
Healthcare Industry: Top 3 Hard Skills for Your Resume

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article |Healthcare Industry|Healthcare Industry: Top 3 Hard Skills for Your ResumeAre you a healthcare professional applying for a job? If so, there are several skills you need to have in your resume to secure an interview and ultimately get your dream job. These skills include soft skills and hard skills. Employers in the healthcare industry value hard skills just like soft skills.

Hard skills are abilities that include doing specific tasks on the job. You can learn these while doing your professional studies, through vocational training, or even when employed. Hard skills are specific to processes and tasks like using tools, equipment, or software. Read on to learn more about the top 3 hard skills you need and examples of how to include them in your resume.

Marketing Skills

Marketing skills include making sales, advertising products or services, and consumer knowledge. You may need them as a healthcare professional to help boost sales and gain more patients for the organization.

Also, these skills are inclusive of technical and digital skills that you may need in providing online healthcare marketing services. Most organizations have moved from the traditional way of boosting their sales to modern platforms such as social media. Therefore, several marketing skills such as SEO, digital advertising, content creation, storytelling, and data-driven communication have become more relevant. Having these skills will be an added advantage to your resume.

To show your marketing expertise for your resume you can refer to this example:

  • Created 10+ SEO healthcare campaigns and grew organic traffic by 60% in 8 months.

Management Skills

You could be a nurse, a doctor, a physician, or any other healthcare professional applying for a job. You must have collective abilities that include decision-making, business planning, communication, delegation, etc. These skills will come in handy in your job description regardless of your specialization.

These abilities will help you lead your team and effortlessly take care of all your roles and responsibilities in your department. Do enough research on the best ways to prove management skills in your resume. Better still, refer to this example:

  • Boosted engagement for our healthcare programs by 60% through increased facetime with colleagues.

Note, your examples should refer to a specific managerial skill as in the example above that proves good communication.

Presentation Skills

You may have done a presentation about specific topics in your high school class, college, or to a panel of professionals in your previous job. It is not any different for a healthcare organization. You will need presentation skills to pass across information about issues or even products and services to your colleagues or consumers.

Presentation skills are abilities you have in graphic design, data analysis, preparing slideshows, reporting, visual communication, among many others. Moreover, having soft skills like confidence will come in handy in perfecting this skill.
You can prove how savvy you are in your presentation skills by referring to this example:

  • Assisted the resident doctor with preparing slideshows in PowerPoint for a presentation.


There are several other skills that you can add to your resume apart from management, marketing, and presentation skills. Analytical, technical, writing, computer, and design skills are also important. Do thorough research on the best way to prove your specific hard skills in your resume to secure that interview and the job in the healthcare organization.

3 Things Healthcare Organizations Do Differently When It Comes to Advertising

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article |Healthcare Organizations|3 Things Healthcare Organizations Do Differently When It Comes to AdvertisingLike other industries, basic marketing principles, such as strategic planning and branding, apply to healthcare marketing. Nevertheless, healthcare marketing needs a different approach as compared to other industries.

Most people in the healthcare business have little or no business knowledge. They also like to see their establishment as a profession rather than a business. They are more inclined towards maintaining their reputation, almost forgetting that they need to attract clients, just like any other business.

Healthcare marketing has to be different from traditional marketing. Here are some of the ways in which healthcare marketing is different from marketing in other industries.

1. Sensitivity

While advertising for healthcare, marketers have to be sensitive to connect with clients. In most cases, people looking for health-related services are anxious. They could be concerned about their health or the health of their loved ones. Connecting with someone in such a situation is quite different from connecting with someone excited about buying a new car.

To connect with someone looking for health services, health marketers need to have a warm touch. The patients need to feel that someone cares about their well-being. If the patient feels like you are taking advantage of their poor health to make money, they will no longer trust you. The marketer needs to show respect for the patient’s emotions while also expressing friendly authority. There are many ways to make a healthcare organization visible without coming out as insensitive.

