StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article |Poor Marketing|Don't Get Left Behind With Poor Marketing, It's Time To Step Up

Don’t Get Left Behind With Poor Marketing, It’s Time To Step Up

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article |Poor Marketing|Don't Get Left Behind With Poor Marketing, It's Time To Step UpTechnology is evolving rapidly and nothing is stagnant anymore. Our daily life changes, everything around us changes. So how could Marketing be stagnant? It has evolved and with the tools now available we have the greatest efficiency ever. Let’s take the things from the beginning.

What actually is Marketing?

The truth is that the word Marketing is quite misunderstood in different countries and means different things to different people. When you hear the word Marketing, you may think that it is something that only large companies and corporations use.The reality is completely different. You use Marketing every day in your business and you do not know it. Marketing is the coordinated and organized effort of a business to meet the needs of consumers by promoting its goods or services. In this way we manage to attract new customers, build relationships and gain loyal consumers. No matter how good your product or service is, without a clear Marketing Plan you will not be able to attract customers and grow your business. So Marketing is vital in a business no matter how big or small it is. It is also a basic expense of a business and not something optional that you can skip. Which is what makes lending so important and small business loans can really contribute massively. You should look at funding options available and see how they can help build your strategy.

Audience Targeting

Targeting the audience is more than accurate. We can show an advertisement for example to Women, 26 – 45 years old, who live in the area of Utah, have 1 child and are interested in sports items and have it specifically targeted to them depending on the type of advertising platform we choose. This is when SEO becomes a huge thing for businesses.

Measurable Results

We have at our disposal really valuable information and statistics. For example, we can see what users did when they saw your ad, how long they watched your video and how long they browsed your site. Which ad was most effective, which one had the most clicks and which demographic audience was most interested. And all this is just the beginning.


The effectiveness of Digital Marketing is spectacular. The most important thing is not that it turns out. How can you prove, for example, how effective the billboards you put up in the city columns were? In contrast, the digital poster you promoted on Facebook will tell you how many people saw it, what they did when they saw it, how many were interesting and to which demographic and age audience they belonged. Facebook ads can be great but you should certainly look to hire an expert to ensure you’re hitting the right people.


So imagine that you want to promote an event quickly, very quickly. You want things done on the fastrack. While it will take days to create and send a brochure, a Social Media campaign can not only “run” in 24 hours but also bring results. You should never be slow with your marketing because you can be sure that other companies are nailing it and it’s time that you do too.

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article |Healthcare Organizations|3 Things Healthcare Organizations Do Differently When It Comes to Advertising

3 Things Healthcare Organizations Do Differently When It Comes to Advertising

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article |Healthcare Organizations|3 Things Healthcare Organizations Do Differently When It Comes to AdvertisingLike other industries, basic marketing principles, such as strategic planning and branding, apply to healthcare marketing. Nevertheless, healthcare marketing needs a different approach as compared to other industries.

Most people in the healthcare business have little or no business knowledge. They also like to see their establishment as a profession rather than a business. They are more inclined towards maintaining their reputation, almost forgetting that they need to attract clients, just like any other business.

Healthcare marketing has to be different from traditional marketing. Here are some of the ways in which healthcare marketing is different from marketing in other industries.

1. Sensitivity

While advertising for healthcare, marketers have to be sensitive to connect with clients. In most cases, people looking for health-related services are anxious. They could be concerned about their health or the health of their loved ones. Connecting with someone in such a situation is quite different from connecting with someone excited about buying a new car.

To connect with someone looking for health services, health marketers need to have a warm touch. The patients need to feel that someone cares about their well-being. If the patient feels like you are taking advantage of their poor health to make money, they will no longer trust you. The marketer needs to show respect for the patient’s emotions while also expressing friendly authority. There are many ways to make a healthcare organization visible without coming out as insensitive.

2. The Concept of Exchange

In traditional financial marketing, the end goal is to benefit the company as well as its stakeholders financially. However, that is not the case in healthcare marketing. The end goal of healthcare organizations is to benefit patients. Therefore, marketing aims to sensitize the public on the importance of good health and excellent health care.

In conventional marketing, consumers get a product or service in exchange for their money. However, in health care, consumers get a service, such as laboratory tests, in exchange for their time and effort. Although money is involved, it is not the primary commodity during the exchange.

