
Three Ways to Improve Safety and Security in Your Firm

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article | Three Ways to Improve Safety and Security in Your Firm

In 2024, every business needs to do everything in its power to protect itself from threats and risks. For example, every employer must take all reasonable steps to protect its workforce from accidents in the workplace.

If they don’t do this, they may be held liable for financial penalties due to oversights in health and safety and may even be subject to legal actions from the affected workers, especially if they’ve suffered long-term or life-changing injuries because of the accident. Put simply, every workplace must be a safe and secure environment.

However, security in business takes many different forms. It must encompass other considerations in addition to risk management, including protection against cybercrime and secure physical premises that aren’t an easy target for burglars.

In this article, three ways to improve the security of your firm will be discussed, taking in these different forms of security.

1. Outsource Regulatory and Risk Management Functions

Every company needs a comprehensive risk management system that seeks to limit a range of business risks. In addition, companies will need to comply with industry-specific regulatory frameworks that are designed to foster safe and secure working practices. However, this may often require the need for dedicated risk management functions and compliance teams which can be costly to employ.

In some circumstances, it may be beneficial to outsource the Compliance and Risk Management functions of an organization to third-party specialist providers. By doing this, the company will gain expert staff who specialize in these fields and use the latest technology to undertake their roles. This can save a firm time and money, allowing it to focus on other core areas of its business.

2. Create a Cybersecurity Culture

In the modern world of business, one of the greatest security risks posed is by the actions of cybercriminals. Thousands of cyberattacks are unleashed across the internet daily and no business is truly 100% safe from the security risks that these acts pose to a company. Even the most sophisticated of tech companies are at risk of cybercrime, which was demonstrated when Sony Pictures was hacked in November 2014.

It’s estimated that 95% of all cyberattacks are successful due to acts of human error in the workforce. In an age where simply clicking on a malicious link can infect your computer and spread to the wider business network, all employees need to be aware of the risks of cybercrime, the impacts of a successful attack, and the commonly employed methods used to compromise IT systems.

Employers should roll out mandatory cybersecurity training for all new starters and support this learning through annual training packages for all staff.

3. Improve Your Office Premises

While the threats posed by cybercrime are becoming increasingly understood, it’s also important to consider the security of physical premises and corporate assets. Office buildings and other workplaces should be risk-assessed from a security perspective.

It can be beneficial to add barriers to corporate car parks that are either manned by security personnel or require a swipe card to lift the barrier, and use key codes or cards to gain entry to the premises. In addition, perimeter fencing can provide a strong visual deterrent to potential thieves, making the property less of an easy option for burglars.