
6 Malware Removal Tips for Mac

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article | 6 Malware Removal Tips for Mac

As secure as Apple devices are, unfortunately, there’s no guaranteed way to ensure that they won’t fall foul of malware sneaking its way onto your devices from time to time. For those with Macs, it can be especially important to thwart unwanted attention and you’ll likely want to ensure that your device stays clean and free from harmful malware, so let’s take a look at what you can do.

What is malware and what can it do?

The term malware can be applied to specific types of viruses that hackers use to gain access to your Mac and perform functions to get to specific information to meet their needs. This could be stealing your personal information for dodgy dealings (or to sell on to third parties), reaching and exploiting secure financial data, or even holding your device for ransom for instant monetary gain.

The bad news is that malware can be picked up simply by using your Mac for everyday functions – and its effects won’t always be immediately apparent. According to Apple, one of the easiest ways for spyware, trojans and malware in general to make their way onto devices is via Ads. Although these adverts are harmless by nature, they do use tracking cookies, which can open you up to attacks as hackers collect information on who you are and what you look at. There are even times when doing nothing more than clicking an ad that leads to an infected site can cause issues, but the good news is that there are steps you can take to minimise malware taking hold or stop it before it has the ability to get too far.

2 common signs of malware and how to remove it

Here are 2 ways that you can spot malware and remove it safely:

1. Browser extensions  

The majority of malware will be installed via the internet and can come in the form of extensions. As these can be fairly obvious (you should know what you have and haven’t installed yourself), you should be able to spot them and either delete them or use third-party malware removal software to remove them safely for you.

2. Log-in-based malware

Certain types of malware will kick in when specific apps launch on your operating system upon startup. Malware can infect both necessary and leisure applications and even present themselves as apps that actually have no substance outside of performing negative functions. To determine if malware is using login protocols, check login items, how often they are triggered and if these launches are necessary, then disable any that you can’t account for or aren’t relevant. Again, anti-virus software can help to make this process simpler.

Preventing attacks

While manual scans and tasks can help to keep malware at bay, it’s no secret that dedicated anti-virus software can run in the background and prevent these items from making their way onto your Mac device before they have a chance to do any real damage. They also make finding and deleting unwanted items faster and easier. As there are plenty of these types of tools out there, simply do some research and select the one that suits your needs best.

How to Protect Your Company’s Data

StrategyDriven Organizational Performance Measures Article |Protect your company's data|How to Protect Your Company's DataWhen you’re running a business your data is one of the most important things that you possess. If your data is compromised it can allow cybercriminals to get access to sensitive information that can cripple your business.

Sometimes businesses recover in a few weeks but the amount of revenue that is lost can be devastating and it can take several months or even years for the business to recover. Some businesses never recover at all and they completely go under because of a security breach, here are some tips for protecting your business.

Do Regular Audits

Conducting a regular cyber security audit is one way to protect your data. When you do regular audits you will identify the strengths and weaknesses as well as the gaps in your security and you can take measures to swiftly correct them before your data is reached.

Have a Plan

The next thing you need to do is to have a plan of how you are going to deal with security breaches. Your audit will tell you about your vulnerabilities and you can then come up with a step-by-step plan for dealing with them.

The best thing you can do for your business is to have a cyber security protocol in place. This way those on your team who are in charge of IT will know exactly which steps to take if data has been compromised.

Consider outsourcing your IT services to AWS Professional Services to get managed IT services to protect your data.

Do Regular Backups

Backing up your data is one of the easiest ways to protect your business. You can do this daily in the clouds. You can even do it every few hours if that makes you feel more secure.

This way if your data is hacked and stolen you can access it to get your business up and running sooner rather than later.

Educate Your Employees

Cybercrime can take many different forms and it is up to you to educate your employees about this. Many times companies have data breaches simply because employees were ignorant about the different types of cybersecurity and data breaches that are possible.

For example, one of the most popular cyber crimes is phishing emails. These emails look as if they are coming from legitimate persons in an organization. However, on closer inspection, they contain links to malware and ransomware or phishing websites that mimic your company’s website.

All this is done to capture information and target your financial and other sensitive information.

Stay Safe

Securing your business data should always be a priority. Breaches in security can affect your business significantly.

The best way to avoid this is to ensure that you have a plan in place that addresses cybersecurity. You should always be on the lookout for suspicious activity that signals something is not right.

Once you identify these things you can then take action to secure your business as quickly as possible.

Security Measures That All Business Owners Should Consider

StrategyDriven Risk Management. Article |Security Measures|Security Measures That All Business Owners Should ConsiderAs a business owner, you have a lot on your plate. You’re responsible for keeping your employees safe, managing your finances, and ensuring that your products or services are of the highest quality. Therefore, security should be one of your top priorities.
There are a variety of security measures that all business owners should consider, from basic things like installing locks and alarm systems to more sophisticated measures like hiring security guards or using facial recognition software.

