Where Have All the Leaders Gone?, part 6 of 6
Leadership Role #5: Managing the Action Cycle
When making requests of team members, a leader must set clear expectations and conditions of satisfaction. This allows employees to request the resources they need to fulfill their project commitments. It is then the leader’s responsibility to ensure that these resources (e.g., budget, staffing, and time) are made available.
Poor communication of expectations is a frequent source of breakdown in leadership. When a leader fails to set explicit conditions of satisfaction for a request, his staff may be uncertain about what is required of them. In turn, they will likely fail to make clear requests for resources. If, as a result, the project fails, each side is likely to blame the other, producing a mood of distrust and resentment.
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About the Author
Chris Majer, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of The Human Potential Project, is the author of The Power to Transform: Passion, Power, and Purpose in Daily Life (Rodale), which teaches the strategies corporate, military, and sports leaders have used to positively transform themselves and their organizations in a way readers can adept to their own lives and professions. He may be reached at www.humanpotentialproject.com.