Organizational Performance Measures Whitepaper – Construction

Constructing organizational performance measures addresses the practical side of building vertically cascaded and horizontally shared measures based on the principles discussed in earlier documents. Because performance measures facilitate decision-making within an organization, their construction is highly influenced by the needs of executives and managers in making decisions regarding the parameters being reflected by the measures. Therefore the qualities described herein focus on enhancing performance measure interpretation to speed condition recognition and promote appropriate, proactive response.

In this whitepaper, you'll learn the principles of constructing high quality performance measures that support vertical cascading and horizontal sharing among organizational units. Note, however, that this document does not address the complex statistical properties associated with some performance measures. Knowledge of these principles is best obtained through formal training.

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Decision-Making Whitepaper – Evaluating Decision Options

Credibility of the organization’s mission and values depends largely on management decisions that exemplify them. Maintaining credibility includes strong reinforcement of mission goals and organizational values when decisions are made that affect cost, production, and/or schedule.

Consistency between leadership’s decisions and the organization’s mission and values is vital in light of today’s growing production pressures. Whereas personnel attitudes and actions reflect those of their supervisors, all executives and managers must continuously reinforce their commitment to the organization’s mission and values, particularly through their decisions. It is only when personnel perceive management’s commitment as unwavering that their day -to-day decisions and activities will align with the organization’s overarching objectives.

In this whitepaper, you'll learn the principles of choosing between two or more complex options; to select the option containing the mix of characteristics that will most optimally achieve the desired result.

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Organizational Performance Measures Whitepaper – Types

Effective organizational performance measures are organizationally relevant and operationally complete; providing a clear picture of company performance relative to its mission. A well constructed performance measurement system helps drive organizational alignment and provides managers with timely information about adverse conditions so action can be taken to prevent undesirable consequences.

There exists a wide range of performance measures. Situational needs and the added complexities associated with vertical cascading and horizontal sharing dictate the most suitable type to be used. Understanding each measure’s unique applications, benefits, and shortfalls will aid in their appropriate situational application.

In this whitepaper, you'll learn how to select the most appropriate type of performance measure for a given circumstance.

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Organizational Performance Measures Whitepaper – Alignment

Effective organizational performance measures are organizationally relevant and operationally complete; providing a clear picture of company performance relative to its mission. A well constructed performance measurement system helps drive organizational alignment and provides managers with timely information about adverse conditions so action can be taken to prevent undesirable consequences. In this whitepaper, you'll learn about the performance measure characteristics that serve to align the managerial decision-making and employee actions to the organizations mission goals.
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Strategic Planning Whitepaper – Analysis

Strategic analysis is a critical component of the strategic planning process. An integral part of a company's evaluation and control program, it provides managers with a comprehensive assessment of the organization's capabilities and market factors; revealing growth opportunities and vulnerabilities. Armed with this information, managers can more effectively chose from among today's strategic alternatives to create the greatest future reward potential.

The power of a strategic analysis, especially one developed by an independent team, is that it helps eliminate the biases and assumptions of success that often plagues strategic planning. This tool balances management intuition and experience with the facts and figures representing corporate performance and the business environment. Additionally, the documentation of key assumptions facilitates performance monitoring and allows for proactive, rather than reactive, response to changes in the market environment.

In this whitepaper, you'll learn about the major building blocks comprising a high quality strategic analysis that serves as the foundation of the strategic planning process.

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