
How to Stay Motivated as You Build Your Business

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Stay Motivated|How to Stay Motivated as You Build Your BusinessWhen it comes to running a business, chances are that on the day you launched, you were full of motivation as the plan to get things going and really start hammering in on your work all finally came to fruition. Of course, after that initial period of adrenaline has worn off, you are likely going to find it a bit of a struggle to keep motivated as you work. You will find yourself feeling burnt out and it will feel like a lot of the work that you are doing is not actually resulting in any positive results. Does this sound like you? If so, then look no further, as this article is going to go into detail about some of the best ways that you can keep yourself motivated as you are trying to build your business.

Allow Yourself Some Time Off

One of the reasons that you might find yourself feeling a bit burnt out is because of the fact that you are not allowing yourself any time off. This could be on a short-term basis such as night by night but then also on a long-term basis. When was the last time you took a holiday? You need to ensure that you are giving yourself plenty of time when it comes to evenings and holidays to switch off. In doing so, you are going to feel a lot more motivated when it comes to doing work once again. There are a number of ways that you can switch off; one of the popular means is by gaming, which is a fantastic form of escapism. You can play something complex or subscribe to more classic rules, for instance, if you head over to the best high roller online casino, which comes ripe with classics such as slot machines and poker.

Expand Your Network

You are going to find it very hard for your business to operate or continue to grow if you are working within a bubble. You are going to need to ensure you are keeping and building on a connection with the likes of customers, vendors, employees and of course other entrepreneurs. This is absolutely vital when it comes to growing as a business; however, it is also vital when it comes to keeping yourself motivated. You find energy in people who are working in a similar way to you or in people who can help you grow, so expanding upon your network is one of the best ways to continue to feel motivated to keep growing. Be sure to attend different networking events and be active on social media to ensure that you keep meeting new people.

Focus on Your Goals

When you are working, you need to ensure that you know what your goals are and be aware how you will be able to achieve them. If you fail to set them for yourself then you will find it incredibly hard to actually achieve something. In business, the same as in life, you need to set yourself targets to stride towards.

Become A Wiser Entrepreneur: 4 Undeniable Signs It’s Time To Sell Your Business

StrategyDriven Practices for Professionals Article |Sell your business|Become A Wiser Entrepreneur: 4 Undeniable Signs It's Time To Sell Your BusinessWhen you are in business, you will inevitably have to make the difficult decision to sell your company at some point. Whether this is for personal reasons or because of a downturn in business, selling your business can be an emotionally charged experience. But how do you know it’s time to sell? Here are four undeniable signs it’s time to sell your company.


It’s not just the late nights and early mornings. It’s more likely that you’re feeling burned out because your business is stagnating, or at least has slowed down in recent months. Maybe your customers are still there, but they aren’t buying as many of your products or services, or they may be spending less.

It’s easy to ignore the signs of burnout because they’re not as obvious or urgent as other life crises. But it will catch up with you, and when it does, you’ll wish that someone had told you what was going on before your business failed. Burnout is a serious sign that it’s time to sell your business.

Mounting Risk

The risk of running your business starts to mount as you grow. The risks start small and manageable but soon become unmanageable. You may be facing increasing competition, a shrinking market, or an unreliable workforce, for example, all of which can make it difficult to continue with the business plan.

Unfortunately, if you don’t handle these mounting risks appropriately and have company succession planning, they can destroy your business’s longevity.

One way to mitigate these risks is by determining when it’s time for you to sell your company before things get out of hand and unmanageable. Mounting risk is one way for you to know that it’s time.

Increased Business Value

The value of your business should increase over time. If you do not see an uptick in the value, it may signify that your business is stagnant, and you need to rethink how you can make the business more profitable. You don’t want to be holding onto some companies when they could fetch at least twice what they do now if only given a chance.

The market is one of the most significant factors affecting your business value. If you’re in an industry that’s on the decline, it might be time to consider other options. However, suppose your company still has a lot of potential, and there are changing circumstances within your field that will bring about renewed interest and profitability. In that case, it could be worth holding on.

Your interests can also affect the value of your business because you may want to shift focus. If that’s the case, sell off what you’re no longer interested in and use those funds for something else which will provide more growth potential.


The word retirement sends shivers down the spines of many business owners. For some, it is a stressful process filled with unknowns and uncertainties; for others, it’s an opportunity to create new projects or enjoy life.

Retirement is inevitable for every business owner. It is one of the deniable truths that your company needs to find new ownership and move on from what has been such a fantastic journey.


Some people may think that if a business is successful enough, it should stick around forever. But the reality of running any company is much more complicated than this, and often, smaller entrepreneurs have to sell their companies for various reasons. Therefore, it is essential to go into the decision with your best intentions to succeed. Having these deniable signs in mind can help you make the best decision for your company and yourself.