StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article | Entrepreneurship | Next Level | 2 Ways to Take Your Business to the Next Level

2 Ways to Take Your Business to the Next Level

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article | Entrepreneurship | Next Level | 2 Ways to Take Your Business to the Next LevelYou didn’t start your business just to see it flounder and struggle at the foot of its market. You took the plunge and brought your organization to life because you wholeheartedly believed that it would one day be capable of reaching the pinnacle of its industry. If your business is to scale these incredibly lofty heights, you need to start taking action today. More to the point, you have to find a way to take your business to the next level.

To find out how this can be achieved, be sure to read on.

Expand Your Workspace

The bigger your workspace is, the more work you will be able to produce on a day-by-day basis. This will result in being able to provide your customers with a greater product range, which will ultimately result in standing a better chance of increasing your revenues. If you want to turn over a far greater profit and subsequently invest this extra money into taking your business to the next level, then you should seriously consider expanding your workspace.

Taking such action can entail you doing a number of different things. It can simply mean finding and moving into a bigger space, it can mean adding more space onto your current operational area, or it can even mean building your own bespoke space. Should you opt to follow the latter route — building your own workspace — you will be able to create an operational area that is tailored to your business’s specific wants and needs. Whatever you do, however, just make sure that you align yourself with a professional that is capable of creating bespoke buildings for businesses, such as BBB accredited Armstrong Steel. With them by your side, you will be able to circumvent the challenges of expanding your workspace and ultimately build an area that is optimized, safe and suited specifically to your needs.

Focus on Customer Service

If you want to attract and retain your target audience, you need to focus on your customer service capabilities. Quite simply, you should treat each individual consumer in a highly optimized and bespoke manner. Anything less, and your most desired client base will start looking for an alternative service provider in your market.

To improve your customer service, you must:

  • Understand your customer needs
  • Seek and analyze customer feedback
  • Go above and beyond to ‘WOW!’ your customers
  • Invest in customer service training for your sales team
  • Set clear standards and expectations with regards to customer service
  • Build your customer service processes around the consumer, not your organization
  • Empathize with your customers
  • Cross-sell as often as you can
  • Use positive language and body language
  • Know your products and services inside out
  • Always seek to establish common ground
  • Communicate with your customers clearly
  • Be an active listener
  • Respond to customer queries quickly

If you want to reach the very top of your industry, you constantly have to find a way to take your business to the next level. Put the above advice into practice, and you’ll be sure to do just that.

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business | Entrepreneurship | Restaurant | Refining Your Craft: 4 Aspects of Business Every Restaurant Owner Can Improve

Refining Your Craft: 4 Aspects of Business Every Restaurant Owner Can Improve

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business | Entrepreneurship | Restaurant | Refining Your Craft: 4 Aspects of Business Every Restaurant Owner Can ImproveMany restaurateurs get started with visions of rave reviews and prestigious awards dancing before their eyes. Running a real restaurant, though, almost always turn out to be more difficult and demanding than expected.

Fortunately, there are a number of proven ways for restaurant owners and operators of all kinds to raise the bar higher. There are at least four important facets of the restaurant business that can almost always use some attention.

1. Double Down on Accounting

Laypeople sometimes believe that the most popular restaurants get by entirely on the quality of their food and service. In reality, every successful restaurant rests on a firm, carefully laid financial foundation.

When a restaurant does not feature plenty of enlightening, useful accounting behind the scenes, its days will necessarily be numbered. Upgrading a restaurant’s accounting processes and systems can easily end up being the best way to ensure its long-term viability.

Fortunately, that is easier to achieve than at any time in the past. From focused franchise accounting services to one-off consulting projects, the required kinds of support are now readily accessible.

When a restaurant’s accounting game has become truly well-developed, the entire establishment will be a lot more resilient. Accounting is so important to every restaurant that it often proves to be the best place to look for ways to improve.

2. Cut Down on Waste

Well-run restaurants tend to feature menus that account for every bit of expense tied up in each dish. Even when a great deal of planning has gone into developing a business-informed menu, though, excessive waste can alter the equation significantly.

From scraps that get thrown out instead of being turned into stock to misfired dishes that end up in the trash, waste is a pernicious problem in the restaurant industry. Having strong accounting processes in place will make it easier to identify areas where waste can be reduced or even eliminated.

Over time, that will contribute directly to the continued viability of almost any restaurant. While some level of food waste will typically prove unavoidable, keeping on top of this universally relevant problem will always be best.

3. Make More Efficient Use of Workers

Most restaurants spend just as much on labor as they do on procuring fresh, delicious ingredients. In many cases, though, restaurant workers find their talents being misdirected or even neglected.

Looking to make the most of every employee hour can cut a restaurant’s costs significantly. Having a salaried sous chef handle some additional duties might make it possible to reduce the number of hours scheduled for prep cooks.

Of course, workers have rights and limits, and these always need to be respected. In most cases, simply taking a regular look at how staffers are being employed and when will reveal opportunities for improvement.

4. Speed Up Service

Restaurateurs who are passionate about food never want guests to feel rushed. That generally hospitable approach to the business can encourage excessive slowness if not properly controlled.

