Building a Reputation For Excellence in the Construction Industry

When you’ve dedicated your whole professional life to working in the construction industry, it’s entirely reasonable to want to make your mark in the industry by starting a firm of your very own. That is, after all, the dream isn’t it? To take the skills you’ve spent decades honing and go into business with yourself, taking on the industry on your own terms and shattering the ceiling that your current job places over your pay and prospects?

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article | Building a Reputation | Entrepreneurship | Building a Reputation For Excellence in the Construction Industry

Yet while there are many who find success in setting up their own construction business, there are many caveats when it comes to starting out on your own. The construction industry is high in costs and low margins by nature. Cash flow equilibrium can be hard to come by and the inevitability of large scale borrowing can mean a great deal of money spent on interest in your early days. In order to find sustainable success, firms need to be securing contract after contract in rapid succession to stay afloat. Which is why reputation is so incredibly important in the construction industry.

Here are some tips to make sure that your nascent firm develops a sterling reputation which carries it to lasting success…

Never over-promise in the hopes of landing a contract

Bidding for contracts can be an extremely nerve-wracking process, especially when you’re throwing your hat into the ring alongside well established and seasoned construction firms with whom high paying business clients will already be familiar.

In such a context, it can be extremely tempting for hungry new firms to over promise in the hopes of beating their competitors to the punch… but such a tactic can often create more problems than it solves. There’s nothing worse than over promising and under delivering. As important as it is to be competitive, it’s also essential that you’re realistic about the capabilities of your team and your equipment.

Invest in the resources for outstanding project management

When you’re working on a construction project, it can seem as though every day is a battle for productivity. Not only do you need to keep close tabs on your plant, knowing where your equipment is and who’s using it at all times, you need to be sure of the whereabouts of every member of your team, know what they’re working on and make sure that they know what to focus their attention on next.

And this can be a real uphill struggle without the right project management solutions. Fortunately, there’s a plethora of software out there to help you to track your team’s progress as well as Internet of Things (IoT) enabled devices that can be attached to virtually any plant and allow for easier tracking. There are even new tools hitting the market that already have IoT technology built in.

Deliver solutions that will withstand the test of time

It goes without saying that compliance in the construction industry is enormously important. But in order to secure a sterling reputation in the industry, you’ll also need to be able to assure your clients that your firm will go the extra mile and deliver solutions that are guaranteed to withstand whatever time, the elements and the caprices of nature can throw at them for decades to come. Invest in great quality materials, having checks and balances in place to ensure consistent quality and outsourcing to other entities like seismic engineering contractors can all help you to go the extra mile and develop a sterling reputation. Even if your company is still in its infancy, clients will have confidence in you if they can see that you take every care to maintain the integrity of your work. That said, it’s also essential to…

Own your mistakes

No matter how many precautionary measures you take, there’s always a chance that things may go wrong either during or after the construction process. As tempting as it may be to bury your head in the sand, failing to own and respond to mistakes can do irreparable damage to your reputation.

Invest in your plant. Invest in your team

Your plant is an important investment. You need to be absolutely sure that the equipment you use will give you the same high standard of performance. And that’s not always easy to do when you’re first starting out, which is why hire purchase is often a favorable solution for nascent construction firms who need equipment of the highest quality but can’t necessarily afford to buy it outright.

But perhaps more important is the need to invest in a skilled and highly motivated team who you can trust to get the job done on time to a consistently high standard. Your work is only ever as good as your team. Fortunately, having spent years as a construction worker you likely already know exactly what to look for in your workforce.

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article | Building a Reputation | Entrepreneurship | Building a Reputation For Excellence in the Construction Industry

Maintain an outstanding safety record

The last thing any client wants is mishaps taking place on their site. And as a seasoned construction professional, you know how fraught with risk the average site can be. This is why it’s so important to maintain the highest standard of safety. When deadlines loom near, it’s all too tempting to loosen your standards in terms of safety checks in the name of getting the job done quicker.

Manage and meet expectations

It’s always frustrating when your best efforts fall short of clients’ expectations. It’s even more frustrating when this happens because your client’s expectations are inherently unreasonable. This is why expectation management in the early stages is so essential. When the client has clear parameters for what to expect there’s no room for them to perceive failure and all you can do is meet or surpass their expectations of you.