2. The Concept of Exchange

In traditional financial marketing, the end goal is to benefit the company as well as its stakeholders financially. However, that is not the case in healthcare marketing. The end goal of healthcare organizations is to benefit patients. Therefore, marketing aims to sensitize the public on the importance of good health and excellent health care.

In conventional marketing, consumers get a product or service in exchange for their money. However, in health care, consumers get a service, such as laboratory tests, in exchange for their time and effort. Although money is involved, it is not the primary commodity during the exchange.

3. Limitation to Special Offers

It is common for new businesses to give introductory offers to their new clients. Although such offers exist in the healthcare industry, they are not as prevalent as in other businesses. That is because there are legal restrictions in health care, such as insurance guidelines. The guidelines limit the healthcare organizations’ ability to offer special pricing discounts to their clients.
However, some services are legally allowed. For example, it is legal to host a free educational seminar. Introductory offers are more common in services that are not covered by insurance, such as cosmetic surgeries. For instance, some cosmetic surgeons may offer free consultation sessions to their clients.

Besides legal restrictions, many healthcare organizations are against making introductory offers. Some practitioners believe that it is unprofessional, and suggests they are offering low-quality services.

The Need to Compel Clients

Most patients will assume that all healthcare organizations are equal, as long as they are licensed. Therefore, it is up to an organization to stand out from the rest and compel clients to trust them with their health. Therefore, marketing in healthcare is inevitable. Healthcare organizations have to ensure that they remain within the legal constraints and abide by all marketing ethics.

The Importance of Healthcare Marketing for Your Medical Business

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, The Importance of Healthcare Marketing for Your Medical Business

Do you have a thorough marketing plan in place for your medical organization?

Are you missing out on the benefits of healthcare marketing?

If you’re not treating your medical organization like a business and putting serious effort into promoting your services, you’re making a mistake. You need to do everything you can to get the word out about your healthcare practice if you want to get more patients and form great relationships with the ones you already have.

Luckily, we’re here for you. Below we’ll tell you about the top reasons you should have a solid healthcare marketing strategy for your medical business.

1. Reach More People

One of the top reasons you need healthcare marketing is that it helps you to expand your reach and build more brand awareness.

Like with any other company or business, it’s also important to build the brand of a healthcare organization as well. Marketing a clinic will allow you to cultivate your brand image and more potential patients will know about the type of care you offer.

Having a great healthcare marketing strategy is essential for expanding your reach and ensuring your medical business has a great local reputation.

2. Build Stronger Relationships

Creating a marketing plan for your practice will not only help you to get new patients. It can help you stay connected with the ones you already have as well.

Ideally, your patients won’t need your services too often, but if they do, it’s important that you’re at the top of their minds.

Be sure you’re marketing your medical business not only to potential new patients but also to previous patients as well. By doing so, you’ll ensure that your practice helps as many people as possible.

3. Educate Your Patients

Patient education is also essential for building a strong practice or organization. Part of your marketing plan should include creating educational content and informing patients how to better take care of themselves, their general health, and any specific conditions they have.

The better educated your patients are the easier they’ll be to care for and the more likely they’ll be to come back if they notice issues with their health.

4. Patients Will Do Their Research

These days, patients will do a lot of research first before deciding to visit your practice or healthcare organization. Healthcare marketing can help you to craft your image and will help ensure patients find the most useful information online.

Creating a great marketing plan, ensuring your website is filled with useful information, and managing your online reputation will make it more likely that patients will make the decision to use your services.

5. Ensure Great Word-of-Mouth

It’s important that you realize the importance of building a great reputation both on and offline. These days many people will pay attention to online reviews when deciding whether to visit your practice or not.

A great marketing plan and online reputation management tactics can help you to improve your reputation. This will help ensure that bad feedback isn’t scaring potential patients away.

Recognizing the Importance of Healthcare Marketing

There are many more benefits than those listed above, but by now you should be starting to realize the importance of healthcare marketing.

While your main goal may be to help people you still need to treat your organization as a business. Marketing your organization effectively is essential for getting great patients and doing the best you can for those who need your services.

Looking for more marketing tips and ideas for medical businesses? Start exploring our blog now to find more useful advice and insights.