
Nine Top Tips for Building an Outstanding Website

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article | Nine Top Tips for Building an Outstanding Website

According to Forbes, it isn’t easy to stand out among the estimated 1.13 billion websites in 2023. A high-quality website is vital for a successful business, especially in bustling cities like Brisbane, because the city boasts a lively, entrepreneurial spirit and a flourishing arts scene.

An imaginative and commanding online presence is key to capturing and maintaining customer interest.

This article aims to share the best advice for creating a fantastic website, drawing upon the knowledge of some of the industry’s most skilled web designers.

So, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced professional, grab your notebook and join us as we reveal these invaluable tips together!

1. Collaborate With Skilled Local Web Designers

Brisbane is a bustling city where competition for people’s attention is intense. From 2021 to 2022, the city had more than 136,000 registered businesses. Companies require unique websites to make a lasting impression, and enlisting local web design specialists is essential.

Brisbane houses numerous gifted designers who understand the nuances of the local market and can tailor your site to suit your target audience.

Collaborating with these specialists enhances your online presence while supporting the local economy. An intelligent approach to harnessing this rich talent pool involves partnering with a reliable agency to help you develop a website reflecting Brisbane’s distinctive vibe and culture.

What’s the result? An excellent website that provides real advantages for your enterprise. For more insight, look up web design Brisbane to find experts who can cater to your needs for an excellent website.

2. Focus on Delivering Exceptional User Experience

When constructing a top-tier website, user experience should be the core of your design strategy. A site that is easy to navigate and visually captivating will encourage visitors to return. To accomplish this, ensure your site loads rapidly and adjusts seamlessly to different devices.

A neat and organized layout with well-structured content and distinct headings will assist users in locating what they seek effortlessly.

Additionally, ensure your text is concise and to the point, as lengthy paragraphs can overwhelm visitors. You’ll not only leave a good impression on your audience, but you’ll also raise the possibility that they’ll return as repeat visitors.

They might also refer people to your website if you offer a top-notch user experience.

3. Refine Your Typography Skills

While crafting a top-notch website, it’s essential to focus on typography since it plays a vital role in effectively communicating your message. Choose legible and flexible fonts across different devices and screen sizes to ensure your text is easily readable.

We suggest you refrain from using an excessive number of font styles, as it can lead to a cluttered look that distracts from your content.

Instead, maintain a consistent look throughout your site using just a few complementary fonts. The entire appearance of your website will be improved, and your visitors will have a better browsing experience due to your mastery of typography.

Clear and attractive typography contributes to a strong user experience and, in turn, can lead to better engagement and conversions.

4. Ensure Your Website Shines on Mobile Devices

With more than half of the world’s web traffic originating from smartphones and tablets, ensuring your website performs well on mobile devices is crucial. To achieve this, develop a responsive design that adapts to varying screen sizes and resolutions.

Focus on boosting your site’s loading speed since mobile users typically need more patience for slow pages.

Incorporate touch-friendly buttons and simplified navigation to enable easier user interaction with your site. To ensure a seamless experience for everyone, test your website on various devices and browsers.

Adopting this strategy will make your website more attractive to a wider audience, increasing engagement and conversion rates.

5. Maintain Fast Loading Speeds for Your Website

In today’s fast-paced digital world, visitors expect websites to load quickly and efficiently. To keep users from slow-loading pages:

  • Take the necessary steps to optimize your site’s performance.
  • Start by compressing images without sacrificing quality and employing coding best practices that streamline your site’s functionality.
  • Limit the number of plugins you use, as too many can significantly increase load times.

To measure your site’s speed and identify areas for improvement, utilize tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights, which offers valuable recommendations.

By prioritizing fast loading speeds, you’ll create a more satisfying user experience, encouraging visitors to stay on your site longer, explore your content, and become loyal customers.

6. Integrate Engaging Visual Content

A vital part of creating a unique website is including captivating visuals that connect with your audience. High-quality images, videos, and illustrations grab users’ attention and foster an emotional bond with your brand.

Choose high-resolution assets relevant and complementary to your site’s message to maximize your visual content.

Remember to optimize these visuals for different devices to display properly on all screen sizes. Compress your images and videos to minimize their impact on your site’s load times. Slow-loading visuals can drive away visitors.

Compelling visual content can enhance your website’s overall appeal, encourage customers to explore further, and boost your business’s performance.

