creator can follow through with litigation against anyone infringing on their rights.
  • Rights of Publicity – This form of intellectual property protects people who are the actual brands; therefore, your image and likeliness cannot be used by a brand without your consent for any commercial activity.
  • Trademark – Content creators and influencers are not only exploited for their names, image, and likeliness but also for their valuable brand. For example, the 1.8 million followers of Minimalist Baker may not be aware of the person behind the account, but they recognize the brand.

2. Contracts to Perform Services

Hired content creators and influencers provide third-party services to promote goods or services. Therefore, an influencer inherently expects compensation for the value added to the third party.

An influencer must ensure there’s a written contract before engaging with a third party for monetary gain to have legal protection in case things go awry. Oral agreements may feel valid but difficult to enforce due to the lack of evidence.

When drawing a contract, have a lawyer present to help you analyze, review, and negotiate each clause. A contract has three main elements, an offer, acceptance, and consideration. Hence, as a content creator, play an active role during the negotiations to understand the parties involved, compensation, exclusivity, licenses, agreed to services, post requirements, breach, and moral clause.

Do Content Creators Need Legal Representation?

Social media may seem all fun, but the laws around it are not, and with new online business opportunities comes more exposure. Having legal counsel on your side will protect your brand and hold anyone legally responsible in case of a breach or harassment.

Content creators and influencers should be cautious about understanding their governing laws related to their profession of posting content for public consumption to avoid lawsuits and giving out misguided information.

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article | How To Reinvent Yourself After A Divorce

How To Reinvent Yourself After A Divorce

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article | How To Reinvent Yourself After A Divorce1. Breathe

The first thing you need to do is breathe. You will have to take some time to adjust to your new normal. When you go through a divorce, it will be like going through mourning until you can reach acceptance. When you feel overwhelmed, you should simply stop whatever you’re currently doing, close your eyes and take a few deep and slow breaths.

Remember, divorce is certainly a roller coaster ride that is filled with emotional distress. This is the case even if you were the one who asked for it to begin with. Divorces typically feel like failures and you will likely start doubting yourself. However, what happened yesterday is now in the past and tomorrow, you will be faced with a new day and new opportunities. Unfortunately, 50% of marriages do come to an end and result in divorce. It is simply something that happens.

2. Remain Present

It is important to always strive to learn from your past mistakes. It is also a bad idea to live in the past. If you keep thinking about the past, then you won’t be able to see what is currently happening. The most important time is always right now, wherever you are.

Of course, your history will always form a part of you, but it is not the entirety of you. Make sure that you turn the next page of your life and try to live within each current moment. Don’t allow your past to imprison you. If you are having issues with getting over your ex-partner, you should try a variety of wellness tools, therapy etc.

3. Enjoy Your Freedom

When a marriage breaks down and it ends in divorce, you will feel many different things. However, you should also feel a sense of freedom and liberation. Be sure to actually enjoy it! Now, you won’t have anyone preventing you from living in whatever way that you truly desire. You can now do everything you desire, even the things that you stopped doing because of your ex.

Additionally, you can explore all of the things you would like to do. You can start by trying new things. This can mean skydiving, going on an adventurous road trip, visiting another country or even moving to a new country. There are literally no limits! You also don’t need to rush and get into another relationship. You should take some time to enjoy being single. Consider that within this country, there are 30 million single people who live on their own.

4. Rediscover Yourself

There is no better time than right now than to dive deeper into yourself and explore the other parts and versions of yourself. When you get a divorce, it is another chance to start your next chapter as a better version of yourself. Consider who you used to be before you got married. Think about all of the things you went through and experienced and how much stronger and wiser you are now. You are likely a lot more aware of what you truly desire and what you don’t want. Take some time to appreciate who you are right now and prioritize yourself.

5. Change Things Up

Did you ever want to change how you look or get a new haircut? If so, then you should definitely explore that. When you change how you look, it can certainly change how you feel. You can change your hairstyle, the type of clothes you wear, your makeup, jewelry and you can even change your weight!

