Entries by Nathan Ives

System Approval by the CEO

Top executives set the behavioral tone of an organization. These leaders, particularly the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), are not only responsible for establishing the organization’s vision, mission, values, and goals, but through their decisions, actions, and communications convey to the workforce their commitment to the achievement of these expectations. Such conveyance demands that these expectations also be programmatic embedded within the organization’s policies, procedures, standards, and performance measures. Therefore, it is crucial that the executive team approves, buys-in to, and reinforces the organizational performance measurement system so to ensure its credibility with the workforce at large.

Management Observation Program Best Practice 10 – Foundational, Situational, Event-based, and Random Observations

While management observation programs serve many purposes, they primarily exist to drive achievement of the organization’s goals in a manner consistent with its values. These formal, documented observations accomplish this by shaping and reinforcing personnel behaviors critical to supporting excellent operational performance. To provide adequate coverage, these observations should be performed on a recurring, situational, event, and random basis.

StrategyDriven Podcast Special Edition 66 – An Interview with Mark Sanborn, author of Fred 2.0

StrategyDriven Podcasts focus on the tools and techniques executives and managers can use to improve their organization’s alignment and accountability to ultimately achieve superior results. These podcasts elaborate on the best practice and warning flag articles on the StrategyDriven website. Special Edition 66 – An Interview with Mark Sanborn, author of Fred 2.0 explores the […]

Strategic Planning – How Much Should Organizations Spend on Business Planning?

Well-crafted strategic and annual business plans provide a sense of purpose and direction. They establish the operations and initiative activities the organization will implement in order to achieve defined outcomes. Furthermore, these business plans serve as a communications mechanism to drive alignment of management decisions and employee actions to the effective and efficient achievement of the organization’s mission goals. Without business plans, time and effort may be applied to activities less directly focused on achievement of the organization’s goals thereby wasting the business’s precious limited resources.

A new way to look at questions and engagement: emotionally

When you’re asking an existing or prospective customer a question, the object is to get them to think and respond emotionally. To most salespeople this strategy sounds like a foreign language. START YOUR THINKING HERE: The sale is made emotionally and justified logically. Once you understand that fact, it makes perfect sense to engage the […]