StrategyDriven Project Management Best Practice Article

Project Management Best Practice 4 – Team Calendar

Project complexity seems to increase exponentially with team size. Larger teams require greater division of work and additional managers and supervisors to oversee these disparate efforts. Subsequently, the number of meetings increases to coordinate and align efforts between work groups, communication with stakeholders, and gather requirements and ideas from the organization’s subject matter experts. Absent meeting coordination, team members and line organization sponsors and participants become increasingly double and triple booked; causing individual frustration and diminishing the team’s effectiveness credibility.

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Managing Your Virtual Team

Management and Leadership – Managing Your Virtual Team

People used to think that “working from home” was code for “getting paid to eat Oreos in pajamas”, but with the recent recession, getting paid at all isn’t anything to take chances with. If you’re engaged in virtual project management you can’t physically just drop in to check on your workers – at least, not without a lot of gas, possibly a jet, and the risk of some extremely unpleasant surprises. But with the right web based project management software it’s entirely possible to keep tabs on your employees – without them setting their Twitter status message as 1984.

The main problem with online collaboration is that your staff, by definition, must have a reliable access to the Internet. Aka “The Infinite Distraction Engine.” Administering employees online can be like herding cats, except the cats are all in different countries, and invisible. The cats also have access to YouTube. How can you remotely manage them?

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Elmer Thomas blogs primarily at Thinking Serious which focuses on programming, design, business and productivity content for tech entrepreneurs living in a 2.0 world. That is, when he is not tickling his entrepreneur itch or consulting. To read Elmer’s complete biography, click here.

StrategyDriven Succession and Succession Planning Podcast | StrategyDriven Podcast Special Edition 11 - An Interview with Marshall Goldsmith, author of Succession

StrategyDriven Podcast Special Edition 11 – An Interview with Marshall Goldsmith, author of Succession

StrategyDriven Podcasts focus on the tools and techniques executives and managers can use to improve their organization’s alignment and accountability to ultimately achieve superior results. These podcasts elaborate on the best practice and warning flag posts on the StrategyDriven website.

Special Edition 11 – An Interview with Marshall Goldsmith, author of Succession explores the personal issues that arise during executive succession and how to overcome them; achieving a positive outcome for the departing leader, the successor, and the organization. During our discussion, Marshall Goldsmith, author of Succession: Are You Ready? and co-founder of Marshall Goldsmith Partners, shares with us his insights regarding:

  • characteristics of a successful executive transition
  • reasons executives struggle with the succession process
  • benefits and focus of coaching for the successor and senior leadership team
  • examples of successful executive turnovers

Additional Information

Complimenting the tremendous insights Marshall shares in Succession and this special edition podcast are the additional resources accessible from his website, Marshall Goldsmith Library ( Marshall’s book, Succession, can be purchased by clicking here.

Marshall Goldsmith, author of Succession, is co-founder of Marshall Goldsmith Partners, an executive coaching firm dedicated to developing business leaders. Dr. Goldsmith is recognized as a leading authority in helping leaders achieve positive, lasting behavioral change for themselves, their people, and their teams. He has coached scores of top executives in major corporations and wrote the number one best seller, What Got You Here Won’t Get You There. In 2006, Alliant International University recognized Dr. Goldsmith’s achievements by naming its schools of business and organizational psychology the Marshall Goldsmith School of Management. To read Marshall’s full biography, click here.

Leadership Inspirations – A Call for Innovation

“To get what we’ve never had, we must do what we’ve never done.”


“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Albert Einstein
Theoretical physicist, and winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics (1921)

Innovation, the act of introducing a new product, service, and/or method, brings with it the opportunity for great success and equally great failure. And while some failures result from unsuccessful attempts to introduce the new and different, no great achievement has ever been born without an act of innovation. Subsequently, a failure to offer something new or to do something differently will at best result in the continuation of today’s outcomes and will more likely result in diminishing returns as highly aggressive competitors offer more and more for less and less.

So what can you do today to become more efficient, more effective, more strategy driven?

StrategyDriven Management Observation Program Best Practice Article

Management Observation Program Best Practice 1 – Immediate Feedback

Can you remember what you ate for dinner last night? Last week? Neither can many others. How well then will a worker remember the nuances of his or her job performance days or weeks earlier on which feedback is now being provided? Probably not very well.

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