Construction firms rely heavily on word of mouth, but unlike other businesses they can’t use easy strategies like discount codes and referral incentives to facilitate it. That’s why it’s so essential to hold yourself to the highest standards and have an infrastructure in place to assure excellence in every job. When you’re doing this, you can be sure that world will get around.

2 Ways to Take Your Business to the Next Level

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article | Entrepreneurship | Next Level | 2 Ways to Take Your Business to the Next LevelYou didn’t start your business just to see it flounder and struggle at the foot of its market. You took the plunge and brought your organization to life because you wholeheartedly believed that it would one day be capable of reaching the pinnacle of its industry. If your business is to scale these incredibly lofty heights, you need to start taking action today. More to the point, you have to find a way to take your business to the next level.

To find out how this can be achieved, be sure to read on.

Expand Your Workspace

The bigger your workspace is, the more work you will be able to produce on a day-by-day basis. This will result in being able to provide your customers with a greater product range, which will ultimately result in standing a better chance of increasing your revenues. If you want to turn over a far greater profit and subsequently invest this extra money into taking your business to the next level, then you should seriously consider expanding your workspace.

Taking such action can entail you doing a number of different things. It can simply mean finding and moving into a bigger space, it can mean adding more space onto your current operational area, or it can even mean building your own bespoke space. Should you opt to follow the latter route — building your own workspace — you will be able to create an operational area that is tailored to your business’s specific wants and needs. Whatever you do, however, just make sure that you align yourself with a professional that is capable of creating bespoke buildings for businesses, such as BBB accredited Armstrong Steel. With them by your side, you will be able to circumvent the challenges of expanding your workspace and ultimately build an area that is optimized, safe and suited specifically to your needs.

Focus on Customer Service

If you want to attract and retain your target audience, you need to focus on your customer service capabilities. Quite simply, you should treat each individual consumer in a highly optimized and bespoke manner. Anything less, and your most desired client base will start looking for an alternative service provider in your market.

To improve your customer service, you must:

  • Understand your customer needs
  • Seek and analyze customer feedback
  • Go above and beyond to ‘WOW!’ your customers
  • Invest in customer service training for your sales team
  • Set clear standards and expectations with regards to customer service
  • Build your customer service processes around the consumer, not your organization
  • Empathize with your customers
  • Cross-sell as often as you can
  • Use positive language and body language
  • Know your products and services inside out
  • Always seek to establish common ground
  • Communicate with your customers clearly
  • Be an active listener
  • Respond to customer queries quickly

If you want to reach the very top of your industry, you constantly have to find a way to take your business to the next level. Put the above advice into practice, and you’ll be sure to do just that.

Refining Your Craft: 4 Aspects of Business Every Restaurant Owner Can Improve

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business | Entrepreneurship | Restaurant | Refining Your Craft: 4 Aspects of Business Every Restaurant Owner Can ImproveMany restaurateurs get started with visions of rave reviews and prestigious awards dancing before their eyes. Running a real restaurant, though, almost always turn out to be more difficult and demanding than expected.

Fortunately, there are a number of proven ways for restaurant owners and operators of all kinds to raise the bar higher. There are at least four important facets of the restaurant business that can almost always use some attention.

1. Double Down on Accounting

Laypeople sometimes believe that the most popular restaurants get by entirely on the quality of their food and service. In reality, every successful restaurant rests on a firm, carefully laid financial foundation.

When a restaurant does not feature plenty of enlightening, useful accounting behind the scenes, its days will necessarily be numbered. Upgrading a restaurant’s accounting processes and systems can easily end up being the best way to ensure its long-term viability.

Fortunately, that is easier to achieve than at any time in the past. From focused franchise accounting services to one-off consulting projects, the required kinds of support are now readily accessible.

When a restaurant’s accounting game has become truly well-developed, the entire establishment will be a lot more resilient. Accounting is so important to every restaurant that it often proves to be the best place to look for ways to improve.

2. Cut Down on Waste

Well-run restaurants tend to feature menus that account for every bit of expense tied up in each dish. Even when a great deal of planning has gone into developing a business-informed menu, though, excessive waste can alter the equation significantly.

