How You Can Get The Most From Your Employees

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article |Get the most from your employees|How You Can Get The Most From Your EmployeesThere is no doubt that when it comes to starting and running a successful business, one of the most important things that you need to do is to ensure you have a strong team of employees behind you. A lot of the time employees will be strong and able to benefit your business from their own fruition, but then there are steps that you as their boss need to take in order to ensure you are fully getting the most out of them.

If you are going out of your way to make sure your employees are happy, and you are giving them a good reason to turn up to work and try their hardest, you are going to see the benefits to your business very quickly. If you are unsure how exactly you can act in a way that you will bring out the best in your employees, then you’re in the right place. Below we are going to talk in more detail specifically about some of the different means available that will help you get the most from your employees.

Continue To Educate

You are likely going to have an elongated period of learning when somebody first joins your organisation in which you will show them how your different systems work, what their role is going to entail and bring them up to speed on your companies’ ethos. Of course, it is not enough to just educate your employees for this brief period and then leave them to it, it is important you continue to educate them and broaden their knowledge in order to get the most from them.

Frequent sessions with your employees where they are taught more about managing work, compliance, your industry or other topics, shows you are dedicated to their growth and helps them develop in their work. There are a number of different ways that you can teach your employees such as by using a Learning Management System. The benefit of LMS is that you will be helping to train your employees in a way that can be done in-depth and remotely so you are not spending too much of your time on the training, but your employees are still benefiting from it.

Have Good Communication With Staff

One of the most important things you’re going to need to have is a good communicative relationship with your employees. When you are all able to speak to each other in a way that is open and honest, this is one of the most fundamental steps towards creating a productive, positive and happy workplace. You should start this relationship by talking to your employees about the business, what your goals are and then what you plan on doing in order to achieve said goals. Communication needs to be of a particular focus the moment you are having a conversation with staff through some kind of period of change, whether this is in your company or in the wider context of your industry as a whole.

If your business grows then you need to be able to cope with that and one of the ways that you can maintain communication even in the face of growth is to keep employees up to date with written communication. A weekly or monthly run down about the business and your market is always a good way to keep in touch with your employees, even if you don’t see them on a regular day-to-day basis.

Give Your Staff Feedback

Following on from the above, having good communication with staff also means providing them with feedback on the different work that they do. When you are giving positive feedback to your staff members, you are strengthening overall employee engagement. You should be sure to conduct bimonthly reviews and always give meaningful feedback when you have these meetings.

You might be nervous about giving any kind of negative feedback but there are good ways to do this. You need to be fair when you give negative feedback and be specific about what needs improvement, do not simply provide some vague complaint. You should also get the employees side of things so that they know they have a voice within the company and that their opinion matters. Feedback is a two-way street so you need to see these meetings as a chance to improve what you do as well.

Delegate Necessary Work

You can’t do everything yourself, that’s exactly the reason why you have employees. You can ask them to do their role but then also do not be afraid to delegate work that comes with more responsibility when you think that they are ready for it. By giving your employees more responsibility, you are going to be showing them that you trust their judgement and believe in them when it comes to growing on the work that they do. By showing this, your employees are going to want to work hard and do a good job in order to continue to learn, and keep expanding on what they are capable of.

Encourage Remote Working

Remote working was met with scepticism when it was first introduced but now there are a number of businesses who are embracing some form of remote working on a permanent basis. One of the reasons for this is it can reduce costs of running your business due to having smaller office spaces; however, it is also because of the fact doing so brings out the best in employees.

When employees are free to make their schedule work around them, they are a lot more keen to do well for your business and feel like they are trusted more as well. As such, flexible working is certainly something that you should introduce if you intend on getting the most from your staff.


There is a lot that goes in to making a good business but one of the most important things is to have a good team of employees behind you. There are a number of different ways that you can bring out the best in your employees and these include but are not limited to the above.

Not About Us and Them: Dealing With Employee-Manager Conflict in 4 Ways

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article |employee manager conflict|Not About Us and Them: Dealing With Employee-Manager Conflict in 4 WaysOne of the toughest things about being a leader is making employees feel more at ease with who they are so they can do their job better. When we encounter conflict between us and them, as inevitable as it is, we cannot avoid conflict as this will result in chaos, but we’ve got to ensure that we have the right strategies to resolve conflicts between ourselves and employees. If somebody disagrees with how you are leading, think of the following:

Actively Listen

One of the most difficult things in emotionally charged situations is actually focusing on the other person. One of the most fundamental tenets of any human resources training, whether it is coaching salespeople who don’t want to be coached or learning soft skills, is to block out any urges to form a response and just listen. If you find yourself preparing your response while the other person is talking, it can be difficult to get rid of this, but you need to actively listen, but you will need to do this from a place of empathy.

Showing empathy towards your employees is vital to establishing a trusting relationship. When there is a conflict between the employee and the manager, it’s vital to acknowledge how employees are feeling and understand where they are coming from. Rather than responding with something like “I’m sorry you feel that way,” if the problem has stemmed from you, accountability is important, and reframing the “I’m sorry you feel that way” response into “I’m sorry that I’m making you feel this way” is acknowledging responsibility rather than having a non-committal response.