6. Become Healthier & Update Yourself

If you neglected yourself in the last couple of years while being married, then this needs to change. You should visit your local hair salon or barbershop to get a new haircut. Next, consider changing up your fashion and wardrobe. You should also consult a nutritionist as well as a personal trainer or even a yoga teacher who can help you with your diet as well as physical health. If you have always wanted a smaller bust try Skin Works breast reduction.

When working out, be sure to create goals that are achievable. Once you stick to your diet and exercise program, you will definitely see and feel a change in your body. It is also a good idea to start hiking, walking etc. When you actually start to look and feel your best, you will be better able to reinvent yourself.

7. Start Dating

When you are ready, you can start to date. This may seem a bit scary, especially if you haven’t been on a date in a long time. However, don’t worry about it as there are millions of people in the same boat as yours. You can start to talk to people on social media and online dating apps like tinder.

With that said, you should be careful when meeting people online. This is because there are many scammers and predators online. So, if you like someone that you’ve met online, be sure to do a background check on them so that you’re protected.

StrategyDriven Managing Your Finances Article | The Costs Of Running A Trade Business

The Costs Of Running A Trade Business

StrategyDriven Managing Your Finances Article | The Costs Of Running A Trade Business

Thinking of starting a business as a tradesperson? Trade businesses include the likes of plumbing, electrics, roofing, tiling, landscaping and window cleaning. They can be a popular business venture for those that have the skills – and they can be relatively inexpensive to start up compared to many other types of business. However, there are still costs that need to be budgeted for if you’re going to start a trade business. Below are some of the costs to consider when running a trade business.


Perhaps the most important cost to consider is acquiring tools. Pretty much every trade from pest control to tree surgery requires tools. Certain trades are likely to require more expensive tools than others – for example, a decent piano tuning kit can be bought for less than $20, while a decent commercial carpet cleaning machine will cost over $1000 to buy.

Buying used tools could be a way to save money. When it comes to specialist tools that you may only need for one-off jobs, it may make more financial sense to hire them. You can also lease tools, which can be cheaper upfront than buying, but potentially more expensive in the long run.

To work out exactly how much you need to spend on tools, make a list of all the tools you need. Then compare prices online to work out exactly how much all of these tools will cost. If you need to take out a loan, this will help you to know exactly how much to borrow.


On top of your tools, there will be ongoing supplies or parts that you’ll need to buy. These will likely vary from job to job and are something you should factor in when it comes to quoting a price.

The internet is one of the best places to look for niche supplies like boiler auxiliary equipment or pressure washing chemicals. More general supplies and parts may be possible to buy from a local store, although you may still find that you access greater discounts online. Some suppliers may even be able to offer loyalty discounts or bulk discounts for supplies and could be worth sticking with.


You also need to consider the cost of travelling to your clients. This will typically involve owning or leasing a vehicle. Some tradespeople simply use their personal vehicle. However, if your personal vehicle is too small for your tools or not business appropriate, you may have to consider acquiring a new vehicle (a separate vehicle could also give you the option to invest in branded vinyl wrapping).

Each job you do will cost you money in fuel, which is also important to budget for. Many trade companies will only serve customers in a certain area so as not to spend too much time or money travelling to clients. Of course, if your trade is very niche, you may have no option but to cover a larger area in order to source enough customers.


Some trades do not require you to have any licensing or certification. In other cases, licensing or certification may be compulsory. It’s worth looking into the regulations of your state to see what the case is.

Most companies need a business license, which can cost between $50 and $550 depending on the state and profession. Certification fees are likely to vary depending on where you obtain them from – in some cases, there may be multiple certification courses that you can take. Some may also have to be regularly renewed, which is something to budget into your running costs.


In many cases, it is not mandatory to take out insurance as a tradesperson. An exception is if you hire employees, in which case you are obliged to take out worker’s compensation. You will also need auto insurance for your commercial vehicle.