From scraps that get thrown out instead of being turned into stock to misfired dishes that end up in the trash, waste is a pernicious problem in the restaurant industry. Having strong accounting processes in place will make it easier to identify areas where waste can be reduced or even eliminated.

Over time, that will contribute directly to the continued viability of almost any restaurant. While some level of food waste will typically prove unavoidable, keeping on top of this universally relevant problem will always be best.

3. Make More Efficient Use of Workers

Most restaurants spend just as much on labor as they do on procuring fresh, delicious ingredients. In many cases, though, restaurant workers find their talents being misdirected or even neglected.

Looking to make the most of every employee hour can cut a restaurant’s costs significantly. Having a salaried sous chef handle some additional duties might make it possible to reduce the number of hours scheduled for prep cooks.

Of course, workers have rights and limits, and these always need to be respected. In most cases, simply taking a regular look at how staffers are being employed and when will reveal opportunities for improvement.

4. Speed Up Service

Restaurateurs who are passionate about food never want guests to feel rushed. That generally hospitable approach to the business can encourage excessive slowness if not properly controlled.

Keeping things moving along in the dining room and the kitchen can allow a restaurant to serve more diners each day or night. That can end up raising revenues significantly without adding much to the operation’s costs. In some cases, this can even turn a formerly unprofitable establishment into a successful business.

There are Ways to Improve Any Restaurant’s Operations

Tactics like these consistently help restaurant operators make much-needed progress. Some of the most successful restaurants got there largely because of behind-the-scenes efforts like these. While great food and refined service will always help, restaurants that rest on solid foundations tend to have the best chances of success.

Purchasing A Server Rack For Your Business

A lot of businesses nowadays require the use of server racks in order to store their servers and IT equipment. Selecting the right one is obviously of the utmost importance, especially when one considers the highly valuable and expensive equipment which is going to be stored inside.

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article | Entrepreneurship | Purchasing A Server Rack For Your Business

One of the ways in which an individual or a business can guarantee that they are getting a top quality data rack is by going for a highly credible and reputable company. In large a company is measured by what products they sell and what service they provide, if the general outlook is that a company is a good one then this says an awful lot about the goods and services they offer. Therefore, this blog post will reveal certain points that an individual should contemplate regarding a company selling server racks in order to ensure that they purchase a top quality product.

The sole thing that any individual should do when determining the worth of a company is a little bit of background research. It will take a mere five minutes but it can save a lot of people from buying an unsatisfactory product or a bad customer service experience. If you already use the services of an outside IT provider to assist your business, ask for their recommendations. You can get quality managed IT services from Ethos if you do not have an IT provider at the moment. Companies like this make sure that your business is running as efficiently as possible from a tech point of view. This includes updating your tech infrastructure, as well as establishing standards at your business. You definitely run the risk of getting left behind if not.

So how does one go about this little bit of background research? If the person in question has found a data rack they would like to buy they should then type in the name of the company selling the rack into a search engine, such as Google. They should then proceed to visit the relevant forums in order to see what previous customers have thought about the good they have received and the service they experienced alongside this.

This is a very simple method but it is great because it means the person can learn whether the product was exactly how it was described on the website, they can also determine whether the company provided a good after service, and in addition to this they can learn other things such as whether the company delivered the server racks on time.

This is highly valuable information as it alerts anyone to a company which is not credible, as people will be more than willing to voice their opinion if they have been left dissatisfied. They will want to warn others in order to ensure that they do not waste their money as well.

However, it is vital to remember that it is the general feel of all comments that should be considered, not just one. No company is going to please everyone and if there are twenty nice comments to one person who has gone on a rant, then it is the twenty good comments which are important. As quite often it is easy to be distracted by someone who has said something shocking.

Moreover, an individual buying a server rack should always keep in mind what they are looking for from their shopping experience. For instance, if a company has rave reviews yet the only downfall they have is some customers are unhappy that they don’t sell a certain cable then don’t let this be a negative if that cable is not something required by the individual shopping.

You will, of course, also need to look at the range of server racks that they have available to ensure that they have something suitable for your needs. Cooling is one of the most important factors to think about when it comes to tech storage today, as well as security.

A final point worth considering is that it is important not to merely consider any feedback which has been given on the company’s website itself. It is very unlikely that a business is going to post any negative feedback on their website and thus this can often be rather biased.