Focus on Behavior

When we’re trying to resolve a conflict, we should never focus our words on the person. We need to focus on the behavior rather than the person responsible. If we target the person, it’s very much like pointing fingers at them and establishing blame. Somebody can behave in any way they want, but we should never enter into a discussion where we are calling into question the employee, whether it’s their beliefs or values.

Remove Yourself From Your Biases

Self-awareness is such an important trait in leaders. We need to acknowledge our biases, preconceptions, and trigger points, which form the basis of many aspects of unconscious bias training. Having the self-awareness to describe how you see the world means you can adequately enact strategies to see other points of view. This means you have got to be aware of how you respond to conflict. Do you avoid, accommodate, compromise, or collaborate? These four components provide the starting point to help you realize where you can improve.

Exhaust Your Toolkit Before Bringing In HR

It’s easy to rely on HR to deal with this, but any good leader will be able to understand if the conflict is an ongoing or a one-time situation. Documenting these conversations is so important, and if a simple conversation doesn’t solve the issue, this is when HR can get involved.

It’s one of the hardest things to get right, but conflict is commonplace, and to be a successful leader, you should know how to work towards a proper solution.

How to Motivate Your Staff – Enjoy Improved Productivity and Efficiency

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article |Motivate your staff|How to Motivate Your Staff – Enjoy Improved Productivity and EfficiencyBusiness owners often make the assumption that by hiring qualified staff, making sure all departments have enough employees, and setting up systems that appear user-friendly enough that everything will go well. But here’s the thing, staff are people – not machines – which means variables such as workplace stress and pressure can negatively affect them. Business owners must recognise this to be the case and have a workable solution.

Here’s a look at how you can motivate your staff, help them to cope with the stress and pressure of the job, and in turn enjoy improved productivity and efficiency.

Enrol in Resilience Training for Business

The first tip is to get educated. Being an effective leader means you recognize when something is outside your realm of knowledge and that you seek out information to educate yourself. Training that teaches you how to be more resilient is an excellent choice for a company owner and upper management.

Look for training courses that address how to cope better with pressure and stress, which you can apply to your employees and teach them about. This can be done when you create the kind of work environment that is proactive, solution-based, and positive. That is the exact messaging that motivates employees in all the right ways. Learning how to be more resilient also means that you roll with the punches and you learn to thrive despite outside stressors.

Encourage Communication at All Levels

Another useful tip is to encourage and improve communication at all levels of the company. Staff needs to feel comfortable communicating with each other, their supervisors, and upper management. It shouldn’t be fear-based wherein employees would rather stay quiet than “get in trouble”.

Communication ensures that systems and processes run smoothly, everyone is on the same page, concerns and issues are shared promptly, and those good ideas get heard. Excellent communication helps to build a more inclusive atmosphere where everyone feels valued.

Employee Rewards Can Go a Long Way

In terms of motivating employees, offering rewards for a job well done can go a long way. This can be in the form of extra holiday time, bonuses, profit-sharing, paying for courses that better their qualifications, and even incentive programs.

Give Thought to the Physical Environment

You can take all the training courses and say all the right things to your employees but if you don’t also think about the physical work environment, then you won’t be successful in motivating staff. Staff want to work in an environment that allows them to do their job safely and comfortably, so ask yourself if this is being achieved in the current set-up?

Perhaps you need to invest in new equipment (office furniture, computers, printers, and so forth), maybe you need to create more space for employees, offer them a fully-stocked breakroom, and bring more natural light into the space.

It Won’t Take Long to See the Benefits

Once you embrace these tips and realise that motivating staff is to the benefit of all, it won’t be long before you start to see the positive results.

How To Boost Workplace Concentration

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article |Boost Workplace Concentration|How To Boost Workplace ConcentrationWhether you are an entrepreneur that wants to keep going and avoid burnout or a company boss that wants to improve the efficiency of their employees, it is ideal to know how to improve focus motivation.

This guide will share the best tips to improve workplace concentration, which will enhance motivation, drive, and efficiency.

Improve the air quality

A lack of air quality will significantly reduce the focus levels in the workplace. Whether the office or warehouse is hot and stuffy or dark, it will impact how well an employee can concentrate.

To improve air quality, it is essential to take the following steps:

  • Use the right window coverings. Should your workplace’s window coverings be big, dark, or old, then they might be hindering the air quality in the space. Taking them down or replacing them with lighter materials will help air pass through easily, especially when the windows are open.
  • Install the right tools. Whether it be air conditioning or dust collectors, it is important to install the right tools to help improve air quality. For example, if you work in an industrial setting then it will benefit your workers if you install Industrial Baghouse Dust Collectors as these can help to improve the air quality within your warehouse, which can not only help to elongate the lifetime of machinery but also help improve the air that the staff breathes in. The better the air quality, the more employees will be able to focus and produce better or more work.
  • Office plants. If you work in an office, then simply adding plants can help to improve the air quality. They will help to soak up humidity and offer oxygen, which will help to regulate and improve the air.