3. Limitation to Special Offers

It is common for new businesses to give introductory offers to their new clients. Although such offers exist in the healthcare industry, they are not as prevalent as in other businesses. That is because there are legal restrictions in health care, such as insurance guidelines. The guidelines limit the healthcare organizations’ ability to offer special pricing discounts to their clients.
However, some services are legally allowed. For example, it is legal to host a free educational seminar. Introductory offers are more common in services that are not covered by insurance, such as cosmetic surgeries. For instance, some cosmetic surgeons may offer free consultation sessions to their clients.

Besides legal restrictions, many healthcare organizations are against making introductory offers. Some practitioners believe that it is unprofessional, and suggests they are offering low-quality services.

The Need to Compel Clients

Most patients will assume that all healthcare organizations are equal, as long as they are licensed. Therefore, it is up to an organization to stand out from the rest and compel clients to trust them with their health. Therefore, marketing in healthcare is inevitable. Healthcare organizations have to ensure that they remain within the legal constraints and abide by all marketing ethics.

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Fast Track Business Growth|The Top Strategies to Fast Track Your Business Growth

The Top Strategies to Fast Track Your Business Growth

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Fast Track Business Growth|The Top Strategies to Fast Track Your Business GrowthAs a business leader or entrepreneur, it is likely that you are impatient to see progress in scaling up your business from a small company to a large corporation. To make sure that you are able to become one of the bigger market giants across the world, this guide will detail some of the best strategies that you can use to fast track your business growth and expansion.

1.Expanding into International Markets

International markets are the best way to make business boom and multiply your revenue quickly. By venturing into international markets, you will easily be able to connect with a much wider audience, meaning you will be giving many more people the opportunity to invest in your company.

However, it can be difficult to decide which overseas market you should consider expanding into, with factors such as cost, tax incentives, and their talent pools all coming under scrutiny. For those looking to expand in 2020, you should invest in Turkey due to its status as a manufacturing center that can provide you with low costs and beneficial government-backed incentives.

2. Combining Online and Physical Stores

Although most business leaders are flocking online to follow the latest trends, savvy executives know that a combination of digital and brick-and-mortar stores is the best way to grow their companies fast. This is because a combination of both methods widens the net, allowing your company to be accessible to a wider range of shoppers who all have different preferences to the way that they purchase products. This is also important if you are focusing on expanding in a local community or in a country whose digital infrastructure is not as extensive as within the USA.

3. Become an Exciting Investment Opportunity

Although you might believe that fast business growth relies on your company’s investments only, you also need to make sure that your business is an attractive business proposition. By appealing to angel investors, you will be able to get the funding that you need to grow quickly, by offering a more extensive range of products and services, employing more talent and expanding your premises across the country and beyond. This will prevent you from having to garner funding slowly through cutting costs and a gently increasing customer revenue.

4. Create a Partnership or Franchise Your Business

One of the quickest and most effective strategies for business growth that every owner should be aware of is to create a partnership with another person or company. By doing this, you will easily be able to pool your skills and share your individual successes. You might also consider merging with another company in order to easily absorb another’s success. You should also consider the advantages of franchising your business, which means that another company or individual can sell your products under their name. This allows you to connect with a wider proportion of your target customer base, while also enabling you to claim royalties on every sale.

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Build your Brand|How to Build Your Brand Successfully

How to Build Your Brand Successfully

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Build your Brand|How to Build Your Brand Successfully Starting a business comes with a lot of responsibilities and challenges, but it can be one of the most satisfying experiences you’ll ever have, especially if it becomes a success! Of course, anyone starting a new business venture has such intentions, but there are some key elements that entrepreneurs must get right to succeed.

One of these things is the branding of a company and building brand awareness. If this is your first experience with a start-up, here are some top tips to help you build your brand successfully


Every step of starting a business will require you to do thorough research and to help create a top brand. To do that, assessing the market is where you will need to start. First of all, see what brands appear to be most popular with consumers and ask yourself why that is. Looking at other successful brands and how they operate is a good way to plan your business model. You must also make sure your brand stands out from other companies, especially ones that are offering similar products/services to yours. Always keep yourself updated on consumer’s demands and trends in the marketplace to keep your brand relevant.


As most consumers search for businesses online, it’s essential that your company has a fully functioning website with a professional finish. If you’re selling products via your website, make sure you have top-quality, secure e-commerce tools incorporated into your website functions. It should be clear what your company does, and including a blog is another great way to interact with customers and keep them updated about your business and industry news. For the best results, ask experts such as Preface Studios who can develop your website and assist with digital marketing strategies.