Here Are Just A Few Of The Most Essential Security Measures To Keep In Mind:

1. Install locks and alarms

One of the most basic but essential security measures is to install locks on all doors and windows, as well as an alarm system. This will deter burglars and help to keep your premises secure.

2. Use security cameras

Another good security measure is to install security cameras, both inside and outside of your premises. This will help you to monitor activity on your property and deter criminals.

3. Hire security guards

If you have the budget for it, another excellent security measure is to hire professional security guards. They can patrol your property and provide a visible deterrent to potential criminals.

4. Use facial recognition software

Facial recognition software is becoming increasingly popular as a security measure, as it can be used to track people who enter and exit your premises. This can be especially useful in identifying potential intruders.

5. Implement access control measures

One way to enhance security is to implement access control measures, such as requiring employees to wear ID badges or using key cards to enter certain areas. This can help you to keep track of who is on your property and prevent unauthorized people from gaining access.

6. Conduct background checks

If you’re hiring new employees, it is important to conduct background checks to ensure that they don’t have a criminal history. This will help you to avoid potential problems down the road.

7. Keep your premises clean and well-lit

A neat and well-lit premise is less likely to be targeted by criminals than a messy and dark one. So, keeping your property in good condition can act as a deterrent. In addition, it is important to trim back any bushes or trees that could provide cover for potential intruders.

8. Install a fence

If your premises are located in a high-crime area, you may want to consider installing a fence. This will help to deter potential criminals and make it more difficult for them to access your property.

9. Use motion sensor lights

Another good security measure is to install motion sensor lights around your property. These will turn on automatically when someone approaches, making it more difficult for criminals to operate undetected.

10. Train your employees

It is also essential to train your employees in basic security measures, such as how to handle cash, how to use the alarm system, and what to do in the event of an emergency. This will help them to be more alert and less likely to fall victim to crime.
In addition, it is important to educate your employees about security measures and make sure they know what to do in the event of an emergency. This includes things like knowing how to lock doors and windows, being aware of who is on the premises, and knowing where the fire exits are located.

11. Stay up-to-date on security trends

Security is an ever-changing field, so it’s crucial to stay up-to-date on the latest trends. This will help you to identify new threats and take steps to protect your business.

12. Review your insurance policy

Finally, make sure that you have a comprehensive insurance policy in place. This will cover you in the event that your property is damaged or destroyed by crime.

13. Invest in security

Ultimately, the best way to protect your business is to invest in security. This includes both physical security measures and cyber security measures. It’s also a good idea to review your security measures on a regular basis to ensure that they’re still effective. This will help you to identify any potential weaknesses and take steps to address them. By taking steps to secure your premises and data, you can help to keep your business safe from harm.

In today’s day and age, there’s something else you need to be thinking about:

Cyber Security.

The reason cyber security is so crucial for businesses is because hackers are becoming more and more sophisticated. They’re constantly finding new ways to break into systems and steal sensitive data. And if they can get their hands on your customer’s information, they can wreak havoc on their lives.

So what can you do to protect your business from these cyber threats?

Here Are A Few Things To Consider:

Invest in a good cyber security system:

This is one of the most important things you can do to protect your business. There are a lot of different cyber security systems out there, so do some research and find one that fits your needs.

Educate your employees:

Your employees are one of your biggest assets, but they can also be one of your biggest vulnerabilities. Make sure they know how to spot a phishing email or a suspicious website. And teach them not to click on links or attachments from people they don’t know.

Keep your software up to date:

Software updates often include security patches that can help protect your system from new threats. So make sure you’re always running the latest version of your operating system and applications.

Backup your data:

If hackers do manage to get into your system, they could delete or encrypt your data. That’s why it’s essential to have all your critical data to amazon backup security. That way, if the worst does happen, you’ll be able to recover it.

In Closing

These are just a few things to consider when it comes to cyber security. But ultimately, the best way to protect your business is to stay informed and stay vigilant. Cyber threats are constantly evolving, so you need to be prepared for anything.

Why You Need Penetration Testing

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article | Why You Need Penetration TestingIf you have any online firm or business, it is essential to keep it secure. There are hundreds of cyberattacks every day, and your company could be next. It is especially true if you have a medium or large business. You can have your security tested by professionals who know what to look for and knows how to spot vulnerabilities. If you decide to forego this essential security step, you could be leaving yourself open to an attack that could severely damage your business. Here are some reasons why you need penetration testing.

It Can Save You Money

You might wonder about penetration testing pricing and how much you will have to spend upfront. While you may have to spend some money initially, you can save money later. Cyberattacks can be costly, and depending on the nature of the attack, you might have to pay thousands of dollars to fix the problem. Hackers might also steal your money rather than attack your system, so keep this in mind.