Other types of insurance may be highly recommended depending on the trade. Public liability insurance is something that most trade businesses should consider taking out. This insurance scheme can help to pay out compensation if a member of the public is injured or their property is damaged as a result of your work. You could also consider insuring your tools against damage and loss.

It is worth taking the time to shop around for insurance as it could save you a lot of money. Some insurers may offer specialist policies catered to the risks of your specific trade. There are also trade business insurance packages that you can take out that combine multiple policies for a discounted price.


Marketing is essential for attracting business. You will need to invest some money regularly into marketing if you want to generate customers and grow.

A website is the most basic marketing necessity. You can build a website yourself, or hire someone to build it for you. A DIY website is the cheapest option – nowadays there are drag-and-drop website builders you can use that don’t require any programming knowledge.

There are so many other types of marketing that you can spend money on including social media marketing, SEO, PPC ads, business cards and flyers. It’s worth experimenting with different forms of marketing to see what works. You can hire marketing agencies to help handle marketing for you – in such cases, make sure to shop around to get the best rates.


Every business has to pay tax on its earnings. You will need to file a tax return each year, which will need to be accurately calculated. You can do this yourself or you can hire an accountant (the latter can save you a lot of time and hassle, but is an extra expense to budget for). At the very least, you should try to invest in accounting software to help make bookkeeping easier.

A benefit of being self-employed is that you get to claim expenses, which can result in tax reductions. This includes all the costs listed above. This is why it’s important to record every expense, so that you can accurately deduct the necessary amount of tax each year.

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article | What Is The Best Insurance For Your Small Package Shipments?

What Is The Best Insurance For Your Small Package Shipments?

If you have high hopes for entrepreneurial business success then you’re probably thinking of how you could do this. There are so many business ideas out there, and what do you see yourself doing? For many people they’ll opt to sell products. This could be wholesale items, handmade, and the list could go on and on.

If you’re starting a business, you’ll also want to think about the logistics of it, such as shipping. This can include getting insurance from third parties such as But before you begin all that, how do you determine the best insurance for shipping packages? How can you feel confident in your choice if it’s something you’re unfamiliar with? Here is everything you need to know!

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article | What Is The Best Insurance For Your Small Package Shipments?

Why should a business owner buy small packages insurance?

Some people might think that it is not worth buying because they only have a few personal belongings that are worth protecting. Package Insurance is one type of insurance that covers packages and shipments up to a certain value. It provides coverage for the shipment against loss or damage in transit and for the goods within the shipment against loss or damage during storage and transport. This type of insurance can help you out in the event that something does happen and you need to replace your items quickly; a lot of business owners need it.

What factors impact the cost of shipping insurance?

An insurance company will charge a different amount for shipping insurance than the one charged by a carrier. The price difference is based on the company’s risk assessment. Some factors that impact the cost of shipping insurance are:

  • The type of goods being shipped
  • The size and weight of the goods
  • The type of service used to ship the goods
  • Whether or not there is a contract between the buyer and seller

If you’re starting out, there may be a chance that it could be expensive. However, you’ll need to keep your options option and look into different providers.

What does small package insurance cover?

As a business owner who creates and sells products, there is always a chance that during transit something could happen to the package. It could get lost, stolen, or even possibly face some type of damage, It’s clearly not ideal, either. This is why small package insurance is needed for business owners. You won’t have to worry about losing money, and you will still be able to keep solid relationships with customers and clients. It’s going to be up to the insurance company and what they’re planning to offer.

The most common types of small package policies include:

  • Insurance on items valued under $500
  • Insurance on items valued between $500 and $1,000
  • Insurance on items valued between $1,000 and $2,000
  • Insurance on items valued between $2,000 and $5,000

However, keep in mind that it will still vary and this is merely an estimate.

Are there any extra fees?

The most common of these is a broker or destination fee, which usually applies to shipments sent by certain logistic companies like FedEx. These charges vary depending on the size of your shipment and your location. If you are shipping something from one company to another company, you might need to pay a broker fee for each shipment as well as a destination fee for each endpoint. It’s all just going to heavily depend.