Keeping things moving along in the dining room and the kitchen can allow a restaurant to serve more diners each day or night. That can end up raising revenues significantly without adding much to the operation’s costs. In some cases, this can even turn a formerly unprofitable establishment into a successful business.

There are Ways to Improve Any Restaurant’s Operations

Tactics like these consistently help restaurant operators make much-needed progress. Some of the most successful restaurants got there largely because of behind-the-scenes efforts like these. While great food and refined service will always help, restaurants that rest on solid foundations tend to have the best chances of success.

StrategyDriven Editorial Perspective Article | Foreign Aid | Revealed: Who is meeting the official development assistance targets?

Revealed: Who is meeting the official development assistance targets?

Foreign aid is one of those topics that always divides opinion but like it or not, most of the world has signed up to official development assistance targets.

What does this mean? It means that countries should be aiming to provide at least 0.70% of their GNI towards foreign aid.

Well, perhaps unsurprisingly, a new infographic from Wristband has shown that this isn’t necessarily the case. Instead, there are just five countries who have met such targets, with Nordic countries often taking the mantle. Sweden ranks at the top of the charge at 1.02%, while Norway is at 0.99% and Denmark is at 0.74%. Luxembourg and the United Kingdom were the two other nations above the recommended threshold at 1% and 0.70% respectively.

Of course, the main headline that will derive from this will be the countries that aren’t meeting these recommended targets. While the United States is by far and away the biggest donator, pledging over $34 billion, this only equates to 0.18% of their Gross National income. In fairness to Germany, who are the second biggest donator, they fall only slightly under the recommended target at 0.67%.

For those of you who want to delve into the data in more granular form, we will leave you with the infographic below. It reveals the countries which benefit the most, as well as just how much your own nation is giving to respective countries. It makes for interesting reading, and certainly provides a fresh insight into a topic that is somewhat polemic, should we say.

StrategyDriven Editorial Perspective Article | Revealed: Who is meeting the official development assistance targets? | Foreign Aid

StrategyDriven Editorial Perspective Article |fee for service|Why Fee for Service in Healthcare is Dead

Why Fee for Service in Healthcare is Dead

StrategyDriven Editorial Perspective Article |fee for service|Why Fee for Service in Healthcare is DeadThe healthcare industry is changing and changing fast. It’s become clear that the industry is no longer sustainable.

Healthcare costs have skyrocketed over the last several years. Businesses and employees alike struggle with rising premiums and emergency procedures. The stress is taking its toll on the nation.

The industry is in for several major shifts. One of those shifts will be in fee for service healthcare.
Read on to learn why this model for delivering healthcare will no longer work and what’s going to replace it.

What is Fee for Service Care?

Let’s start by defining what fee for service healthcare is. It’s the payment for services rendered. So, when a doctor or healthcare professional performs a service, they get paid for it.

Take a look at the most recent invoice from your doctor. You’ll probably see a number of line items for a 15-minute visit.

One line item might be for a test performed, another for taking your blood pressure, another for two aspirin that you were given at your visit.

The more procedures they do, the more they get paid. That’s the case no matter what the outcome is. Your health could improve, or it could deteriorate. The healthcare providers will still get paid because they performed the work.

That incentivizes healthcare professionals to perform more work whether the work is necessary or not. It doesn’t give them an incentive to improve your health, even though that’s what they’re there for.

An Alternative to Fee for Service Healthcare

Fee for service has long been the way that the healthcare industry worked. One of the unintended consequences of this model is waste.

Procedures cost more and they aren’t even necessary. This model has contributed to the high costs of healthcare. Of course, there are other factors as well, but this is definitely one of those factors.

What’s the alternative to the fee for service model? Healthcare policy experts are getting behind a value-based healthcare model.

The value based care definition says that providers should be paid based on the result. It’s like a pay for performance model.

In this model, the attention shifts to the patient’s needs, instead of creating dozens of line items for every minute thing.

The good news is that major insurers are starting to get behind the value-based care model. For example, Medicare and the Affordable Care Act legislation have championed this approach to paying for healthcare.

The Healthcare Industry is Changing

It’s become clear that the high costs of healthcare are taking its toll on everyday Americans. Policymakers and healthcare professionals are trying to find solutions to provide quality care and lower costs at the same time.

One big change that’s becoming more common is how healthcare providers are paid. There’s been a shift from a fee for service model to a value-based model. The fee for service model provides a payment incentive for the outcome of the patient’s health, not just the quantity of services provided.

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StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Keys to social media marketing|Social Media Success: 10 Keys to Social Media Marketing

Social Media Success: 10 Keys to Social Media Marketing

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, Social Media Success: 10 Keys to Social Media Marketing

Did you know Facebook alone has over 2 billion active users? That’s an ocean of potential leads, paying customers, and more! Don’t forget there are other social media platforms to consider, like YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.

However, you can’t simply post randomly and hope you’ll succeed. There are certain keys to social media marketing that you need to grab and take advantage of.