7. Adopt Effective SEO Techniques

Use search engine optimization (SEO) best practices to build a genuinely amazing website. A well-optimized site will appear higher in search engine results, boosting your visibility and attracting more organic visitors.

To achieve this, use appropriate HTML tags, strategically integrate relevant keywords throughout your content, and produce valuable, engaging material that resonates with your target audience.

If you need clarification on the intricacies of SEO or need guidance on developing a comprehensive strategy, feel free to consult with professionals in the field. Effective SEO will boost your website’s search engine rating and help you reach your target audience, increasing engagement and conversions.

8. Highlight Compelling Calls-to-Action

One crucial aspect of a unique website is the presence of well-crafted calls-to-action (CTAs) that encourage users to take specific steps, like purchasing a product or subscribing to a newsletter.

To create effective CTAs, use action-oriented language that communicates the desired action and employ contrasting colors to make them stand out on the page.

Thoughtfully position your CTAs throughout your site, ensuring they’re visible and accessible to users without overwhelming them. Emphasizing clear and compelling CTAs will effectively guide your visitors toward the actions that matter most to your business.

9. Stay Committed to Continuous Improvement

Creating an excellent website doesn’t stop once it’s live. It’s essential to remain dedicated to updating and enhancing your site as time goes on.

Consistently refresh your content, rectify broken links, and listen to user feedback to ensure your site remains relevant and engaging.

Stay informed about the latest web design trends and industry advancements, incorporating new features and functionalities that align with your brand’s identity and cater to your audience’s preferences.


Building a great website requires a strategic approach and continuous effort. Prioritize user experience, optimize for mobile devices, and implement SEO best practices.

Remember the power of visuals, compelling CTAs, and engaging typography. Keep your site updated, and stay informed about industry trends. By following the guidelines highlighted in this article, you’ll create a website that effectively engages your audience and drives lasting success for your business.

5 Mistakes With Your Business Website

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Business Website|5 Mistakes With Your Business WebsiteIt’s not easy running a business website. The competition can be tough, the demands of your website visitors are more strenuous than ever, and it’s a game that doesn’t allow you to sit still for too long. Still, this is the game that you sign up to play when you enter the online world. Despite the fact that there are plenty of external forces that can harm your website (such as competition and so on), in actual fact, most of the harm stems from the business operator. They make mistakes that harm the quality and trustworthiness of their website, and ultimately harms their profits. Below, we take a look at five common mistakes. Make sure you’re not making any of them!

Low-Quality Media

Your products and services might be outstanding, but if someone is stopping by your website for the first time, how are they to know that? You only have a few seconds to establish your credibility to someone who doesn’t know anything about that. Alas, many companies fail this first test almost instantly, simply by using inadequate photos and videos. If yours are of a low standard, then it’ll be obvious to an experienced internet user, which, at this stage, is just about everyone.

Insufficient Usability

You’re in the business of whatever it is that you sell or the service that you provide. You’re not in the business of website design and usability. Sometimes companies get away with this, but at other times it shows. They have a website that pushes the customer away, or is simply too complicated to make sense of. If you’re going to have a site that works for everyone, then you need to have an eye on the user experience. If you think yours somewhat lacks in this department, then get help from UX 4Sight. They’ll help to ensure that customers understand what your website is all about.

Too Salesy

It’s always important to understand that the customers you’re trying to reach are marketed to all the time. As such, they’ve become pretty aware of when something is far too salesy. If your web copy is full of jargon, and never uses a simple phrase when there’s a much wordier and more complicated option available, then they’ll see through it. If you have to use complicated language to get people to buy, then it’s perhaps time to rethink what you offer!

Annoying Aspects

It doesn’t matter how good your products and services might be: if you’re annoying your website visitors, then they won’t stick around long enough to discover it for themselves. Things like too many pop-ups, notification and newsletter sign up requests, and — especially — autoplay videos all frustrate web users. When the success of your business website hangs in the balance, don’t make it more difficult by annoying your visitors!

Failing to Progress

Finally, make sure you’re progressing and keeping up with the latest internet practices, designs, security, and so on. Your site might look great now, but it won’t be long before it seems outdated!

How To Ensure Your Website Exceeds Expectations

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Website Design|How To Ensure Your Website Exceeds ExpectationsWhen you come up with an idea for an amazing website, it may seem impossible to convert the concept into the real thing. Especially if you lack experience in the field, building and maintaining your own site can appear to be a humongous task that’s daunting to even start. Hopefully these helpful tips can get you set in the right direction to exceed your expectations and become the most successful website you could ever have imagined.