It Can Protect Your Company

If you deal with sensitive information or you have a lot of essential files, penetration testing can help protect these files. Penetration testers, also known as white hat hackers, can see where any vulnerabilities lie in your system and alert you. They can offer suggestions about making your system more secure and less susceptible to attacks from cybercriminals.

It Can Protect Your Customers

If you have customers, penetration testing can help protect their sensitive information and keep them secure. Cybercriminals may try to steal credit cards and other financial data or even identities. A safe system that has had tests for issues in its defense is essential. If a customer’s information is exposed or stolen, you no longer only have an issue with hackers but also a problem with customer trust. Customers will go to another company with a more secure system if they feel they have gotten exposed. Your reputation is on the line if your company is the victim of a cyberattack, so testing all parts of your system is crucial. It includes networks and web apps.

It Can Put You Ahead of Competitors

If people know your organization has excellent security that has been tested and updated by professionals, they may be more inclined to use your product or service. If you stay ahead of the competition by having a secure system that hackers can not exploit easily, you can use this as a selling feature. Customers want to feel that your products are not risky to use or purchase and that their information is always safe. Penetration testing can help with this and help you be more prepared for any cyberattacks.

Penetration testing may seem complicated or pricey, but it is essential if you run a large business. Customers rely on you, and cyberattacks happen every day. Organizations need their customer’s trust to run a successful business. A penetration tester can find weaknesses in your system before cybercriminals do. If you take the time to prepare, you can avoid loss of information and avoid costly repairs.

Will Passwords Soon Be A Thing Of The Past?

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article |Passwords|Will Passwords Soon Be A Thing Of The Past?Is it only a matter of time until we see the death of passwords as a security measure? In fact, many believe passwords offer very little security at all. A mere word, with a few unique characters or numbers, is supposed to protect all of your personal details and payment information. Is this really enough?

The landscape of digital security is changing all of the time. Hackers are becoming more and more sophisticated with every day that passes, which means that we simply cannot afford to remain stagnant. We need to make a conscious effort to patch all possible security vulnerabilities, and many believe that passwords are a major problem!

To ensure that your business is up to date with all of the latest security efforts, you need to team up with an experienced IT company, such as Haycor IT support. Businesses like this can help to make sure that you’re using the latest methods and approaches, giving your business the best possible protection. Plus, all businesses are different, and this is why a bespoke approach is a must. Security is not a one-off thing; it is something that needs to be addressed all of the time and the security approach must be layered, meaning a range of different tactics are used to ensure the highest possible level of protection.

With that being said, let’s take a look at the use of passwords in further detail so that we can understand the concerns and what steps may be taken to move forward in this area.

Choose your password

Nowadays, it’s constantly drummed into us that we need to protect ourselves online and choose our passwords wisely. Most companies offer a feature telling you how weak or strong your password is as you compose it. Yet, did you know that 8.5 per cent of people use either the word ‘password’ or ‘123456’ as their password? In fact, 40 per cent of people have a password that features in the list of the Top 100 Passwords, with ‘iloveyou’ and ‘abc123’ being some of the most popular.

So, whilst the tech-savvy user may construct their password using a random sequence of numbers, unique characters and letters, it appears that most people are doing very little to make their password not guessable. Even so, with intelligent hackers ready to pounce, even those with complex passwords can suffer.

What’s the alternative?

It seems digital profiles may be the way forward. We have long toyed with the idea of using biometrics, such as a fingerprint reader or some method of voice identification. The problem with this is that such technology is buggy and expensive. Because of this, no one uses them, and consequently, they are never improved nor do they become cheaper. So, it’s unlikely that this will be the immediate solution – although we shouldn’t rule out biometrics being used in the future.

Instead, online identity verification will likely be a natural transition. This may well include the use of passwords, but passwords will only make up a very small portion of the identification system. The multifaceted process will be based on everything from where we go, to when we go there, to who we are, to what we do, to what we have with us and how we act when we are there. We already see this on a small scale with the security measures that are in place to identify an unusual pattern in an individual’s shopping behaviour, such as excessive spending.

  • Protect yourself now
  • But for now…
  • Never use the same password twice
  • Use long passwords
  • Use all authentication methods offered
  • Don’t use a dictionary word
  • For password recoveries, use a secure and unique email address
  • Give bogus answers to security questions

So there you have it: an insight into some of the worries and concerns regarding passwords. When you consider this, it is not hard to understand why we may end up embracing different solutions, such as a digital profile. We have already seen the move to two-factor authentication so that people have to do more than input a password to gain access to a system. However, we should not expect this to be the final change when it comes to enhancing security. More still needs to be done. For now, though, make sure you’re using strong passwords and you are changing them on a regular basis too. Plus, consult with an IT expert to ensure that your business is protected.