To Outsource IT Services or Not? 8 Reasons a Business Should Outsource IT

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |outsource IT|To Outsource IT Services or Not? 8 Reasons a Business Should Outsource ITOutsourcing has become a standard part of business today. If you’re looking for a function to start with, there’s no better option than IT. It’s the most commonly outsourced position in the business world.

Do you want to learn more about what benefits you will get when you outsource IT? Keep reading to learn eight reasons why working with a managed services provider is worth trying.

1. Save Money

It isn’t a cheap process to hire a new employee. You have the cost of sending out job postings and the cost of spending time in interviews. Even after all that work, there’s no guarantee that you find the right person for the job.

Then you have the cost of a salary. One employee is expensive enough. If you have a lot of IT needs, your entire IT budget can go up by a lot.

You can save a lot of money by working with a managed services provider. You only pay a retainer based on the needs of your business.

2. Focus on Your Core Business

Getting the things done that you’re good at is challenging enough at times. If you decide to manage an IT team yourself, you’re going to run the risk of spreading yourself too thin.

By working with a managed services provider for your IT needs, you can keep your focus on your core business. They will handle the planning and hiring for your company. The only thing you need to do is approve what they want to do.

3. Secure Your Business Online

If you haven’t been following the news, you probably aren’t aware of all the recent data breaches. Even large companies are getting compromised. Nobody is immune from cyberattacks.

You must protect your business from these types of attacks. The bare minimum isn’t going to cover you.
When you work with an IT provider that has a security expert, they can help you put an internet security system in place to protect your company network. It will watch your network at all times and block anything that shouldn’t be there.

4. Backup Your Data

You can’t afford to lose your data in the data-driven world we live in today. Your data is what allows you to make the most informed business decisions. Without it, you’re going to be going into things blind.

Unfortunately, you aren’t going to know ahead of time when an accident will happen. It’s vital to have a backup system in place for when this happens.

Your managed services provider will help put a backup system in place that will do backups regularly. If you do ever lose data, all you need to do is log into your backup system and restore your lost data.

5. Get Help With Compliance

You need to handle a lot of regulations and compliance issues in business today. Consumers won’t stand for companies taking shortcuts anymore. The problem is, it can be hard to keep up with everything you need to do.
Being compliant is even more critical when you deal with technology. You’ll need to invest a lot of resources for staying up to code. An IT company can help you do that.

If you work with a provider that is experienced in your industry, you can count on them to know all the regulations your business needs to follow. They will audit your business to make sure there are no problems that can get you in trouble. After they find the issues, they can start getting them fixed for you.

6. Find Vendor Support

You work with a lot of hardware and software companies to keep your business running smoothly. Things work well most of the time. However, you can run into problems if something you use breaks.

If you don’t have reliable IT support, you’re going to spend a lot of time digging through your contacts to figure out who you need to call. Once you find the right person, it’s a matter of finding the right questions to ask. If you don’t have a background in tech, this can be a complicated process.

Your managed services provider can handle this process for you. They already have relationships with all the prominent vendors in the tech industry. They’ll be able to track down someone to fix your problem and get things fixed before you know it.

7. Scale Your IT Team

It’s hard to grow a team when your business is unpredictable. Sure, hiring people will save you in the short-term, but then you have to find something for them to do when business calms down.

You’ll either need to create new positions for the people who don’t have things to do or start laying people off. Either way, it will create frustration for you and your team.

If you use a managed services provider, you can use them to supplement your team during busy times and not need to worry about what to do when work returns to normal.

8. Get Access to Experts

Technology is making its way to every part of business. The problem is, hiring the experts to help your business use this technology isn’t cheap.

If you use an IT provider, they can provide you the access to the experts you need. They have done the work of finding the top talent in the field. If you need help with something, all you need to do is reach out to your provider, and they will send the person you need over.

You’ll be able to work with people who know big data, A.I., and how to set up remote working capabilities.

Things Get Better When You Outsource IT

Don’t underestimate the benefits you’ll see when you outsource IT. Working with a professional IT business will help you get the infrastructure you need while being able to focus on your core business. Talk to someone today to figure out what they can do for your business.

If you’re looking for more tips that will help your company succeed, go back to our blog and read our latest posts. They will help you figure out ways to take your business to the next level.