
The Case of the Never-Ending Workweek: How to Manage Employee Stress in the Face of Overwork

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article |Workweek|The Case of the Never-Ending Workweek: How to Manage Employee Stress in the Face of OverworkIt’s no secret that the American workweek is long. In fact, it’s been getting longer for the last few decades. The average worker now puts in 47 hours each week, and nearly one-quarter of employees report working more than 60 hours per week. For some people, this overwork is a choice – they love their job and can’t get enough of it. But for many others, the never-ending workweek is a source of stress and anxiety. In this post, we’ll explore the causes of employee stress related to overwork and discuss ways to manage it.

The first step in managing employee stress is to understand its causes. There are a variety of factors that can contribute to work-related stress, including:

Long hours: As mentioned above, the average workweek is now 47 hours long. This leaves little time for anything else, including family, friends, and leisure activities.

Pressure to perform: With competition for jobs at an all-time high, workers feel pressure to be productive every minute of the workday. This can lead to burnout and anxiety.

Lack of control: Employees who feel like they have no control over their work or their career are more likely to experience stress.

Poor working conditions: Unsafe or uncomfortable working conditions can also be a source of stress.

Job insecurity: In today’s economy, many workers worry about losing their jobs. This fear can lead to stress and anxiety.

Now that you understand the causes of employee stress let’s discuss some ways to manage it. Here are a few tips:

1) Communicate with your employees:

Ensure you’re regularly communicating with your employees about their workload and stress levels. This will help you identify problem areas and develop solutions. Communication also allows employees to feel like they have a voice in the workplace.

2) Encourage breaks:

It’s important that employees take breaks during the workday. This will help them recharge and come back to their work refreshed. Encourage your employees to take a few minutes each hour to step away from their desks, walk, stretch, or just relax.

A healthy and relaxing break can be in the form of the following:

  • Taking a quick walk outdoors
  • Listening to calming music
  • Doing some deep breathing exercises
  • meditating for a few minutes

3) Promote a healthy lifestyle:

Encourage your employees to live a healthy lifestyle. This includes eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and drinking supplements that help combat anxiety and stress. Your employees can have a look at cbd oil for anxiety as a possible supplement to help them cope with stress. CBD oil is known to have calming and relaxing effects, which can help reduce stress levels.

4) Schedule workshops relating to stress management:

Educate your employees on stress management. Schedule workshops or lunch-and-learns on the topic. There are a variety of stress management techniques that employees can learn, including deep breathing, meditation, and visualization.

5) Offer flexible work options:

If possible, offer your employees flexible work options. This could include flexible hours, working from home, or job sharing. Flexible work options can help employees better manage their work-life balance, which can reduce stress levels.

The case of a never-ending workweek is a real problem for many employees. However, by understanding the causes of employee stress and implementing some stress-management strategies, you can create a healthier and more productive workplace.