Entries by StrategyDriven

5 Reasons Your Startup Should Be in Healthcare

When you think of startup companies, you may think of some obvious ones that are now household names. There are social media platforms, mobile video games, banking apps, ride-sharing services and home rental marketplaces. You know them well.

Boost The Efficiency Of Your Business

If you’re just starting up a business, it’s vital that you know how to run it as efficiently as possible, you can’t afford to waste even a penny on a poor investment. Knowing what you can do to make sure you’re getting the most sales and income while spending the least amount of money without sacrificing customer and employee satisfaction is key to growing efficiently!

How To Integrate Your Offline And Online Marketing Efforts

When it comes to marketing today, there are many different options available to you. However, most techniques tend to fall into one of two categories; either online or offline marketing. A healthy balance of both approaches is often the remedy to success, depending on the nature of your business. However, you can supercharge your efforts if you manage to integrate both campaigns, ensuring they work together to help one and other. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the different ways you can integrate your online and offline marketing efforts.

Knowing Your Territory: Can You Make a Living Podcasting?

Podcasts continue to grow in popularity. As a result, there are many people who want to join the individuals who are already taking advantage of this new form of expression. From individual hobbyists who want to share an interest they have while supplementing their income to business owners who want to grow a new customer base and build their authority in an industry, podcasting offers a huge appeal.