Choose The Right Name

When coming up with the right name for your website, many different ideas will pop into your head (some much better than others). It should be a fairly simple process, so try not to over complicate things by spending too much time thinking of something unique and outlandish. Stick to a couple of keywords and keep it short so it’s easy for users to remember, and less likely for them to misspell when searching in their browser. Make sure that you search beforehand to check whether the name has already been registered by another owner, and claim it as soon possible if it is available as they generally sell very quickly.

Make It Accessible

Ensuring your website is accessible is a vital aspect of the process, as you must make steps to be inclusive of every type of user. There are a few simple ways that you can make your site usable by every person with any type of disability or impairment, whether this be hearing, vision or motor skills related. When you add any images to your website, attach alt text that explains whatever is happening inside the picture so that anyone with a visual impairment can listen to a description instead. Remember to keep text dark in colour, preferably black or dark blue, and allow it to stand out from the background by opting for a lighter shade such as cream or white to enable it to be easily read. If you can, add the option of resizing the text so each user can alter the page to their own personal preference.

The Perfect Design

There are a few key principles that constitute to an excellently designed website. You have to put yourself in the shoes of the user, and think solely about what they might want or expect from your site. Each of your pages should have a specific purpose, and the design should reflect this. Keep the same colour palette throughout the site, alternating between different shades to make it sophisticated and aesthetically pleasing. Use bright colours exclusively for buttons or small areas, as they can be garish and overpowering when used too heavy handedly. The size of headings and body text should be notably different, and navigation menus should be clear and very easy to use to ensure there’s no unnecessary over complications. Ensure that any design features are translated efficiently when loaded in a mobile browser, as a large amount of your users will be visiting your site from their smartphone or tablet.

Image To Text Ratio

Anyone will admit that scrolling through a site that’s all text and no pictures is a dull and boring experience. Equally however, page after page of photos without any meaningful information can be uninteresting after only a couple of clicks. Finding the right balance between text and images is hard to master, but it will ultimately depend on the purpose of your website when it comes to deciding on which ratio is best. Stick to a few high quality images that depict what you really want to show people, and pair these with some really useful blocks of text that sum up your main points without rambling on for too long.

Add Loyalty Options

A user that visits your site once is a massive plus, but it’s better if you’re aiming to convert each person into a loyal and regular visitor. To do this, you should build a feature into your site that allows users to enter and submit their email address. However, it’s not just as simple as adding a box with the text ‘sign up via email’, as you need to give a lot more in order for your visitors to be able to trust you with their personal data and actually want to receive updates and information. Make it a focal point of the home page, and include it in a smaller size on each of the individual pages on your website. Don’t be too bland with the text, allow your users a little taste of what they will be getting by explaining briefly, such as ‘sign up to receive our weekly newsletter, updates, and more..’. This way you can catch their attention and be informative and convincing in just a short piece of text.

The Importance Of White Space

White space can help to emphasize different aspects of your site, and also add a feel of sleek and modern design to each page. By having a white background behind text, you can allow the user to focus their attention on the words themselves and help to keep information clear and accessible. Trying to fill your page from corner to corner with moving gifs, colourful text and a ton of photos will not only make for an immature design, but will make the user lose trust in the credibility of your website and information. Stick to what you need and keep it classy by emphasizing each section with negative space and restore some peace and harmony within your colour palette. Though it may appear minimalist, it still won’t have the opportunity to feel basic as you can then allow your main assets to catch the visitors attention and shine.

Test It

When you think you have your website close to its final stages, now is the time to consider doing some kind of testing. You should carry out several different experiments across your site to see how easy it is to navigate around, and whether all of the different sections and buttons operate properly. Your website has to fits its intended purpose with its content whilst still providing something extra through its layout and design, so bare both of these aspects in mind when doing any kind of testing. Be sure to include other users in your tests, whether this be colleagues or family and friends, as you need to be able to gain a different viewpoint and perspective that only another human with their own thoughts and feelings can offer.