Social Media

Social media marketing is another essential tool for businesses in the modern era. These platforms have evolved far beyond keeping in touch with friends and relatives and now play a pivotal role in building brand awareness and connecting with consumers. While you should utilize as many of these platforms as possible, make sure that the ones you choose are relevant to the kind of business you’re setting up. This way you will be reaching the right audience and will see better results.

SEO & Other Digital Marketing

SEO tactics, email marketing and pay-per-click advertising are all great examples of additional digital marketing tools. Like social media, these tactics have become essential for businesses to market their products and boost their brand visibility. You must get your website to appear in the first 1-2 pages of web search results for consumers to discover your brand, as the majority do not bother to look beyond those pages. Either learn how to master these tactics yourself or hire a professional agency to do this for you.

Get Involved

Another great way to increase your brand awareness is by getting involved in local community projects or events on a larger scale. This is a great way to give back and will help to promote a positive image for your business, making it more attractive to consumers.
As an entrepreneur about to embark on their first business venture, use these timeless tips to help build your brand and see results.

StrategyDriven Practices for Professionals Article |Webinars and Online Meetings|How to Spot the Difference Between Webinars and Online Meetings

How to Spot the Difference Between Webinars and Online Meetings

StrategyDriven Practices for Professionals Article |Webinars and Online Meetings|How to Spot the Difference Between Webinars and Online MeetingsIn 2020 the business landscape has experienced a wild ride. In a matter of months, the tried and tested analogue working world has shifted almost entirely to a digital way of life. Gone were the conference halls and meeting rooms, in came the online meetings and webinars.

But with so many new users starting with virtual conferencing from scratch, there has been a lot of confusion surrounding the jargon. It’s like learning entirely new vocabulary: webcasts, screen sharing, virtual conferencing, remote access and more.

One key point of confusion surrounds the difference between webinars and online meetings. At first glance, they might seem remarkably similar, with many mistakenly using the words interchangeably. However, after this article, you will hopefully see there is a world of difference, and it’s vital to know what they are and when to use them.

So, let’s begin!

How to Tell the Difference

At the most basic level, it revolves around size. Online or virtual meetings are most often employed when a small group of people want to get together to discuss and idea or project. These meetings are collaborative with everyone taking a role in the proceedings, and they usually shouldn’t include more than twenty-five people.

In contrast, a webinar is for the masses, with some platforms allowing the organiser to host five-hundred people or more. In these sessions, one person or group typically talks to the rest. Think of it less like a meeting and more as a conference. Or as the name suggests, a seminar.

When to Use an Online Meeting?

Such meetings are great on a number of occasions. Firstly, if you need to liaise with one person or a small team, they are the perfect way to exchange ideas quickly and in real-time. They’re much quicker than email. They can also be suitable for larger conferences; however, consider the aim of the meeting. Are you here to display a product to others, or is the meeting primarily a collaborative approach? Do you want everyone to contribute?

If the answer is yes, then an online meeting is the perfect medium. They’re all about discussion.

As such, the tools available during the meeting are designed to facilitate the exchange of ideas. Virtual whiteboards allow attendees to sketch out their ideas for all to see. If you’re struggling to explain a complicated topic or you want to make notes as you speak, use the whiteboard to draw diagrams and connect ideas. They’re also fantastic for a quick brainstorming session. Meanwhile, screen sharing enables each meeting participant to show their work or to switch slides in a presentation smoothly.

As you might imagine, such meetings are brilliant for connecting with a client half-way around the world (they also save on travel costs). However, the downside comes with the home backdrop, which can look unprofessional to a client. Choose a Zoom virtual background for your next interview with a client, selecting from stylish offices to swanky boardrooms. To give the meeting an exceptionally professional feel, have the entire team use the same backdrop, for a sense of continuity.

When to Use a Webinar?

As mentioned, webinars are designed for big crowds. They’re the virtual equivalent of a conference hall. If the meeting isn’t a discussion, but rather a large-scale presentation: pick a webinar. They prevent any interruptions, allowing a speaker to showcase their product or idea.

People have used webinars for lectures, training seminars, or for a companywide update on progress. However, one concern is often raised: audience participation. While the speaker doesn’t want to be interrupted every minute, they want to keep the audience engaged.
Thankfully, with polls and surveys, speakers can test the mood in the room. Or they can use a curated Q&A to answer questions in real-time, clarifying any confusions.

As promised, you now know the critical differences between online meetings and webinars. Are you planning a cosy collaboration with your team, or do you need to present your product to the world? Either way, you have the tools at your disposal.