Don’t fret, we’re not going to leave you hanging. Read on below to discover 10 crucial tips for social media marketing success:

1. Pick the Right Platform

One of the most important keys to social media marketing success is to use the right platform. Don’t immediately assume that people using Facebook are the same as those on Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, or Twitter. People go to these platforms for different things and each platform sets up different expectations.

People on YouTube want to see short videos that fully explain and explore a product. Those on Instagram might want to see expertly-edited photos.

2. Track the Right Metrics

Do you think it’s important to track how many people like your posts or share your latest videos? Those are great metrics but they don’t directly correlate to profit.

Track crucial metrics first.

This means keeping an eye on conversions-per-post, for example. This metric alone can tell you what kind of posts are the most effective in increasing conversions. Do you see more conversions when you post video ads on Instagram, snarky quotes on Twitter, or memes on Facebook?

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3. Invest in Graphic Design

Having a strong brand image is essential for social media success. Look at your favourite influencer and visit their profile. You’ll notice their images are all brand and well-designed. Dark roast is like having your own in-house designer but without the obligation of employing someone full time. It’s also a great design pickle alternative, offering unlimited graphic design for a fraction of the cost!

4. Pop-Culture is Your Friend

Is anyone surprised Baby Yoda exploded in popularity and now every shop under the sun wants to sell some sort of Baby Yoda and The Mandalorian merchandise? The biggest reason the character got so famous is pop-culture. Memes and funny GIFs propelled The Mandalorian into what it is today.

Use pop-culture to your advantage. Dig deep into Reddit and Facebook to discover the most trending memes and GIFs. Integrate the humor into your social media posts to increase shares and brand exposure.

5. Schedule Ahead

Create your marketing materials one month ahead. This should include your ad videos, posters, promo blurbs, and banners.

When ready, use tools like HootSuite. This tool lets you prepare social media posts and then schedule when they’ll upload and go live. As much as possible, do this for the whole month.

Preparing like this helps you reach social media marketing goals. You know what you want and scheduling your posts ensures you know which steps you’re taking to get to the end-goal.

6. Follow Up Social Media Leads

Did a few hundred people click on your Facebook post to sign up for a survey or newsletter registration? Don’t wait for your email marketing plan to kick-off! You can follow-up on social media leads quickly with text message marketing.

Why stop there?

You can prioritize those leads by giving them an exclusive look at your new product or give them a discount for a limited period. You can allow them to participate in A/B split testing for your new services or website design. Give them something, a reward for taking a step forward, and this can encourage them to purchase.

7. Integrate Your Store

Speaking of sales, try to give social media users as much convenience as possible. Did you post an image of your latest products? Why force them to click on a link to go to your site, funnel them to the checkout process, and then redirect them back?

Why suck them out of Instagram or Facebook when you can integrate your store with tools like Shopify? Using Shopify allows you to sell on social media, through your posts. A user can now click on the image you uploaded on Instagram and they’ll immediately get taken to the checkout page.

It’s quicker, simpler, and you’re not interrupting with their social media sphere.

8. Use Facebook Pixel

How do you get site visitors back and convince them to purchase or subscribe? One technique is to showcase ads from your site as soon as they get back on Facebook. You can do this with Facebook Pixel.

It’s a small code you can copy and edit. Paste it on your site’s back-end to let it do its thing. Whenever someone visits your website, the code will target the user and redirect Facebook ads towards them.

While it might seem like a little thing, constantly showcasing ads on social media can influence a person’s shopping habits. They might eventually get curious and click on an ad, increasing the chances of them subscribing or purchasing.

9. Take Time to Engage

One of the reasons people follow brands and businesses on social media is because these are platforms where they feel a strong, human connection. Watching a high-end ad on TV has a certain disconnect compared to commenting on Facebook and seeing an actual reply from the company.

Getting in touch with your audience is effective social media marketing. Schedule something like a Facebook Live video or a Reddit AMA.

10. Take Advantage of AI

No matter how many employees you get, you might not have enough to answer all the messages and inquiries you get on social media. Sooner or later, the expenses of hiring more customer service representatives will outweigh the benefits.

Workaround this by using AI chatbots. Fortunately, you can customize chatbots so they can identify keywords and respond appropriately to a certain extent. If needed, provide a means for users to get in touch with an actual person for special concerns.

Bonus: Highlight User-Generated Content

Do you use Pinterest? Create a board and pin images related to your latest advertising theme. Now ask people to create their own boards following the same theme, use a specific hashtag, and share their board with others.

That’s a simple method of giving marketing power to your social media audience by encouraging them to create user-generated content.

Another good example is the Ice Bucket Challenge. It encouraged people to make their own videos to spread awareness about amyotrophic lateral sclerosis aka Lou Gehrig’s disease.

Sometimes, the best way to advertise your brand and business is to let people do it for you. Give them the keys to creative use and watch them make wonders.

Use These Keys to Social Media Marketing Success!

These are ten keys to social media marketing success. Use them in tangent with each other and your goals to get the most out of these platforms. There are millions of people on social media so don’t waste the opportunity!

That said, marketing doesn’t end here. There are other methods outside of social media to consider. If you want content to guide you through these digital marketing techniques, feel free to read our other articles now!