Generating Traffic

Even if you have the most beautifully designed website that provides the user with the perfect experience, you simply will not get any visitors unless you generate traffic. Becoming a popular site takes a fair amount of time, but optimization is achievable if you think logically. If you can’t figure it all out yourself, does an SEO agency make sense for you? They have the means to force you to work your way up search results in the web to have a much better chance of being noticed and visited. Use some specific keywords in order to be included in the relevant pages, and ensure that none of your links or pages are broken. By being towards the top of a users search engine, you are more likely to be seen as not many people go further than the 2nd or 3rd page of results when online.

Measure Success And React Accordingly

When you release your website onto the internet, you have to put measures in place in order to track visitor statistics. It will be helpful to find out how many users view your page each day, and what those users look at on your website. Being able to monitor how each visitor interacts with your website will allow you to assess whether each page is serving its purpose, and whether there’s anything you might be able to do to improve their experience. When you have gathered this data over a period of a few weeks or months, analyze the positive and negatives and decide upon some changes you will make to allow your website to perform better. By regularly checking your visitor statistics, you can stay always up to date with the changing wants and needs of the user, and help you stay on top of your game.

Hopefully the information above can help you create the most amazing website, that succeeds in every way possible. Consider every aspect of the users wants and needs at each stage of the design and implementation process, as they should be your main focus throughout. Be ready to put in the work and stay on top of maintaining the site after its completion by carrying out regular rigorous testing, and you can ensure that your site makes it to the top and stays there for as long as possible. Most importantly, don’t forget to enjoy yourself. The web is an amazing place to network with other like minded individuals and show off your skills, so switch on your laptop and get creating.

Designing Your First Business Website

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Website Design| Designing Your First Business WebsiteWhen you are starting a business, one big cost-saving you can make is setting up a website yourself. This is quite a risky move if you are a beginner but it will get you started sooner rather than later.

As an entrepreneur, it is really important that you start building up your brand awareness as soon as possible. The more you can do to start winning over customers, the easier it will be to launch your business successfully down the line. Your website is the first thing you should do.

Keep Your Design Simple

The first rule of all websites is that your design must be simple and intuitive. While a bespoke website might appeal, there are two main reasons that this is out of your league right now. Firstly, building an intuitive bespoke website is a lot harder than you might think; secondly, unless you are a genius when it comes to development, you are probably out of your depth.

Instead of building a bespoke website, you should choose a ready-made design for a website. This is much easier because a lot of the legwork has already been done and you can customize most designs with your own branding. Having a solid foundation also means that you can look at the website’s usability and decide which design will be best for your customers.

At this stage, you should be building your website in order to give Google a chance to discover your URL and see what your business is about. Please don’t worry about making something perfect. As long as the basics are there, you will have something to work with later on. Many businesses start with a basic website and then move on to something designed by a professional after their first year.

Make Your Branding Stand Out

Your business branding is absolutely essential. This is the first impression you give your customers and must tell them exactly what your business is about and why they will like it. Branding isn’t just about having a cool logo, you also need to think about your company’s name, the imagery you use and the tone of voice.

Some of the best examples of small business branding show that the process of branding a business can also help to refine who you are and what you are doing. This process should clarify the main messages you want to present to your customers as well as to your employees. Take your time at this stage and the rewards will really pay off in the long term.

However, just like your website, your branding can be open to change later on. What you stand for in your first year of business is very likely to change, even if it’s a subtle shift. At the moment, you should be looking for branding that will entice new customers and bring people to your website. You should then use your time to refine your brand, a process which may eventually lead to a complete rebrand later on.

Add a Blog and Start Writing Content

A basic website can be a single page that gives the user everything they need to know and an opportunity to convert. However, this isn’t going to get you very far with the search engines. Adding more pages might be a stretch right now but adding a blog is really simple and posting just once a week can make a big difference.

Every business should have a blog. It’s by far the easiest way to add more keywords to your site, improve your overall SEO and have shareable content at your fingertips when you are struggling for a message to post on social media. Blogs are also a good way to answer questions your customers might have and provide the information they need to convert.

As you write and update your blog, you will gradually find that you have more ideas for pages and be able to see which routes customers take to convert. This is a great way to see what sort of content marketing strategy might work and give you a chance to get to know your audience a little better. Engaging with the people who are most interested in your brand through your blog is a huge compliment and actually listening to their advice is a good idea.

Designing your first website takes time and patience but it is the perfect opportunity to learn more about your brand, pick up some SEO skills and refine your marketing skills. The first year of any business should always be treated as a learning curve. Make the most.