Encourage employees to switch off other devices

Although it might feel strange to ask your employees to switch off their personal devices, it can be a tremendous effort in improving concentration. If an employee has their mobile phone sat on their desk all day and each time they get a notification they check their phone, then it will be hindering their focus and efforts.

Hence, then switch off from personal devices to then switch on to work devices will help employees maintain focus and avoid distractions.

Play music or other noises

Speaking of distractions, it can sometimes help employees improve their focus if they have something to listen to. Sometimes the street noise or other unexpected noises can impact how concentration.

Therefore, playing the radio or white noise in the background while everyone is working can help everyone not flinch when they hear a loud horn outside the office or a pen falling off of a desk.

Change the workplace layout

Whether you own an office or other type of workplace, it can often help to change the layout. Sometimes the same old setup can hinder employees’ ability to focus and feel motivated.

Switching where the desks are or facing everyone towards the big windows can help them feel like they are in a new setting, which can often help to enhance focus and productivity.

Encourage time out

Although some employees might work their way through their lunchtime and get a good amount done each day, it won’t be good for their concentration levels. If a person sits in front of their desk all day and doesn’t move, then they will likely start to lose focus in the afternoon.

Hence, it is good to encourage time out. Whether that be ten minutes in the fresh air every 90 minutes or an extended lunch break, everyone can benefit from time out to refresh their mind.

Get fresh air

Although the air quality in the office might have improved after changing the window coverings or installing the right tools, sometimes proper bouts of fresh air are more beneficial for boosting concentration levels.

Hence, ensure to encourage employees to get fresh air. Exercising the mind at lunchtime can help to recentre the mind and boost motivation.

Set log-on and log-off times

Should employees often work at random times of the day, such as starting earlier than they should be and finishing later, then it will be a good idea to set strict log-on and log-off times.

This will help them avoid burnout and only work as much as they need to. For instance, if the office hours at typically 9 to 5, then make sure employees do not work outside of those hours unless they really need to. If an employee wants to work more, then ensure to offer them more time out (an extended lunch or half a day off).

5 Things You Need To Know To Set Up A Successful Grow Room

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article |Successful Grow Room|5 Things You Need To Know To Set Up A Successful Grow RoomSetting up a successful grow room is not as easy as planting some seeds and watering them. There are many factors to consider, such as the size of the room, the type of plants you want to grow, and the type of light you will be using. These 5 things are just that start of what you need to know to set up a successful grow room!

The Structure Of The Room

The first thing you need to do when planning to set up a grow room is deciding on the room’s structure. Will it be indoors or outdoors? If you are growing plants that require a lot of light, you will need to set up your grow room in an area that gets plenty of sunlight. If you are growing plants that do not require as much light, you can set up your grow room in a shaded area.

Indoor grow rooms have the advantage of being more controlled environments, but they also come with the added cost of purchasing grow lights. Outdoor grow rooms rely on natural sunlight, but you need to ensure that your plants are protected from the elements.

Size Of Your Room

The size of your grow room will depend on the number of plants you want to grow. If you are only growing a few plants, a small grow room will suffice. However, if you plan to develop a large number or quantity of plants, you will need a larger space.


One of the most critical factors in setting up a grow room is the lighting you will be using. The type of light you use will determine how well your plants grow. Two main types of lighting can be used in a grow room: natural light and artificial light.

Natural light is the best type for plants, but it is not always possible to get enough of it. If you are growing plants that require a lot of light, you will need to set up your grow room in an area that gets plenty of sunlight.

Artificial light is the next best thing to natural light and can be used to supplement the amount of light your plants are getting. Many different artificial lights can be used in a grow room, such as fluorescent lights, LED lights, and HID lights.

Each type of light has its advantages and disadvantages, so you will need to research to determine which one is best for your plants.


No matter which type of grow room you choose, you will need to ensure that it is well-ventilated. Good ventilation is essential for keeping your plants healthy and preventing diseases.

Proper ventilation is necessary to remove the heat and humidity that can build up in a grow room. If the temperature and humidity are not controlled, it can create an environment conducive to mold and mildew growth.

Many different ventilation systems can be used in a grow room, such as exhaust fans, inline fans, and oscillating fans. You will need to determine which type of ventilation system is best for your grow room based on the size of the room and the number of plants you are growing.

Humidity And Temperature Control

When setting up a grow room, the last factor is humidity and temperature control. The humidity and temperature in a grow room need to be carefully controlled to create an environment conducive to plant growth.

There are many different ways to control the humidity and temperature in a grow room, such as using a humidifier, dehumidifier, air conditioner, or heater.

The walls are essential too. Your best option is cultivation room wall panels, as they help you create an isolated space and regulate the temperature and humidity in the room.

You will need to determine which humidity and temperature control method is best for your grow room based on the size of the room and the number of plants you are growing.

As you can see, there are many factors to consider when setting up a grow room. However, if you take the time to plan and research, you will be well on your way to creating a successful grow room.