
6 Small Business Strategies to Gain More Customers

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article | 6 Small Business Strategies to Gain More Customers

Every small business is attempting to attract new customers, but not all of them are successful, which is why around 60% of small businesses fail within the first year. There’s no miracle “fits all” solution to gaining more customers, as every business and its audience is unique, but you can ensure that by following the below strategies, you will gain new custom and increase your profits.

Know Your Audience

Before you do anything to boost your customer base, you have to know who your customers are. Therefore, you have to research the market and write an audience profile. This will detail their demographics and reveal their motivations for using your service. Once you have this information, you can target all of your efforts around this persona.

Liaise with Experts

There’s no denying that the majority of small business owners are masters of their craft, but that doesn’t mean they’re masters of business strategies like lead generation. To get around this problem, many small business owners seek out experts to give them a boost. For example, you can use lead generation services that will take offering support one step further; they’ll take care of the strategy so that you don’t have to.

Get on Social Media

There are over 4.76 billion social media users worldwide, and you can guarantee your ideal audience is hanging out waiting for the perfect solution to their problem. If your business isn’t on social media already, you need to rectify that straight away. However, it’s not enough to simply exist on social media anymore; you need to actively engage with your community by posting regularly and answering questions.

Team Up With Other Businesses

Your business is just one in a sea that is grappling with the enormous task of attracting customers. Therefore, you should spend time networking and forming partnerships; your mutual interests may lead to new customer opportunities. For example, you may find a business that offers a service that’s close to yours – and yours close to theirs – meaning you can recommend each other to fulfil that part of the service.

Create a Functional Website

Websites are the digital front door of a business, so not having one isn’t really an option. When you’re building or optimising a website, you need to make sure it looks attractive, is packed with valuable information, and is easy to use. As well as this, you need to make sure that all content is created with search engine optimisation (SEO) in mind, which will help your page land higher on the SERPs (search engine results pages).

Launch Offers and Discounts

Securing customers is challenging, especially when there’s so much competition out there already. Therefore, to seal the deal, you should consider providing discounts and offers. Then, once you’ve proven your worth and gained consumer trust, you can keep reeling them in with a loyalty program.

Gaining new customers is critical to the survival of small businesses, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. To avoid becoming another first-year business failure, implement the above strategies and watch as your level of trade starts to increase.